Office (129-149)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 18:16:27
  (129)Wrong department
A: Good morning. Macmillan and Emory. May I help you?
B: Is this the accounting department?
A: No, I’m sorry. You’ve reached Mr. Macmillan’s office. Let me just put you through to accounting.
B: Thanks. I appreciate that. 找错部门
A:对不起,不是。你打的是麦克米伦先生的办公室。我帮你转到财务部吧。 (130)Lunch invitation
A: John Martin.
B: Hi. John, it’s Emily. How’s everything?
A: Great, thanks. What’s up?
B: Oh, I was just thinking about getting a bite to eat. Have you had lunch yet? 午餐邀请
B:我正想去吃点什么呢。你吃午饭了吗? (131)Getting a ride after work
A: Good morning, Personnel. May I help you?
B: Hi, could I speak to Nancy please?
A: This is she. Paul?
B: Yeah, it’s me. Can you give me a lift after work? 下班后搭车
B:对,是我。下班后我能搭你的车吗? (132)Inquiring about progress
A: Good afternoon. Jason Emory speaking.
B: Hi, Jason. It’s Elizabeth Montgomery. Have you got those plans drawn up yet?
A: Yeah. They were just sent over to your office. You should have them in about half an hour.
B: Thanks a lot. Sorry to trouble you. 询问进度
B:多谢。对不起,打扰了。 (133)Calling in sick
A: Hello, Ms. Murphy?
B: Yes? Who’s calling?
A: It’s John Anderson. I’m afraid I’m going to be out sick today. I’ve got a nasty cold. I hope you don’t mind, ma’am.
B: No, that’s no problem. I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Get some rest. If you need to see a doctor, let me know. 请病假
B:没问题。很遗憾听到你身体不佳。休息一下。如果需要看医生,告诉我一声。 (134)Getting instructions
A: Hello. Mr. Rodriguez?
B: Yes. Is this Paula?
A: Yes, sir. I’ve just dropped those slides off at the Winthrop office. Do you need anything else while I’m out?
B: No, that’s all right. Paula. Why don’t you get something to eat, and I’ll see you this afternoon. 接受指示
B:没有了,很好,波拉。你先吃点东西吧。咱们下午见。 (135)Explanation for being late
A: Hello?
B: Ms. Montgomery? This is Richard Thomas. I’m sorry to bother you at home, but I’ve got a bit of a problem.
A: Oh? What’s wrong?
B: My daughter’s just banged up her knee pretty badly and I’m going to have to take her to the hospital. I’ll be about two hours late. 解释迟到的原因
B:我女儿刚刚碰伤了膝盖,伤得很厉害。我正要送她上医院。大约得晚到两个小时。 (136)Calling your boss from outside
A: Good morning, Mr. Johnson’s office. Cindy speaking.
B: Hi, Cindy. It’s Michael Kurt. Is Mr. Johnson in?
A: No, I’m sorry, Mr. Kurt. He’s stepped out for a bit. Would you like me to have him call you?
B: Yeah, that’ll be great. I’m on extension 4283. 给老板打电话
B:好,这样最好。我的分机是4283。 (137)Reporting a progress
A: Mrs. Reynolds? This is Martin Gross calling.
B: Hi, Martin. What can I do for you?
A: Well, I’ve got the spread sheets you asked for, but I’m still waiting on some data from accounting.
B: That’s all right. Bring me over what you’ve got. 报告进度
B:这就行了。把做好的给我送来吧。 (138)Good news over the phone
A: Hi, is this Rich?
B: Yeah, who’s calling?
A: It’s Alex… Have I got some great news! We got the Baker account. It’s all ours!
B: Fantastic! I can’t believe it! That’s the biggest account we’ve gotten so far! 电话报喜
B:太棒啦!难以置信!这可是我们目前为止最大的客户啊!    (139)Bad news over the phone
A: Rachel? This is John Emory speaking.
B: Yes, Mr. Emory?
A: I’ve got some bad news. All the plans sent over to the McGrath Corporation have been rejected. We’re going to have to start from scratch.
B: I thought they had already agreed to everything. That’s going to take weeks to rework. 电话报忧
B:我以为我们每项都被认可了。要从来得好几个星期呀。 (140)Asking about some old files
A: Hi, John? It’s Susan Miller.
B: Hi, Susan. What’s up?
A: Do you know where that memo about office procedures is? I want to give my secretary a copy.
B: I’m sorry. I have no idea. I haven’t seen that for ages.寻找旧文件
B:对不起,我不知道。我已经好久没见过那东西了。 (119)Advice on client relations
A: Carla, I know you’re kind of new in this business and I want to give you some advice.
B: Yes, Mr. Michaels?
A: You have to listen to what the client asks for. What you have just shown me is not at all in line with the client’s wishes.
B: I’m sorry, Mr. Michaels. Could you tell me where the problems are exactly? Maybe I misunderstood the client’s intentions. 关于客户关系的建议
B:对不起,麦克 (120)Disagreeing on a project
A: Mr. Crandall, I’m sorry, but I really don’t see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch. It would take a lot of work.
B: That’s certainly true. But, that’s what this job is all about, Maria. There's no doubt that this project is unacceptable.
A: I agree. But I think that we can handle the problem by making a few major changes. I’d appreciate it if you would give me a chance.
B: All right, Maria. I’ll give you until tomorrow at 4:00 to produce a satisfactory piece of work, but otherwise, you’ll have to re-do it. 意见分歧
B:好吧,玛丽亚。我等你到明天4点拿出份令人满意的方案,否则你得重做一遍。 (121)Requesting boss’ criticism
A: Mr. Farmington? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Roger did? I don’t think we can use them.
B: Hmm. I see what you mean. Have you spoken with Roger? He usually does better work than this.
A: I know, Mr. Farmington. But, I’m not sure that I should bring this up with him. I think it would be better if you spoke to him.
B: All right. Leave these ads with me. I’ll speak to him this morning. 征求老板意见
B:好吧。把这广告留给我吧。今天上午我跟他说。 (141)Calling the president
A: Good morning. Could I speak with Mr. Willard please?
B: This is he. Who’s calling, please?
A: This is Chris Emerson speaking.
B: Hello, Chris. How can I help you? 给总裁打电话
B:你好,克丽丝。有什么事吗? (142)Calling a mail clerk
A: Mail room. Karen speaking.
B: Hi, Karen. This is John Williams in the purchasing department. Can you check to see if there’s a package down there for me?
A: Certainly, Mr. Williams. Just one moment, please.
B: Thanks, Karen. 给邮务员打电话
B:谢谢你,凯伦。  (143)Calling a supply store
A: Office Supplies, Inc. Robert speaking, may I help you?
B: Hi, Robert. This is Janet Reese calling from American Advertising. We placed an order with you about a week ago.
A: Yes, Ms. Reese. I remember, you spoke with me. Is there a problem?
B: Well, it still hasn’t gotten here, and my boss is pretty angry about it. 给办公用品店打电话
B:是这样,这批货到现在还没到,我的老板对此很恼火。  (144)Calling the printers
A: Print Shop.
B: Hi, is this Steven?
A: No, ma’am. This is Sean. Steven’s out sick.
B: Oh, sorry to hear that. Listen, I’ve got a rush order. Can you help me out? 给复印店打电话
B:噢,太遗憾了。是这样,我有批急活,你们能帮忙做出来吗? (145)Making a rush order
A: Print shop. Seam speaking.
B: Hi, Sean. It’s Mary in Mr. Emory’s office. I placed an order for 1,000 bound copies of a staff manual last week.
A: It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to complete a job like that.
B: Well, I was hoping you would do me a big favor. That was supposed to be a rush order, I forgot to tell you. I’m getting a lot of flak from my boss. 订批急活
B:我希望你帮帮忙啊。这本来是批急活。我忘记告诉你了。我挨了老板一通好训。 (146)Asking for typing help
A: Kevin? Hi, it’s Elizabeth. I have a big favor to ask you.
B: How big, Elizabeth? Last time you said that, I ended up working overtime 3 nights in a row!
A: Well, I’ve got a huge load of typing and Mr. Blake has insisted I get it done by tomorrow afternoon.
B: All right, Elizabeth. But this is the last time. 请求帮忙打字
B:好吧,伊丽莎白。不过这可是最后一次了。 (147)Calling a contractor
A: I have been trying to reach you for the last 3 days!
B: I’m sorry, Mr. Brunt. I’ve been out on a site for the last week.
A: Well, I need to know the specifics about the medical center project. We start building in under two months.
B: I understand, sir. I’ll come by tomorrow morning to talk to you about it, if that’s all right. 给承包商打电话
B:我明白,先生。我明天上午去和您谈这个问题,如果您方便的话。 (148)Calling the finance department
A: Finance, Angie speaking.
B: Hi Angie, it’s Tom Reynolds here. Can you tell me if my tuition fees for this semester have been approved?
A: Yes, Mr. Reynolds. They were approved yesterday. You can pick up the check today.
B: Oh wow! Thanks a million, Angie! 给财务部打电话
A:批准了,雷诺兹先生。昨天批的。你可以今天来拿支票。 (149)Speaking with an anger client
A: Hello. I need to speak with Allan Cartwright.
B: This is he. May I help you?
A: I certainly hope so, I am about to stop doing business with your office.
B: I’m very sorry, Madam. Can you tell me what the problem is over the phone or would you like me to go to your office? 让客户息怒
    · 办公室英语口语第149期:Speaking with an anger client让客 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第148期:Calling the finance department给 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第147期:Calling a contractor 给承包商打电 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第146期:Asking for typing help 请求帮忙打 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第145期:Making a rush order 订批急活 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第144期:Calling the printers 给复印店打电 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第143期:Calling a supply store 给办公用品 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第142期:Calling a mail clerk 给邮务员打电 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第141期:Calling the president 给总裁打电 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第121期:Requesting boss’ criticism 征 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第120期:Disagreeing on a project 意见分 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第119期:Advice on client relations 关于 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第140期:Asking about some old files寻找旧 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第139期:Bad news over the phone 电话报忧 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第138期:Good news over the phone 电话报喜 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第137期:Reporting a progress 报告进度 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第136期:Calling your boss from outside 给 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第135期:Explanation for being late 解释 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第134期:Getting instructions 接受指示 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第133期:Calling in sick 请病假 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第132期:Inquiring about progress 询问进 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第131期:Getting a ride after work 下班 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第130期:Lunch invitation 午餐邀请 (alex,06-02)
    · 办公室英语口语第第129期:Wrong department 找错部门 (alex,06-02)