喜羊羊与灰太狼牛气冲天的简介用英语翻译 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/01 10:45:00
  最后,蜗牛终于回复了健康,小羊们和灰太狼夫妇也回到了草原上,但灰太狼却在庆功会上发难,并表示自己并没有违背誓约——一根羊毛也不吃,那可是剥了皮再吃!不料喜羊羊却早有准备,反制住了灰太狼。其他小羊愤怒地要把灰太狼消灭时,喜羊羊倒把他们放走——因为,世间万物自有他存在的道理,不能轻言消灭。而且,老村长也说过:“宽恕敌人也是宽恕你自己。”——青青草原上,羊和狼的欢乐故事还将永远继续!じò 棒棒糖 回答:1 人气:7 解决时间:2009-06-06 20:10


Warm, more slowly YangCun long 100 sheep on the anniversary celebrations. Slowly the old snail sheep sheep but fell ill suddenly mounts, after examination, the village head feel to infiltrate the snail with him by the elimination of virus disease. The lamb, to replace the risk to the snail body eliminate the virus. Unexpectedly grey Wolf overhear, also want to enter the snail body catch lamb.
提问人的追问   2009-06-06 20:05
回答人的补充   2009-06-06 20:06
Like sheep sheep and goat, boiling lazy sheep sheep and goat came on the two horns snails. Like sheep sheep and goat is not clear what is this place, it is white fungus (white) army soldiers forced muster. But not recruit training, directly on the front not war.
回答人的补充   2009-06-06 20:07
In the army, it is located within the realm of the antenna snail - the white buffalo kingdom bacteria. Recently the world peace, no longer snail earthquakes. The judge must be in another antenna of black fungus (black) - the black ox countries make kingdom, in order to eliminate the evil spirits of the black bull, stop the bacterial infection, the white buffalo kingdom solicitation, launched the war. Since everybody's purpose, like sheep sheep in the white buffalo kingdom to the army, and the black ox kingdom bacteria.
回答人的补充   2009-06-06 20:07
On the border between the two countries in the battlefield, like sheep sheep did that black ox kingdom is grey Wolf leader, create new weapons tanks and aircraft, the black ox all countries, was inundated with rout.
Like sheep sheep to carry signals, in order to have no com and the contact, pleasant goat through dangerous forbidden black forest, here - vortex Abraham to trace, once the bacteria from entering. But pleasant goat still resolutely, after a long journey, to arrive at the time, unfortunately forest export met mysterious bacteria barbarians (cattle), although the pleasant goat escape out, but the barbarians but com. Gray Wolf becomes their divisions, created many controls bacteria, eliminate black ox controller and the white buffalo kingdom, things into two bacteria, the two countries bacteria is the grain, and by gray Wolf lamb.
回答人的补充   2009-06-06 20:08
The mighty barbarian bacteria surrounded by their two countries will spill over, and threatened to two countries as their food bacteria. Two Kings are absolutely not, docile, otherwise the barbarians bacteria caused by this world is actually true source of lesions!
While gray Wolf day, thought oneself also give cattle of barbarians bacteria. Pleasant goat for salvation, and cattle and all in war, and finally "sacrifice" save little gray, make big Wolf promise later don't eat a wool.
回答人的补充   2009-06-06 20:08
Finally, the snail finally back healthy, lamb and ash Wolf couple also returned to the grasslands, but grey Wolf in the party, and says he does not violate pledge -- a wool is not to eat, but eat again skinned the! But pleasant goat is ready, the gray Wolf counter. Other sheep angrily to the gray Wolf consumed, pleasant goat profiteering, let them - because its existence of things he says, not light. Also, the old village head also said: "forgive the enemy is forgive yourself." Green grassland, sheep, and the joy of the Wolf will always continue story!