
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 20:41:14







  • 意大利邦YYY 股份有限公司, 一家在意大利设立的公司,其注册地址为via      , Suzzara, Mantova, Italy, 其增值税号码为        ,其授权签字人为   ……..先生 (以下简称为“公司”);



  • ……先生,中国公民,身份证号码          /护照号码        , 其住址为中国北京市朝阳区     里    楼     室(以下简称“…先生”);








A)          年  月   日,公司任命…先生(附件1)为意大利YYY股份有限公司北京代表处,一家在中华人民共和国注册的代表处,其注册地址为中华人民共和国北京市朝阳区    楼     号(以下简称为“北京代表处”)的首席代表;


B)          年  月  日,... 先生与公司签署了一份顾问协议(附件2),接受被任命为北京代表处的顾问和首席代表,其薪金为每月    美金;


C)    在     年  月   日的会议中,(附件3), …先生同意从     年  月   日其年薪增至        美金;


D)           年  月,意大利 ZZZ( 集团)股份有限公司, 控股意大利YYY股份有限公司, 同时由…先生出任代表, 设立名为PP液压机械(杭州)有限公司的外商独资企业,其注册地址为中华人民共和国浙江省杭州市    区    经济技术开发区    路以南    ...路以东    , 其授权签字人为……先生 (以下简称“外商独资企业”)。…先生被任命为外商独资企业的法定代表人和总经理(附件4);


E)    此任命不授予任何附加报酬,因此B)和D)所述职位的年薪为      美金;


F)           年   月   日,...先生向公司递交了两封辞职信,辞去北京代表处首席代表和外商独资企业法定代表人和总经理之职 (附件5);









……先生的辞职自    年  月  日生效(以下简称为“生效日”)。



……先生同意在中国为公司提供其服务至生效日期止,且公司承诺在北京的相关机关办理北京代表处首席代表一职的所有相关注销手续和在   的有关机关办理外商独资企业法定代表人和总经理之职的所有相关注销手续。






至生效日,……先生提供顾问服务的月薪应当不变,即总月薪     美金。



如果北京代表处注销登记手续办理完毕之日早于生效日, ……先生仍然应当在公司要求的情况下提供其顾问服务至生效日。










i)        在生效日前或在公司要求的更早日期,向公司返还所有属于公司或任何其关联公司或任何在其雇佣期间与其有联系第三方财产、设备、记录、信件、文件和其他电子或纸制资料 (无论正本、副本或摘录);和

ii)      对从其业务中和从在其对公司提供顾问服务期间与其联系的相关实体或第三方得到的公司专有信息和策略,包括但不限于客户列表、价格、销售记录保密;和

iii)    支付有关由公司根据本协议收取的任何款项的个人所得税。















1-     任命书;

2-     顾问合同;

3-     会议报告;

4-     任命书;

5-     辞职信.
























Termination Agreement

(hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”)



This Agreement is made and entered into by and between:



  • YYY S.p.A., a company established in Italy, whose registered address is at via         , Suzzara, Mantova, Italy, VAT number       , and whose authorized signatory is Mr. ……(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”);




  • Mr. ……, Chinese citizen, ID no.          / Passport no.      , and residing at Room     , Building no.    ,         Li, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Mr. …”);


(the “Parties”)






A)    On MM/DD, YY the Company appointed Mr. … (Annex 1) for the position of Chief Representative of YYY S.p.A. – Beijing Representative Office, a registered office established in People’s Republic of China, whose address is at No.     ,     Lou, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Beijing Office”);


B)    On MM/DD, YY Mr. … signed a contract of consultancy (Annex 2) with the Company, to accept the appointment as consultant and Chief Representative of the Beijing Office, and setting his remuneration to US$      per month;


C)    During a meeting in MM/DD, YY (Annex 3), Mr. … agreed to an increase in his annual fees to        US$ from the effective date of MM/DD, YY;


D)    In MM/YY, ZZZ S.p.A., holding company of PP S.p.A., also represented by Mr. ..., established a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise named PP Hydraulic and Mechanical Components (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd., whose registered address is at East of      Road, south of        Road,     – Economic & Technological Development Zone,      District, Hangzhou,    Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China, and whose authorized signatory is Mr. …… (hereinafter referred to as the “WFOE”). Mr. …… was appointed for the position of Legal Representative and General Manager of the WFOE (Annex 4);


E)    No Additional remuneration was set as a consequence of such appointment. Therefore the annual remuneration was        US$ regarding both positions sub B) and D);


F)     On MM/DD, YY, Mr. ... submitted to the Company two letters of resignation, i.e. from the position as Chief of the Beijing Office and as Legal Representative and General Manager of the WFOE (Annex 5);





It is agreed as follows:



Article 1

The resignation of Mr. …shall be effective from MM/DD, YY (hereinafter referred to as the “Effective Date”).


Article 2

Mr. … agrees to render his services in favor of the Company in China until the Effective Date and the Company commits to undertake all the relevant deregistration procedures to the concerned authorities in Beijing, for the position of Chief of the Beijing Office, and to the concerned authorities in     , for the position of Legal Representative and General Manager of the WFOE.


Article 3

Since the Company is planning to close down the YYY Beijing Office and to transfer its activities to a branch of the WFOE, to be registered at the same location, Mr. … agrees to keep his registration as Chief of the Beijing Office until the conclusion of the deregistration procedures for the Beijing Office, in case such procedures are delayed after the Effective Date.


Article 4

Until the Effective Date, the monthly remuneration to Mr. … for his consultancy services shall be kept unchanged, i.e. shall be equal to US$      gross per month.


Article 5

Even in case that the deregistration procedures are completed before the Effective Date, Mr. … shall still provide, upon request of the Company, his consultancy services, until the Effective Date.


In case the procedures for transfer of assets and operations from the Beijing Office to the branch of the WFOE are not completed within the Effective Date, Mr. … agrees to hold his registration as Chief Representative of the Beijing Office without any executive power, until the transfer of assets and operations for the deregistration of the Beijing Office are completed.


Article 6

If Mr. …’s registration as Chief of the Beijing Office is kept beyond the Effective Date as set in article five, Mr. … shall not undertake in such period any marketing or management operation for the Company and the Company may not require Mr. … to undertake any such operations. However, Mr. … hereby commits to execute, upon instruction of the Company, any contracts and documents relevant to the transfer of assets and operations and to the fulfillment of administrative procedures for the deregistration of the Beijing Office.


Article 7

Mr. … agrees and undertakes the following:


i)        To return to the Company, within the Effective Date or upon request of the Company, whatever earlier, all property, equipment, records, correspondence, files and other electronic or hard information (whether originals, copies or extracts) belonging to the Company or any of its related companies or any third party which he has been in contact with during his relationship with the Company; and


ii)      To keep confidential the Company's proprietary information and strategies learnt from his activities and its related entities or the third parties which he has been in contact with during his consulting relationship with the Company including, but not limited to, customers' lists, prices, sales records; and


iii)    To pay his Personal Income Tax on any dues received by the Company pursuant to this Agreement.


Article 8

Save the generality of the foregoing, the Parties confirm that all mutual claims have been either satisfied or voluntarily waived and that the Parties do not have, directly or indirectly, any claims or disputes towards each other and/or with third parties in connection with the relationship between the Parties.


Article 9

In the event any dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Parties agree to exercise their best efforts to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. The parties shall, without delay, continue to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement which is not affected by the dispute.


Article 10

Any dispute arising from, or in connection with this Agreement, shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration, which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The place of arbitration shall be Beijing, People’s Republic of China. The hearings shall be conducted in the English language. The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both Parties.


Article 11

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.



1-     Letter of Appointment;

2-     Contract of consultancy;

3-     Meeting Report;

4-     Notice of Appointment;

5-     Letters of resignation.




EXECUTED in Beijing on ___________, _____.








Mr. …








Company chop





Company chop





On behalf of YYY  S.p.A.




Mr. …





By acknowledgment:



PP Hydraulic and

Mechanical Components (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.




YYY  S.p.A. Italy

Beijing Representative Office







… 先生











