php Readfile vs include

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/07 14:10:45

php Readfile vs include去年就曾经测试过php filesystem相关函数和include require的性能,今天无意间看到国外一个更全面的对比,显然include和require是最慢的。所以尽量少用include,尤其是作为缓存,最好还是用文本缓存,我原以为直接缓存为php脚本速度比较快,后来测试才发现include效率很低。 出处: Function Brief Description string file_get_contents ( string filename [, int use_include_path]) Reads entire file into a string int fpassthru ( resource handle) Output all remaining data on a file pointer string fgets ( resource handle [, int length]) Gets line from file pointer array file ( string filename [, int use_include_path]) Reads entire file into an array
require(string filename)            include(string filename)            require_once(string filename)            include_once(string filename)            
includes and evaluates the specific file. int readfile ( string filename [, int use_include_path]) Outputs a file Function Sample Usage Time (s) Memory (b) file_get_contents echo file_get_contents($filename); 0.00564 1067856 fpassthru fpassthru($fp); 0.00184 20032 fgets
$fp = fopen($filename,"rb");            while(!feof($fp))            {            echo fgets($fp);            }            
0.07190 30768 file echo join("",file($filename)); 0.06464 2185624 require_once require_once($filename); 0.08065 2067696 include include($filename); 0.08202 2067696 readfile readfile($filename); 0.00191 19208 Function Time (s) Memory (b) 32Kb File 1Mb File 32Kb File 1Mb File file_get_contents 0.00152 0.00564 52480 1067856 fpassthru 0.00117 0.00184 20016 20032 fgets 0.00195 0.07190 30760 30768 file 0.00157 0.06464 87344 2185624 require_once 0.00225 0.08065 67992 2067696 include 0.00222 0.08202 67928 2067624 readfile 0.00117 0.00191 19192 19208