婚礼习俗面面观 - 海外生活 - 英语频道 - 华声在线

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 13:46:31
The Romans favored June weddings because that was the month dedicated to the observance of Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. There was a practical side to June weddings as well, and practicality also shows up quite a bit in rituals and traditions. A marriage in June could result in a conception early enough so that a wife wouldn't be too full with child to not be able to help out during the harvest. A June wedding also meant that the baby would be born soon enough so that the recovered bride would be in shape for the next harvest pending no unexpected second bundle.
The maid of honor is the head, chief, or main personal attendant (or bridesmaid) of a bride for her wedding. Generally speaking, a bride will select her sister (if they are close) or her best friend as her maid of honor. Other choices include her mother (if they are close), the sister of the groom, or a favorite cousin or aunt. Some of the maid of honor's typical duties with respect to wedding planning include helping the bride decide on locations for the ceremony and reception and making sure the venue is booked, choosing invitations and helping to address, stamp, and mail them out, selecting and ordering wedding decorations and favors, and then helping to decorate the venue(s) a few days before the wedding as well as helping to assemble or create the favors for each guest at the wedding.
A bachelorette party is a party held for a woman who is about to be married. It is modeled after the bachelor party, which is itself historically a dinner given by the bridegroom to his friends shortly before his wedding. Since it is derived from a formal dinner, a bachelorette party is properly held in the evening, usually about a week (or at least a few days) before the wedding, and usually includes dinner, although alternative approaches are not uncommon. Many different kinds of entertainment are selected, depending on what the organizers think will best please their guest of honor. While notions of a bachelorette party as a night of drunken debauchery persist in some social circles, it is now becoming widely seen in America as an opportunity for female bonding.
The next line of this old saying actually hints at its origin. The complete phrase is:
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
Each item in this poem represents a good-luck token for the bride. If she carries all of them on her wedding day, her marriage will be happy. "Something old" symbolizes continuity with the bride's family and the past. "Something new" means optimism and hope for the bride's new life ahead. "Something borrowed" is usually an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride. The borrowed item also reminds the bride that she can depend on her friends and family. And blue has been connected to weddings for centuries. Before the late 19th century, blue was a popular color for wedding gowns, as evidenced in proverbs like, "Marry in blue, lover be true." And finally, a silver sixpence in the bride's shoe represents wealth and financial security.
Since early Roman times some grain - usually wheat - has been associated with the wedding ceremony. The basis for the predominant theory as to why rice and other grains, such as wheat, have played a prominent role in marriage ceremonies for centuries, is that they are fraught with symbolism of fertility and of prosperity. By throwing rice at the bride and groom at a wedding, guests symbolically wish them a lifetime full of these blessings. Historically, in certain primitive tribal cultures, the mere act of supping on rice together bound a couple in matrimony, as eating this local food together implied their living together. In other cultures, the symbolic eating of rice together preceded a shower of rice over the married couple. Perhaps the most curious use of rice in the wedding ceremony, was its use in some cultures not to unite the happy couple, but to feed the uninvited evil spirits who always attended the ceremony. The rationale behind this practice was to ward off evil, as well-fed evil spirits would bring no harm to the blissful couple.
In medieval Europe, a bride typically did not expect to wear her wedding dress again, and the dress was considered good luck for other women, a type of fertility charm. After the wedding, single women chased the bride and ripped pieces off her dress, leaving her in tatters. Over the years, wedding dresses became more expensive and it became traditional for women to keep them, either as a memento or to pass on to a daughter for her wedding day. To prevent guests from ripping the wedding dress, brides began throwing other objects as a distraction, one of which was the garter. Later, the bouquet became the most traditionally thrown object. The wedding bouquet is particularly suited to this use, as flowers symbolize fertility, and as perishable items, they are not something the bride would wish to keep.
(责编:Jessica 作者:)


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