
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 01:03:15

作文How should parents help children to be independent? 

Nowadays, there’s an increasing number of households in China that have an only child. Most of parents love and care for children so much that children have less chances to deal with problems by themselves. Consequently, children get used to depending on their parents in everything and lack of ability to solve problems independently, which is bad for their growing.

There are some effective ways for parents to help their children be independent. To start with, parents should give their children more chances to experience the world and life around them. Thus their children can enhance the capability to overcome the difficulties and handle problems independently. In addition, parents should offer enough assistance when their children need some instructions and advices. In this way, they depend on their parents in a right way and can solve problems independently when they face the same one next time. Last but not least, parents should allow their children to make decisions independently. Children would improve the ability to deal with the problems they are confronted with in their life.

From the above discussion, I strongly believe that parents should help their children be independent by instructing them in a proper way rather than planning and considering everything for them. It’s children who decide their future and fate, so it would be beneficial for them to live independently with some proper instructions of their parents.

1.people instinltively
2.things purchused
3.more access
4.are less
6.they enjoy
7.access to
8.separable things
9.the wild world


Section A
短对话 (11~18)

M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead.
W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature.
Q:What does the woman mean?

M: How’s the new job going?
W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback.
Q:What does the woman want to know?

M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John?
W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a plane. Is there any risk?
W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it.
Q: What does the man want to know about his mother?

M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads?
W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine?
Q: what do we learn from the conversation?

M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed.
W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough.
Q: What will the woman probably do?

M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it.
W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon?
Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.
M: I’m no doctor, but it’s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.
Q: what do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

长对话 19~21

M: Mrs. Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I just like to go over some of the things that you told police officer Parmer at the bank.
W: All right.
M: Well, could you describe the man who robbed the bank for this report that we’re filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us.
W: Well, just, I can only remember basically what I said before.
M: That’s all right.
W: The man was tall, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache.
M: Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks?
W: Um, no, none that I can remember.
M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?
W: Well, I guess around 30, maybe younger, give or take a few years.
M: Mm, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing?
W: Yes, yes, he had on a dark sweater, a solid color.
M: OK. Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?
W: I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater. Yes, yes.
M: All right. Mrs. Dawson, I really appreciate what you’ve been through today. I’m just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you don’t mind. It won’t take very long. Can you do that for me?
W: Oh, of course.
M: Would you like to step this way with me, please?
W: OK, sure.
M: Thank you.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What do we learn about the woman?
20. What did the suspect look like?
21. What did the man finally asked the woman to do?

长对话 22~25

W: Good morning, I’m calling about the job that was in the paper last night.
M: Well, could you tell me your name?
W: Candider Forsett.
M: Oh yes. What exactly is it that interests you about the job?
W: Well, I thought it was just right for me.
M: Really? Um… Could you tell me a little about yourself?
W: Yes. I’m 23. I’ve been working abroad.
M: Where exactly have you been working?
W: In Geneva.
M: Oh, Geneva. And what were you doing there?
W: Secretarial work. Previous to that, I was at university.
M: Which university was that?
W: The University of Manchester. I’ve got a degree in English.
M: You said you’ve been working in Geneva. Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back?
W: I thought it would be nice to be near to the family.
M: I see, and how do you see yourself developing in this job?
W: Well, I’m ambitious. I do hope that my career as a secretary will lead me eventually into management.
M: I see. You have foreign languages?
W: French and Italian.
M: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is do reply a writing to the advertisement.
W: Can’t I arrange for an interview now?
M: Well, I’m afraid we must wait until all the applications are in, in writing, and we’ll then decide on the short list. If you are on the short list, of course we should see you.
W: Oh, I see.
M: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or two.
W: Oh, yes, yes, certainly.
M: Ok, thank you very much. Goodbye.
W: Thank you. Goodbye.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. How did the woman get to know about the job vacancy?
23. Why did the woman find the job appealing?
24. What had the woman been doing in Geneva?
25. What was the woman asked to do in the end?

Section B
Passage One
One of the greatest heartbreaks for fire fighters occurs when they fail to rescue a child from a burning building because the child, frightened by smoke and noise, hides under a bed or in a closet and is later found dead. Saddest of all is when children catch a glimpse of the masked fire fighter but hide because they think they have seen a monster. To prevent such tragedies, fire fighter Eric Velez gives talks to children in his community, explaining that they should never hide during a fire. He displays fire fighters’ equipment, including the oxygen mask, which he encourages his listeners to play with and put on. “If you see us,” Velez tells them, “don’t hide! We are not monsters. We have come to rescue you.” Velez gives his presentations in English and Spanish. Growing up in San Francisco, he learnt Spanish from his immigrant parents. Velez and other fire fighters throughout North America, who give similar presentations, will never know how many lives they save through their talks. But it’s a fact that informative speaking saves lives. For example, several months after listening to an informative speech, Pete Gentry in North Carolina rescued his brother who is choking on food, by using the method taught by student speaker, Julie Paris. In addition to saving lives, informative speakers help people learn new skills, solve problems and acquire fascinating facts about the exciting world in which they live.

26 Why do some children trapped in a burning building hide from masked fire fighters?

27 What does the passage tell us about fire fighter Eric Velez?

28 What do we learn about Pete Gentry?

29 What message is the speaker trying to convey?

Passage Two
Some people want to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early. I see people pursuing higher paying and increasingly demanding careers to accomplish this goal. They make many personal sacrifices in exchange for income today. The problem is that tomorrow might not come. Even if it all goes according to plan, will you know how to be happy when you are not working if you spend your entire life making money? More importantly, who will be around for you to share your leisure time with? At the other extreme are people who live only for today. Why bother saving when I might not be here tomorrow, they argue. The danger of this approach is that tomorrow may come after all. And most people don't want to spend all their tomorrows working for a living. The earlier neglect of saving, however, makes it difficult not to work when you are older. You maybe surprise to hear me say that if you must pick an extreme I think it's better to pick the spend-all approach. As long as you don't mind continuing to work, assuming your health allows, you should be OK. At least, you are making use of your money, and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it. Postponing doing what you love and being with people you love until retirement can be a mistake. It may never come. Retirement can be a great time for some people. For others, it is a time of boredom, loneliness and poor health.

30 Why do some people pursue higher paying but demanding careers?

31 What is the danger facing people who live only for today?

32 What does the speaker seem to advocate?

Passage Three
Imagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law, and the judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion. How fair will that be? Well, it happens everyday to high schoolers. Just because some students have stolen things in shops, all of us are treated like thieves. Even though I’d never steal.

Store employees looked at me like I’m some kind of hardened criminal. For example, during one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hot dog. We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside. A new sign in the window told the story. “No more than two students at a time”. After 15 minutes, we finally got in. But the store manger laid the evil eye on us. I asked him about the new sign, and he said, “You kids are stealing too much stuff.” You kids? Too much stuff? We were not only assumed to be thieves, but brilliant, greedy thieves. The most annoying thing though, is the way employees watched my friends and me. It’s horrible.

Once, at a drug store, I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box, stocking the shelves. He was watching my hands, more than he was watching his own. I showed him that my hands were empty. He got down off his box and rushed off, as if he was going to get the store manger. How crazy is that!

33. What does the speaker find to be unfair?

34. What measure did the Graben Gore Restaurant take to stop stealing?

35. What happened in a drug store that greatly annoyed the speaker?

Section C
Writing keeps us in touch with other people. We write to communicate with relatives and friends. We write to preserve our family histories so our children and grandchildren can learn and appreciate their heritage. With computers and Internet connections in so many households, colleges, and businesses, people are e-mailing friends and relatives all the time -- or talking to them in writing in online chat rooms. It is cheaper than calling long distance, and a lot more convenient than waiting until Sunday for the telephone rates to drop. Students are e-mailing their professors to receive and discuss their classroom assignments and to submit them. They are e-mailing classmates to discuss and collaborate on homework. They are also sharing information about concerts and sports events, as well as jokes and their philosophies of life.

Despite the growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal letter. A hand-written note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts. No matter what the content of the message, its real point is, "I want you to know that I care about you." This writing practice brings rewards that can’t be seen in bank accounts, but only in the success of human relationships.

36. preserve 37. appreciate 38. households 39. chat
40. convenient 41. rates 42. receive 43. submit
44. They are also sharing information about concerts, sports events, or jokes and
philosophy of life
45. A handwritten note to a friend or a family member is the best way to communicate important thoughts
46. This writing practice brings rewards that cannot be seen in bank account

47. M) raised 48. L) psychological 49. E) contributions 50. A) abilities
51. B) achieve 52. N) smart 53. I) extent 54. J) indicates
55. G) essentially 56. H) eventually



  67. D came out
68. C less
69. D by
70. A almost
71. B developed
72. C growth
73. B lead
74. A pressure
75. B services
76. B into
77. C driven
78. C wealth
79. C unless
80. D expand
81. C at
82. C common
83. A major
84. D trend
85. C but
86. B possibilities

完形填空67. D came out 表示出版,公布,这里表示报告的公布。

68. C less 根据上下文可知这里说的是都市人口的增长,强调之前的少和现在的多,所以用少于更合适。less than:少于,不到。

69. D by 在这里表示截止到某时间为止。

70. A almost 几乎,将近,对前面的解释,说明人口有多少。

71. B developed 根据上下文意思,以及后文相对的developing world可知应该是发达国家,即:developed countries。

72. C growth 仔细阅读的话可以发现下文就有答案,这里讲的是都市人口的增长,所以用growth。

73. B lead lead to表示导致,通向,本段末也有出现过,在这里是说都市化有助于社会和经济的进步。

74. A pressure 从下文的描述可以看出过快的都市化也给城市带来了巨大压力,所以选pressure。

75. B services 服务,城市为人们提供住房和服务。

76. B into 介词选择,move into 移入,迁入;固定搭配。

77. C driven 表示推动,驱动,driven by 由…驱动,由什么原因引起的。

78. C wealth 财富;social division and differences in wealth 社会分化和财富上的差距。

79. C unless 除非,这里说的是除非城市规划更好,否则各部分财富分配不均的局面将可能导致犯罪问题。

80. D expand 指扩张, expand into rural areas 扩张到农村地区。

81. C at at a much faster rate 以更快的速度,固定搭配

82. C common 表示某事件很普遍,平常。从下文的across America可知这种情况很普遍很常见。

83. A major major cities,大城市,与后文中的smaller cities形成对比

84. D trend 趋势,这里是对前面情况的概括,a trend toward de-urbanization 表示一种逆城市化的发展趋势。

85. C but 表示转折,说城市还是有自身优点的,与前面的“逆城市化”形成转折关系。

86. B possibilities 可能性,这里表示城市依然能够提供农村所不能提供的机会和可能性。

这篇完型填空取材自2009年10月9日的VOA Special English节目,谈论的是城市发展的问题。(从抓主旨的角度来说,这样一篇小小200词的文章,纵览了世界城市发展史,又横览了城市化带来的种种问题,里面的核心论点之间逻辑关联紧密,考生如果没有任何背景知识和推理能力,解题会遇到一定的困难。比如说第二个空格,很多考生在more 和less之中犹豫不决,在没有具体背景信息的情况之下,就需要依据上下文的文脉进行推理。既然强调的是城市化的迅速发展,从5%到几乎70%,这个5%前面究竟填入超过还是不到。从作者的叙述语气一致可以推知,他必定在感叹这个变化的巨大,因此前文应该是不到5%。对于into/at这样一些介词小词的考查历来都是完型填空的重点,move into cities/ at a faster rate,这都是比较容易选择的基础搭配。

87. To ensure that he attends the meeting
88. is said to have been built
89. without the unique environment of the earth
90. What impressed the tourists most
91. I return the book to the library