邮件门 [“瑞信女”英文邮件控诉“渣打小三”,职场八卦视点

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 18:03:24
邮件门 [“瑞信女”英文邮件控诉“渣打小三”,职场八卦视点
渣打“邮件门”是这两天的大热贴,老婆“瑞信女”是瑞信高管,老公是渣打老板,“渣打小三”是渣打员工。 渣打银行老板和下属出轨,老婆给小三用英文写了邮件, 并转发公司所有人。


渣打“邮件门”事件视频 (如无法播放,请点击下载)
Dear Lily,
I understand that you are going through a difficult time in your personal life, and I sincerely hope that you will find
a way to deal with it that is the best for you and your children.
I do understand how you feel. I also understand, however, that a marriage can only break apart from the inside. I do not appreciate your attempt to smear my reputation and paint me as the home wrecker. You know as well as Yale does that your marriage fell apart long before Yale and I even met. Whether or not I am in Yale’s life has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of your marriage. I am sure you understand this as well, but you nonetheless sought to burn me on the cross as the scapegoat for your failed marriage, which I do not believe is a mature thing to do.
Your description of the emotional damage your children have suffered is disturbing indeed. I cannot help but wondering what you have been telling them. I would think that a mother’s first and foremost priority is to protect her children from any emotional damage, rather than using them as bargaining chips with a spouse or as props to win public sympathy. Yale is the children’s father and will always be. I am sure he will always love them and be the best father he can be to them. Wouldn’t it make more sense, for the sake of the children’s wellbeing, to emphasize to them that both their parents will always love them even though one parent will not be living with them all the time? I do not see what benefit there could possibly be to teach the children to hate their own father.
You asked me how it was like to sleep in Yale’s arms. I also wanted to ask you, Lily, why would you want to hang on to someone who clearly does not want to be with you at all? Lily, you are intelligent, highly-educated and you have a high-paying and well-respected job. So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? As a fellow woman I want to ask you this, don’t you think you deserve better? If
there’s anything that is worse than sleeping in the arms of another woman’s husband, it is sleeping in the arms of someone who resents you, cannot stand you and wants to run away from you whenever he gets a chance. So Lily, why would you want to put yourself in that situation? Once again, don’t you think you deserve better?
I sincerely hope that the pain you are currently feeling will subside soon and you can turn a new leaf in your life. Please remember, you can lose a job, you can lose a spouse, but you should never lose yourself. And please, do not vent your negative feelings on your children. They are innocent. Please always keep in mind their best interests rather than your own. You deserve true happiness, and I hope that you will find it soon.
Best regards,
Please do not bring the personal issues to the public. The truth of the facts is that our marriage had been falling apart 8 years ago, divorce had been in discussion 5 years ago. Our issues are known to all the people in the word! Diane had done nothing wrong for her part! I am firmly standing by and behind Diane. I will certainly hope she will marry me one day soon!
Trying to tell the people how evil I am and Diane is in this way is not going to succeed! All the people, who knows you, me and our marriage, supported my divorce, including my good friend Zhu Wei. I am sorry I have dragged everyone into this. Lily please move on!
Sincerely yours