
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 05:34:38
思想的力量可谓居功至伟:思想能创造历史,也能改变历史;思想能创造一个王朝,也能毁灭一个王朝。发达的自然科学思想改变了人类生存的物质环境,先进的社会科学思想改变了人类生存的精神环境。伽利略同时着地的两个铁球打破了亚里士多德的上千年的思想禁锢,掉到头上的苹果使牛顿改变了物理学发展的历史,哥白尼的日心说使宗教裁判所发抖,爱因斯坦的相对论使人类窥见了时空深处的奥秘 。“王侯将相,宁有种乎?”的想法击碎了秦王朝代代相传的幻想,孙中山的三民主义埋葬了两千多年的封建帝制,一个穿长衫的农民之子——毛泽东的思想打破了一个旧世界,建设了一个新世界……思想能够推陈出新,思想能够创造发明,思想能够改朝换代!思想的光芒何其耀人!思想的力量何其强大!思想的强大力量给人类带来了尊严!
2009年03月25日09:47 来源:新东方 【发表评论】
The power of thought, after all defeat the power of the sword
Napoleon once said: There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the thought, and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. This not only is the summary of Napoleon's illustrious life, but also is the reason of his sweeping across the whole Europe.
In 1933, Eisenhower served as chief military aide to General MacArthur, Army Chief of Staff, until 1935, when he accompanied MacArthur to the Philippines. He was highly praised by MacArthur. Six years later, he returned to the U.S.and held a series of staff positions. When people asked MacArthur, “Why did you let such an excellent man leave?” MacArthur replied, “He should leave, because he is not a minion, he has his own thoughts.” Nineteen years later, Eisenhower became the 34th president of the United States.
Thought is the key to the gate of the world. With thoughts, you will get whatever you want.
Liu Yonghao and his three brothers are well-known entrepreneurs. They are the pride of the Sichuanese. In the 1980s, they resigned the enviable positions as the public servants and began to raise quails and sell fodder. After experiencing many failures, they finally set up the Hope Group. What led to their success? It’s the power of thought. Niu Gensheng was forced to resign as the vice president of the Yili Group. But shortly after, he successfully launched the Mengniu Group. His success also depended on his thought!
Other successful people like Mayun, Michael Yu fought for success for more than ten years. Their persistence also originated from the power of thought. In addition, there are also a lot of people who are still striving on the way. They are also supported by their thoughts. I believe they will soon be as successful as the above-mentioned people.
When you are rich, you shouldn’t desert thought. Without the guidance of thought, you will easily lose your material wealth. When you are poor, you also should not throw the thought away. Thought is the beacon; thought is the soul and thought is power! The enrichment of our mind can make up for the lack of the material wealth. Great minds can eventually be changed into the great fortune!
You can have no prominent status and great wealth, but you can’t have no thought. With thought, you will never lose your direction in your life.
German philosopher Hegel once said: A nation is hopeless unless it has people who concern about and look up the stars in space. Likewise, only when a man has his own thoughts can his life be meaningful and hopeful.
Why is it that some people become despairing in the face of setbacks while other people can face up to the life with smile and start their own business?
Our president Michael Yu once said, “Some people weren’t brilliant not because they can’t be, but because they didn’t know how to be or they even never thought of it!
The same starting point, the same conditions, but different people have different courses of life. What caused such a big difference? In fact, their talents are almost the same. The biggest difference is their attitudes and ultimately is whether they have their own thoughts or not.
Thought is an important criterion of judging a person. Seneca once said, “I judge a person not by my eyesight but by his thought. Only in this way can such a judgment be right. Thought, only thought can tell right from wrong; thought, only thought can regulate human’s behavior and desire.
Of course no one can force you to surpass Confucius, Mencius, Socrates and Hegel. But you must surpass yourself.
The length of life is measured by time, but the quality of it is measured by thought. People have the same life, but only the life with thought can be extended.
Life is short, but thought is eternal; life is fragile, but with thought, life can be stronger!
People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive. They are aged but never old until losing thought. The years can only lead to skin aging, but thought can make the youth last long. People with thought can stay young for ever!
People with thought will definitely be well-targeted and have a bright future. People without thought have no enthusiasm and no future. They abandon themselves and live day after day.
The whole history of mankind tells people with wisdom, no matter what situation you are in now, be sure to maintain your own thought rather than believe in luck. You should firmly believe in thought. Only noble thought instead of noble descent does exist!
Descartes said: I think therefore I am! Where there is thought, there is dream and hope.
Difficulty itself is not terrible. But it is terrible when you lose confidence, lose yourself and lose your thought.
What are you going to do in five or ten years? Have you ever fought for this? Have you worked out a feasible plan and determined to carry out it?
Please remember: You should be always having your own thought, be a man with thought, because the power of thought will eventually defeat the power of the sword!