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兰迪·鲍什,让无数人感动的最后一课                         让梦想引领你的生活---Randy Pausch's Last Lecture  



So I am reprising a talk that I gave in september at Carnegie Mellon University. It is an acdemic tradition called the last lecture. Hypothetically, if you knew you are going to die,you got one last lecture,what would you say to your students?
我在卡耐基梅隆大学九月份做了一次演讲,现在我在这里来再次作这个演讲。"最后一个讲座"在卡耐基梅隆大学是一个学术传统。假如说,如果你知道你即将离开这个世界,你可以做最后一次讲座,你会对你的学生讲些什么?(注:其实在美国的很多大学都有类似的" last lecture”系列讲座,比如说Stanford大学,Alabama大学,通常是让学校的著名教授来假设这是他们最后的讲演,那么什么对他们来说是最重要的,也就是说,在最后的时刻,把他们最希望分享给这个世界的人生智慧告诉所有的观众。)
Well, for me, there is an elephant in the room. The elephant in the room that for me is not hypothetical. I have been fighting pancreatic cancer. It is now coming back after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.  And the doctors are telling me there is nothing more to do and I have months to live. These are my most recent CT scans. The pancreatic cancer is spread to my liver and there are approximately a dozen tumors.  I don't like this. I have three little kids. Let's be clear, this stinks. But I can not do anything about the fact that I am going to die. I am pursuing medical treatments, but I pretty much know how this movie is going to end. And I can not control the cards that are dealt, just how I play the hands.  Now if I am not morose enough for you, I am sorry to disappoint. But I don't choose to be an object of pity and in fact, although I am going to die soon, I am actually physically very strong.  In fact,  I am probably physically stronger than most of the people in this audience.(doing push ups).


So today's talk is not about death, it is about life and how to live.  Specifically about childhood dreams and about how you can try to achieve them---my childhood dreams, your childhood dreams.

As a child, I had an incredibly happy childhood. I went back and raided the photo album. I could not find any places I wasn't smiling. Right?  I just had a great childhood...and I was dreaming, always dreaming. It was an easy time to dream when you turned on your television set and men are landing on the moon---anything is possible and we should never lose that spirit. So what were my childhood dreams? Being in the National Football league. This is one of the childhood dreams I did not achieved. Alright? And it is very important to know that  if you don't achieve your dreams, you can still get a lot by trying for it. There is an expression I love---experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted. I played a little league football for a long time and I had a phenomenal coach, coach Jim Graham and he was old school. When I was at practice, he rode me all practice. You know you are

doing it wrong, go back and do it again,you are sluffing off, you owe me push-ups...just for two hours, it was relentless. And after practice, one of this assistance couches came up to me and he said:" yes, couch Graham rode you pretty hard". I said Yeah. He said" that is a good thing. Because it means he cares. When you are doing a bad job and nobody points out to you, that's when they've given up on you." and that is something really stuck with me,  is that when someone is going to ride you for two hours, they are doing that because they care to make it better.
孩提时代,我拥有一个极其幸福的童年。我在家里翻看相册选取一些照片的时候,我找不到任何一张我不笑的照片。是不是?我的童年非常棒……我在梦想,总是在梦想(幻灯片randy童年梦想的照片)。那是一个容易去梦想的年代,当你打开电视机,人类正在登陆月球--任何事情都是可能的,我们永远都不应该失去这种精神。那么什么是我童年时代的梦想呢?进入全美橄榄球联盟。这是我没能实现的一个童年梦想。对吧?但是明白这样一点很重要--即使你没有实现你的梦想,你依然能够从你努力尝试去实现的过程中得到很多收获。有这样一个我非常喜欢的说法---即使没有得到你想要的,你依然可以收获经历(经验)。我曾学习了相当一段时间的little league橄榄球(少年橄榄球),我有一个很杰出的教练,格拉海姆教练,他的教学法非常的传统老派。当我练习的时候,整个训练的过程中他对我不依不饶的。我看你做的不对,回去重做,你在投机取巧,你得给我做俯卧撑……整整两个小时,非常残酷无情。训练结束后,一位助理教练走过来对我说:是啊,格拉海姆教练把你训练的挺狠的。我说是啊。他说,这是一件好事。因为这意味着他很关心你。如果你做得很差而没有人为你指出来,那也就意味着他们都放弃了你。这一幕往事伴随了我一生,如果有人在两个小时的训练中对你丝毫都不放松,这说明他们在用心使你做得更好。  

So next dream--Walt Disney imagineering. When I was eight, my family took the pilgrimage to  Disneyland in California and it was incredible experience. The rides, the shows, the attractions and everything ...and I said "gosh, I'd like to make stuff like that when I get older". So I graduated from college and I tried to become an imagineer. These are the people who make the magic. And I got a lovely rejection letter. And I tried again after graduate school and I've kept all the rejection letters over the years. They are very inspirational. But then the darnedest thing happened. You know I worked hard and worked hard and I became a junior faculty member and I specialized in doing certain kind of research...that's me...and I developed a skill that was valuable to Disney and I got a chance to go there and I was part of the imagineering team and we worked on something called magic carpet ride and it was incredibly cool.  However, it took me over fifteen years to do it and lots of lots of tries and what I learnt from that is that the brick walls that are in our way are there for a reason. They are not there to keep us out, they are there to give us a way to show how much we want it.

If you are going to have childhood dreams, I recommend you have good parents.I lucked out I have great parents. This is my mother, on her 70's birthday. I am the blur in the back, I have just been lapped. This is my father on his 80's birthday. There is this notion of have fun all the time. Have a sense of fun and wonder that should never go away.

My dad, what an incredible guy! He fought in world war two. He was clearly part of the greatest generation. Sadly, my dad passed away a little over a year ago. And when my mother was going through his things that was when she discovered that in world war two, he was awarded the bronze star for a valor. In fifty years of marriage, it had just never come up. There is a real lesson in humility that I can learn from my father there.
Now my mother. Mothers are people who love you if when you pull their hair. And this was the kind of relationship I have with my mother. And my mother, speaking of humility, was always there to keep me in check. When I was going through graduate school, I was taking really hard examinations. I was home pretty much complaining and whining about how hard this PHD tests were, and she just patted my arm and said, we know how you feel. Just remember that when your father were your age, he was fighting the Germans in World War Two. And the day came when I got my PHD, I was so proud and my mother introduce me to everyone as--this is my son, he is a doctor but not the kind that helps people.

Probably the most wonderful thing my parents did was let me paint my bedroom. I said one day I want to paint stuff on the walls and they said OK. So I had a rocket ship and we lived in a ranch so I wanted an elevator. I wasn't sure where it would go...and yeah, you can tell the nerds early so that was the quadratic equation. But the great thing is that they let me do it. And they felt that letting me express my creativity was more important than the pristine nature of the walls. I was really blessed to have parents who saw it that way. My parents taught me about importance of people versus things. So when I got older, I bought my first car and I was so excited. I had this shiny convertable,these were my nephew and niece christopher and laura and every month i take them for a weekend. So my sister and her husband can give a little break. And we go off for advantures. And I was just showing off my new car and my sister explained to chris and laura--that is uncle randy's new car, you can't get it dirty …… and they were just cracking up laughing because over her shoulder i was casually open a can of soda and just emptying it on the back seat and they come running over and my sister said what are you doing? And I said it is a thing, it's just a thing. I am really glad I did that because at the end of the weekend as I was driving them home, little Chris who was about eight at the time, had had the flu and he threw up all over the back seat of my car. And I don't care how much value you get out of owning a nice shiny pristine thing. It's not as good as I felt

knowing that I made an eight year old boy not feel guilty just because he had the flu.
大概我的父母所做的最伟大而绝妙的事情是允许我在我的卧室墙壁上涂鸦。有一天我说,我想在我的房间墙壁上画些东西,他们说行啊。于是我画了一艘火箭飞船。我们住的是大饲养场的房子(通常ranch指拥有很多土地的饲养场的房子,一般都为一层),所以我画了一部电梯。我不知道这部电梯通到哪去……还有,对了,这里是一个二次方程式,从这里你能看到当年那个书呆子。这里了不起的是他们让我那样去做了,他们觉得让我表现自己的创造力比墙壁的完美无瑕来得更为重要。能有这样见识的父母实在是我的福气。我的父母还教导我人相对于东西是更为重要的。所以在我长大以后,我买了我的第一辆汽车,当时我非常兴奋。我拥有了这辆崭新锃亮的convertible(顶棚可折叠收起的汽车).这是我的外甥和外甥女chrislaura。每个月我都会带他们过一个周末,这样的话我的姐姐和姐夫可以有一点他们自己的时间。我们会出去做一些新奇的事。那时候我就向他们炫耀我的新汽车,我得姐姐忙着跟chrislaura解释,这是 Randy舅舅的新车,你们可别把它给弄脏了……这时候两个孩子开始迸发出大笑,因为隔着她的肩膀,我正随意地打开一瓶碳酸饮料并把整罐饮料倒在后车座上。饮料流得到处都是,我的姐姐问你这是干什么呢?我说,这车是个东西,它不过就只是个东西。我很高兴我这么做了,因为在这个周末结束的时候,当我驾着车回家,当时只有八岁的小chris得了流感,他把我的后车座吐的一塌糊涂。我不在乎拥有一个溜光铮亮完美无暇的东西能够带给你多大的价值。对我来说,让一个八岁的孩子没有因为自己得了流感而感到负疚,这让我的感觉要好得多。  

Next thing, you better decide early on if you are a tigger or an Eeyore. Tiggers are energetic,optimistic. They are curious, they are enthusiastic and they have fun and never ever underestimate the importance of having fun. I am dying soon and I am choosing to have fun today, tommorrow and every other day I have left.
另外一件事,你们最好在年少时就决定你是跳跳虎还是依唷驴(童话中小熊维尼Winnie thePooh 的两个朋友, 性格一乐观, 一悲观. 译者注). [放画有跳跳虎和依唷驴的幻灯, 文字内容为决定你是跳跳虎还是依唷驴”]跳跳虎精力充沛,乐观向上,他们充满好奇心,充满激情,而且他们始终生活的很有乐趣,并且从不低估乐趣的重要性。我没有多少日子了,而我依然选择充满乐趣地去生活,今天,明天以及我所仅有的剩余的每一个日子。  

If you want to achieve your dreams, you better work and play well with others and that means you better live with integrity. Simple advice that you will find hard to follow--just tell the truth. Second thing, when you screw up, apologize. There are a lot of bad apologies in America. A good apology has three parts: I am sorry.It was my fault. How do I make it right? Most people skip that third part, that is how you can tell  sincerity.

The last thing is that we all have people that we don't like, that have done things we don't like. And what I have found is that no one is pure evil.If you wait long enough,they will show you their good side. You can not make them do it in a hurry, but you can be patient.

Show gratitude. When I got tenure as a young faculty member, there are about 15 young kids have been working in my research lab. I took them all down to the disney world for a week on my nickle. One of my colleague said this must have cost you an arm and a leg. How could you do it? I said these kids just worked day and night for years so that I could get the best job in the world for life. How could I not do it? Gratitude is a very simple thing and it's a very powerful thing.

And lastly, I don't think complaining and whining really solves the problem. This is Jacky Robinson, first black major leaguer, had it in his contract not to complain if people spit on him. Alright, I don't care if  you are Jacky Robinson or if you are a guy like me who's only got a couple of months to live, you can choose to take your finite time and energy and effort, and you can spend it complaining or you can spend it playing the game hard which is probably going to be more helpful to you in a long run.
最后我想说的是我不认为牢骚抱怨能够真正地解决问题。这是Jacky Robinson(幻灯片显示Jacky Robinson的照片)。他是第一位参加重要联赛的黑人棒球运动员。在他的合同里写着即使人们朝他的身上吐痰,也不能抱怨。好了,不管你是Jacky Robinson还是一个像我这样只有几个月可以活的人,我们可以选择用有限的时间,精力和努力来抱怨,也可以选择去努力的打好这场比赛,后者从长远的角度来说可能对你更有帮助。  

Now I told you this is part of the lecture serials at Carnegie Mellon University and it is important for you to know why I gave this talk. The talk isn't just about how to achieve your childhood dreams. It is much broader than that. It is about how to live your life.Because if you lead your life the right way,the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you. If you live properly, the dreams will come to you. And I think it is great so many people have benefited from this lecture.But the truth of this matter is that I didn't even really give it to the 400 people in the carnigie mellon who came...I only wrote this lecture for three people. And when they are older, they will watch it. Thank you.



