
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 06:31:38


While you may be familiar with the old saying, “opposites attract,” in reality, what the heart wants is someone who resembles its owner – and that resemblance increases the longer two lovebirds stay together.

也许你很熟悉一句老话:“异性向吸”, 但实际上,我们心里想说的都是情侣长得都很像对方, 而且是相处时间愈长,愈发相像。1

University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted an experiment to test this phenomenon. He analyzed photographs of couples taken when they were newlyweds and photographs of the same couples taken 25 years later. The results showed that the couples had grown to look more like each other over time. And, the happier that the couple said they were, the more likely they were to have increased in their physical similarity.

密歇根大学的心理学家Robert Zajonc 做了一个实验来验证这个现象。 他通过分析比较情侣刚认识的时候和相处25年后的照片,得出了情侣的确长得越来越像的结论。而且相处得愉快的夫妻会长得会更相像。1

Zajonc suggested that older couples looked more alike because people in close contact mimic each other’s facial expressions. In other words, if your partner has a good sense of humor and laughs a lot, he or she will probably develop laugh lines around their mouth — and so will you.

Zajonc 指出年长的夫妻有夫妻相是因为他们会模仿对方的表情。也就是说,如果你的另一半因为富有幽默感笑得很多而嘴边产生了笑纹,那么你也会。

Other evidence has also shown that men and women may be initially attracted to partners with similar personalities. In 2006, scientists at the University of Liverpool asked participants in a study to view individual photos of men and women and judge their personalities. The participants did not know who in the photos was married to whom, but the couples that had been together the longest were judged to have more similar personalities. The researchers concluded that, “possessing personality traits that are attractive may be causal in making a face attractive.”

也有其他证据显示男人和女人一开始就会被有相似个性的异性吸引。 2006年,利物浦大学的科学家让参加实验的人通过观察单人照来判断照片上的人的性格。 结果尽管实验对象并不知道照片上的人之间的婚姻关系,在一起时间最长的一对夫妻被认为有最相似的性格。研究者就此指出:“性格向吸导致容貌向吸。”1

It turns out we may even be hard-wired to fall in love with people sporting DNA that is similar to our own in some ways. In a study of twins, University of Western Ontario scientists found that not only did the study participants tend to pick partners with similar genes; the spouses of the identical twins were also more alike than the spouses of non-identical twins.

这导致我们也许天生就会和有相似DNA的人相爱。通过研究双胞胎,Western Ontario大学的科学家发现不仅受调查的双胞胎倾向找与自己基因相同的伴侣,而且同卵双生子的伴侣之间的基因相似度要大于异卵双生子的伴侣之间的相似度。

Couples may start to look like each other because in some ways they already are like each other.

也就是说“夫妻相” 是因为他们本来长得就很像。undefined
