(牛津版)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit 4 TV programmes(2)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 11:16:07
一. 本周教学内容:
Main task:
Write your own TV programmes for a writing competition.
1. Use ‘while’ and ‘as’ to talk about when things happen.
2. Use ‘comparatives’ and ‘superlatives’.
3. Write your own TV programmes for a writing competition.
二. 重点、难点:
Grammar C D
C Using ‘while’ and ‘as’. 运用while和as.
while和as是时间连词,“当……时候”; 表示事情(动作)同时发生。
e.g. While Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping.
e.g. While Eddie was sleeping, Hobo went to watch TV.
As mother was cooking, Mary went back.
e.g. As you see him, give him this letter.
※注意: while和as引导的状语从句在时态上必须和主句保持一致。
D Comparatives and superlatives (of adverbs) 副词的比较级和最高级
副词的比较级和最高级与形容词的比较级及最高级的构成方法相同,即单音节和部分双音节副词在词尾加“er”、加“est”构成比较级和最高级;多音节副词在副词之前加more和most 构成比较级和最高级;以后缀ly结尾的副词要用more和most。
e.g. fast – faster – fastest
early – earlier – earliest
late – later – latest
beautifully – more beautifully – most beautifully
slowly – more slowly – most slowly
quickly – more quickly – most quickly
e.g. well – better – best
badly – worse – worst
much – more – most
little – less – least
far – farther – farthest
e.g. Sandy runs faster than Amy.
Daniel draws the most carefully in our class.
Integrated Skills
1. She is more interested in watching programmes about animals. 她对观看动物节目更感兴趣。
be more interested in doing sth. 对做某事更感兴趣。
2. Usually, she spends about two hours every day watching TV. 通常她每天花大约2小时的时间看电视。
3. He finds programmes about sports boring. 他发现体育节目无聊。
这是宾补结构的句子, find sth + adj.做宾补
e.g. I find English difficult.
Main Task
1. the two children disagree all the time 两个孩子一直意见不合
disagree vi. 不同意,有分歧。 反义词是agree
disagree with sb. / sth. 与某人意见不一致/不同意某事
e.g. I disagree with you on that point. 我在那一点上与你意见不一致。
I disagree with your suggestion. 我不同意你的建议。
2. the two children argued about what TV programmes to watch 两个孩子争论该看什么电视节目
argue with sb. about sth. 为某事与某人争论/争吵
e.g. He argued with me about how to spend the money yesterday. 昨天他就怎样花这笔钱和我争论。
1. Today is such an exciting day! 今天真是令人兴奋!
an exciting day 令人兴奋的日子
exciting, adj. 令人兴奋的,主语是某件事情
excited, adj. 使人感到兴奋的,主语是人
e.g. I am excited about the exciting news. 我对这个令人兴奋的消息感到兴奋。
such adj. 后接名词
so adv. 后接形容词或副词
Today is so exciting a day!
She is such a good teacher that everyone likes her.
She is so good a teacher that everyone likes her.
2. It is you who made our story so perfect. 是你让我们的故事如此完美。
“It is …who… ”是常用的强调句结构
e.g. It is my mother who cooks supper for us every day. 是妈妈每天为我们做晚饭。
It was he who played games the whole night. 是他整个晚上都在玩游戏。
1、A. It’s full of horror and mysteries.
B. It’s directed by a new director.
C. I have seen it twice.
2、A. Today’s Music Video.
B. News Round – up.
C. Weather report.
3、A. At 7:40.
B. From 7:40 to 8:05.
C. Every evening.
4、A. Between 9:00 and 11:00.
B. When you want to relax.
C. This coming Saturday.
5、A. Never mind.
B. I’m far too busy to go.
C. My pleasure.
1、How old is the girl?
2、Did she win in that competition?
3、What did she try to do in Chinese classes?
4、What did she try to do in music classes?
5、Is she afraid of performing in public?
1、He talked ________(少) of all at the meeting.
2、After twenty minutes’ ________(讨论), the students agreed with the teacher.
3、He was working on the day of his ________(死).
4、It’s ________(危险) to play football in the street.
5、I will give you two ________(月) time to finish the work.
6、I got up late yesterday, but ________(luck) I got to school in time.
7、The students are having a ________(week) test.
8、The boy’s grandfather died a ________(nature) death.
9、The key is one of the ________(direct) over there.
10、We found this TV programme very ________(enjoy).
1、I know everything about it after my mother told me. (改为同义句)
2、Sports World is my favourits programme. (改为同义句)
3、The basket was full of vegetables just now. (改为同义句)
4、Ten years has passed since his grandparents died. (改为同义句)
5、Shall we discuss the matter later? (改为同义句)
6、It isn’t easy to learn any subject well. (改为同义句)
7、Don’t leave before the teacher comes back. (改为同义句)
8、There were two hundred teachers in our school last year. (改为同义句)
9、He left the classroom latest yesterday. (用比较级改写,意思不变)
10、He walks so quickly that I can’t catch up with him. (改为简单句)
四、用正确的连词填空:(since, as, when, as soon as, while, if, after, before, until, because)
1、He asked me another question ________ I could answer the first one.
2、I was doing my homework ________ suddenly a dog came in.
3、The students sang ________ they went along.
4、________ I was writing letters last night, he was watching TV.
5、I’ll be more careful ________ what you have said.
6、Please wait here ________ I come back.
7、It is so dark outside ________ it is raining.
8、________ everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting.
9、________ I get to Beijing, I will write to you.
10、________ it rains tomorrow, I will not go to Shanghai.
1、I pull the handle as ________(hard) as I could.
2、Tom is the ________(strong) of the two young men.
3、We’d better talk ________(little) and do more.
4、Look! The farmers are feeding the animals ________(busy).
5、English is ________(wide) spoken than Chinese at the moment.
6、We should speak to them even ________(polite).
7、The boy was too cold and hungry to go any ________(far).
8、He sang ________(loud) of all the students in the class.
9、Would you please speak a little lower? You are talking ________(noisy) of all.
10、It was terrible. It rained ________. People could ________(hard) go out.
Write your own TV programmes for a writing competition.
1、What is the film Murder in a Country House like?
2、I like music. What program would you advise me to watch?
3、How long is the documentary about China’s teenagers on TV?
4、When will the presentation be held in Beijing?
5、Shall we go shopping today?
答案:A A B C B
Zhang Ying is a 16-year-old girl from Wuhan, Hubei. She likes showing herself off. So she took part in a national emcee(主持人) competition and got a big prize. But Zhang wasn’t born being a good emcee. She had to practice a lot. In Chinese classes, she tried to practice reciting. In music classes, she tried to sing every song well. While dancing, she always tried to perform her best. “Because I’ve been working so hard, I’m not afraid of performing in front of people.” She said.
答案:1. 16. 2. Yes. 3. She tried to practice reciting.
4. She tried to sing and dance 5.NO, she isn’t.
1、least 2、discussion 3、death
4、dangerous 5、months’ 6、luckily
7、weekly 8、natural 9、directors’ 10、enjoyable
1、I know nothing about it until my mother told me.
2、I like Sports World best.
3、The basket was filled with vegetables a moment ago.
4、His grandparents have been dead for ten years.
5、Why not discuss the matter later?
6、I find it difficult to learn any subject well.
7、Stay here until the teacher comes back.
8、The number of the teachers in our school was two hundred.
9、He left the classroom later than any other student yesterday.
10、He walks too quickly for me to catch up with.
四、用正确的连词填空:(since, as, when, as soon as, while, if, after, before, until, because)
1、before 2、when 3、as.
4、While 5、after 6、until.
7、because 8、Since 9、As soon as 10、If
1、hard 2、stronger 3、less
4、busily 5、more widely 6、more politely
7、further 8、loudest 9、most noisily
10、hard hardly