9MBA翻译中可能遇到的较难的专有名词 - 英 语 时 空 - 中国MBA论坛 MBA论坛,...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 21:41:32
Marginal tax rate 边际税率

  The extra taxes paid on an additional dollar of income

  Market 市场

  A group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service

  Market economy 市场经济

  An economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services

  Market failure 市场失灵

  A situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently

  Market for loanable funds 可贷资金市场

  The market in which those who want to save supply funds and those who want to borrow to invest demand funds

  Market power 市场力量

  The ability of a single economic factor (or small group of factors) to have a substantial influence on market prices

  Medium of exchange 交换媒介

  An item that buyers give to sellers when they want to purchase goods and services

  Menu costs 菜单成本

  The costs of changing prices

  Microeconomics 微观经济学

  The study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets

  Model of aggregate supply and aggregate demand 总需求与总供给模型

  The model that most economists use to explain short-run fluctuations in economic activity around its long-run trend

  Monetary neutrality 货币中性

  The proposition that changes in the money supply do not affect real variables

  Monetary policy 货币政策

  The setting of the money supply by policymakers in the central bank

  Money 货币

  The set of assets in the economy that people regularly use to buy goods and services from other people

  Money multiplier 货币乘数

  The amount of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves

  Money supply 货币供给

  The quantity of money available in the economy

  Monopolistic competition 垄断竞争

  A market structure in which many firms sell products that are similar but not identical

  Monopoly 垄断

  A firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes

  Multiplier effect 乘数效应

  The additional shifts in aggregate demand that result when expansionary fiscal policy increases income and thereby increases consumer spending

  Mutual fund 共同基金

  An institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a portfolio of stocks and bonds

  M1, M2, M3 货币供给量的度量

  measures of the money supply: M1 includes currency and checking accounts; M2 includes M1 plus savings deposits, CDs, and money market funds; M3 includes M2 plus large-denomination savings deposits and institutional money market mutual funds

  managerial slack 管理松懈

  the lack of managerial efficiency (for instance, in cutting costs) that occurs when firms are insulated from competition

  marginal costs and benefits 边际成本和边际收益

  costs and benefits that result from choosing a little bit more of one thing and a little bit less of another

  marginal propensity to consume 边际消费倾向

  the amount by which consumption increases when disposable income increases by a dollar

  marginal propensity to import 边际进口倾向

  the amount by which imports increase when disposable income increases by a dollar

  marginal propensity to save 边际储蓄倾向

  the amount by which savings increase when disposable income increases by a dollar

  marginal utility 边际效用

  the extra utility, or enjoyment, a person receives from the consumption of one additional unit of a goo