
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/29 03:23:45

Globalization is best for the world’s poor

Our positive view is that globalization is an effective way to drive off poverty, so I think it’s the truth. My ideas are as follows:

With the development of the global economy, globalization has become the main subject in the world and globalization has become an effective way to raise the income of people worldwide, create new jobs at home and abroad, and makes it harder for governments to sustain excessively high tax rates. So our positive view is that globalization is an effective way to drive off poverty. My ideas are as follows:

First: globalization makes it harder for governments to sustain excessively high tax rates.Because globalization includes rising trade and investment flows, greater labor mobility, and rapid transfers of technology. Governments must focus on keeping income tax low to avoid losing skilled labor in industries such as high-tech, globalization leads to an influx of young ,skilled technology and finance workers to countries, it is in favour of development of the country economy and at the same time improve the income of local people. All of these would contribute to driving off poverty.

Second: with the development of the global economy, globalization has become the main subject in the world. Some important organizations must be set up during the development of globalization. They will supply many loan and money to poverty, and help their economic development.

Third: globalization would also led to the investmentriess.

Fourth: global be made of the local ,so the result of globalization would be good for the  local economy.

Globalization is steadily and inexorably knitting separate national economies into a single world economy. lf tax systems around the world become more efficient, globalization will be a win-win policy to peoples of the world.