[Milberg09] Chapter 14. Network I/O: Monitoring

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Chapter 14. Network I/O: Monitoring

Let's begin our discussion of network I/O monitoring by revisiting our old standby, netstat, which displays overall network statistics. Probably one of the most common commands you will type is netstat -in:

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# netstat -in

Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
en1 1500 link#2 2a. 21005666 0 175389 0 0
en1 1500 10.153 21005666 0 175389 0 0
en0 1500 link#3 2a. 328241182 0 1189 0 0
en0 1500 172.29.128 328241182 0 1189 0 0
lo0 16896 link#1 62223 0 62234 0 0
lo0 16896 127 62223 0 62234 0 0

Here is a key to the output fields:

  • Name — Interface name

  • Mtu — Interface Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) size

  • Network — The actual network address to which the interface connects

  • Address — Media Access Control (MAC) or IP address

  • Ipkts — Total number of packets received by the interface

  • Ierrs — Number of errors reported back from the interface

  • Opkts — Number of packets transmitted from the interface

  • Oerrs — Number of error packets transmitted from the interface

  • Coll — Number of collisions on the adapter (if you're using Ethernet, you won't see anything here)

Another handy netstat flag is -m.This option lets you view the kernel memory allocation statistics,including mbuf memory requests (and buffer size), amount of memory inuse, and failures by CPU:

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# netstat -m

Kernel malloc statistics:
******* CPU 0 *******
By size inuse calls failed delayed free hiwat freed
32 194 5203 0 2 62 2620 0
64 484 3926 0 7 28 2620 0
128 309 14913 0 8 875 1310 0
256 392 214494 0 22 136 2620 0
512 2060 26183179 0 261 60 3275 0
1024 31 2714 0 8 25 1310 0
2048 587 1237 0 292 5 1965 0
4096 9 8367 0 2 2 655 0
8192 2 12 0 2 1 327 0
16384 224 354 0 29 2 163 0
32768 48 183 0 13 3 81 0
65536 84 142 0 42 0 81 0
131072 3 4 0 0 51 102 0
******* CPU 1 *******
By size inuse calls failed delayed free hiwat freed
32 17 96 0 0 111 2620 0
64 295 1214 0 5 25 2620 0
128 151 93806 0 5 713 1310 0
256 83 273 0 5 29 2620 0
512 1577 86936634 0 199 23 3275 0
1024 4 18 0 2 4 1310 0
2048 515 516 0 257 1 1965 0
4096 1 707 0 0 1 655 0
8192 1 1 0 1 4 327 0
16384 32 32 0 4 0 163 0
32768 52 193 0 15 5 90 0
65536 34 34 0 17 0 81 0
131072 0 0 0 0 44 88 0

If you're using Ethernet, you can also use the entstat command to display device driver statistics:

# entstat -d en1

Device Type: 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter II (1410ff01)
Hardware Address: 00:02:55:6f:c9:9b
Elapsed Time: 5 days 12 hours 14 minutes 46 seconds

Transmit Statistics: Receive Statistics:
-------------------- -------------------
Packets: 803536 Packets: 2095253
Bytes: 511099654 Bytes: 1099945394
Interrupts: 520 Interrupts: 2074913
Transmit Errors: 0 Receive Errors: 0
Packets Dropped: 0 Packets Dropped: 0
Bad Packets: 0
Max Packets on S/W Transmit Queue: 38
S/W Transmit Queue overflow: 0
Current S/W+H/W Transmit Queue Length: 1

Broadcast Packets: 535 Broadcast Packets: 997476

The entstatoutput provides a potpourri of information. You won't see manycollisions because you'll probably be working in a switchedenvironment. Look for transmit errors, and make sure they're notincreasing too fast.

Youneed to learn to troubleshoot collision and error problems before youeven begin to think about tuning. As an alternative, you can use netstat -v which provides similar information.

14.1. netpmon

netpmon [-o File] [-d] [-T n] [-P] [-t] [-v] [-O ReportType ...]
[-i Trace_File -n Gennames_File]

The netpmoncommand reports information about CPU usage as it relates to thenetwork. It also provides data about network device driver I/O,Internet socket calls, and various other statistics.

Similar to its other trace brethren, tprof and filemon, netpmon starts a trace and runs in the background until you stop it with the trcstop command. I like netpmonbecause it really gives you a detailed overview of network activity andalso captures data for trending and analysis (although it's not asuseful as nmon for the latter purpose). In the following example, we'll use a trace buffer size of 2 million bytes:

# netpmon -T 2000000 -o /tmp/net.out

Wed Sep 5 05:30:27 2007
System: AIX 5.3 Node: lpar7ml162f_pub Machine: 00C22F2F4C00

Run trcstop to signal the end of the trace:

# trcstop

# [netpmon: Reporting started]

[netpmon: Reporting completed]
[ 4 traced cpus ]
[ 245.464 secs total preempt time ]

[netpmon: 164.813 secs in measured interval]

Let's look at the data. Here is just a small sampling of the output:

# more net.out

Process CPU Usage Statistics:
Process (top 20) PID CPU Time CPU % CPU %
UNKNOWN 15920 151.2735 36.558 0.000
UNKNOWN 7794 104.8801 25.346 0.000
UNKNOWN 6876 73.8785 17.854 0.000
UNKNOWN 5402 50.6225 12.234 0.000
xmwlm 13934 15.0469 3.636 0.000
-ksh 5040 0.0371 0.009 0.000
getty 18688 0.0280 0.007 0.000
sshd: 28514 0.0224 0.005 0.000
syncd 10068 0.0212 0.005 0.000

gil                         3870    0.0163   0.004    0.004
swapper 0 0.0135 0.003 0.000
spray 5400 0.0085 0.002 0.000
send-mail 18654 0.0084 0.002 0.000
rmcd 15026 0.0081 0.002 0.000
ping 5036 0.0068 0.002 0.000
ksh 26642 0.0062 0.002 0.000
trcstop 5404 0.0057 0.001 0.000

Asyou can see, little overall network I/O activity was going on duringthis time. The top section of the output is most important. It helpsyou gain an understanding of which processes are eating up network I/Otime.

The lsattr command, which we used in Chapter 13to view hardware parameters, is another tool you'll use frequently todisplay statistics about your interfaces. The attributes reported bythis command are configured using either the chdev or the no command. Let's display the driver parameters using lsattr:

# lsattr -El en0

alias4 IPv4 Alias including Subnet Mask True
alias6 IPv6 Alias including Prefix Length True
arp on Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) True
authority Authorized Users True
broadcast Broadcast Address True
mtu 1500 Maximum IP Packet Size for This Device True
netaddr Internet Address True
netaddr6 IPv6 Internet Address True
netmask Subnet Mask True
prefixlen Prefix Length for IPv6 Internet Address True
remmtu 576 Maximum IP Packet Size for REMOTE Networks True
rfc1323 Enable/Disable TCP RFC 1323 Window Scaling True
security none Security Level True
state detach Current Interface Status True
tcp_mssdflt Set TCP Maximum Segment Size True
tcp_nodelay Enable/Disable TCP_NODELAY Option True
tcp_recvspace Set Socket Buffer Space for Receiving True
tcp_sendspace Set Socket Buffer Space for Sending True

Sometimes, I also like to use the spray command to troubleshoot possible problems (although oftentimes this command is blocked because it's not very secure). The spraycommand sends a one-way stream of packets from your host to the remotehost machines and reports the number of packets dropped as well as thenumber of packets transferred:

# /usr/etc/spray lpar8test  -c 2000 -l 1400 -d 1

sending 2000 packets of length 1402 to
lpar8test ...
34 packets (1.700%) dropped by lpar8test
23667 packets/second, 33181234 bytes/second

Inthe preceding example, 2,000 packets were sent to the lpar8test host,with a delay of one microsecond. Each packet consisted of 1,400 bytes.

Before using spray, make sure the sprayd daemon isn't commented out of the inetd daemon (the default configuration in AIX), and don't forget to refresh inetd. If you're seeing a substantial number of dropped packets, that obviously is not good.

14.2. Monitoring NFS

This section covers the use of the nmon, topas, nfsstat, nfs, nfs4cl, and netpmon commands to monitor the Network File System (NFS). For NFS tuning, you could use a tool such as topas or nmoninitially because these commands provide a nice dashboard view of whatis happening in your system. Remember that NFS performance problemsmight not be related to your NFS subsystem at all; your bottleneckcould be on the network or, from a server perspective, related to CPUor disk I/O. Running a tool such as topas or nmon can quickly help you get a sense of what the real issues are.

Consider a system that has two CPUs and is running AIX 5.3 TL_6. The report in Figure 14.1 shows nmon output from an NFS perspective.

Figure 14.1. NFS nmon output

Look at all the information that is available to you from an NFS (client and server) perspective using nmon! There are no current bottlenecks at all on this system.

Although topas has improved recently with its ability to capture data, nmon might still be a better first choice. While topas provides a front end similar to nmon, nmon is more useful in terms of long-term trending and analysis.

14.3. nfsstat

The nfsstattool is arguably the most important tool you'll work with as youmonitor your network. This command displays all types of informationabout NFS and remote procedure calls (RPCs). You can use nfsstat as a monitoring tool to troubleshoot problems and also employ it for performance tuning.

Depending on the flags you use, you can have nfsstatdisplay NFS client or server information. The command can also show theactual usage count of file system operations. This detail helps youunderstand exactly how each file system is utilized, so that you canknow how to best tune your system. Look at the client flag (c) first.

The r flag generates the RPC information:

# nfsstat -cr

Client rpc:
Connection oriented
calls badcalls badxids timeouts newcreds badverfs timers
14348 1 0 0 0 0 0
nomem cantconn interrupt
0 0 0
calls badcalls retrans badxids timeouts newcreds badverfs
23 0 0 0 0 0 0

timers nomem cantsend
0 0 0

Here's a rundown of the connection-oriented parameters:

  • calls — Number of RPC calls received

  • badcalls — Number of calls rejected by the RPC layers

  • badxids — Number of times a server reply was received that did not correspond to any outstanding call

  • timeouts — Number of times calls timed out while waiting for replies from the server

  • newcreds — Number of times authentication information was refreshed

  • badverfs — Number of times a call failed due to a bad verifier in the response

If you notice a large number of timeouts or badxids, you could benefit by increasing the timeo parameter with the mount command (details to come).

Next, look at the NFS information by using the n flag:

# nfsstat -cn

Client nfs:
calls badcalls clgets cltoomany
14348 1 0 0
Version 2: (0 calls)
null getattr setattr root lookup readlink read
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0
wrcache write create remove rename link symlink
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
mkdir rmdir readdir statfs
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0
Version 3: (14348 calls)
null getattr setattr lookup access readlink read
0 0% 3480 24% 5 0% 1790 12% 5742 40% 0 0% 30 0%
write create mkdir symlink mknod remove rmdir
44 0% 3 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 3 0% 0 0%
rename link readdir readdir+ fsstat fsinfo pathconf
0 0% 2 0% 3 0% 3195 22% 5 0% 2 0% 0 0%

In NFS Version 3, the output fields include:

  • calls — Number of received NFS calls

  • badcalls — Number of calls rejected by the NFS layer

  • clgets — Number of times a client handle was received

  • cltoomany — Number of times the client handle had no unused entries

14.4. nfs4cl

If you're running NFS Version 4, you might be using the nfs4cl command more often. This command displays NFS 4 statistics and properties:

# nfs4cl showfs

Server Remote Path fsid Local Path
-------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

If after running this command, you see that there is no output, run the mount command to obtain more detail:

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# mount

node mounted mounted over vfs date options
------------ --------------- --------------- ---- ------------ ---------------
/dev/hd4 / jfs Sep 25 13:18 rw,log=/dev/hd8 /stage/middleware /stage/middleware nfs3 Sep 25 13:22 ro,bg,soft,intr,
sec=sys /userdata/20004773 /home/u0004773 nfs3 Sep 25 13:29 bg,hard,int

As you can tell, in this example no file systems are mounted using NFS Version 4, only NFS Version 3.

Unlike the vast majority of performance tuning commands, nfs4cl can also be used to tune your system. You do this by using the setfsoptions subcommand to tune NFS Version 4. Another parameter you can tune is the previously mentioned timeo, which specifies the timeout value for the RPC calls to the server.

14.5. netpmon and NFS

The netpmon command can also help you troubleshoot NFS bottlenecks. In addition to monitoring many other types of network statistics, netpmon monitors for clients — both read and write subroutines and NFS RPC requests. For servers, netpmon monitors read and write requests. The command starts a trace and runs in the background until you stop it.

First, let's kick off the trace:

# netpmon -T 3000000 -o /tmp/nfrss.out

You run the trcstop command to signal the end of the trace, as the following message informs you:

# Sun Oct  7 07:06:14 2007

System: AIX 5.3 Node: lpar24ml162f_pub Machine: 00C22F2F4C00
Run trcstop command to signal end of trace.

Let's stop our trace:

# trcstop

# [netpmon: Reporting started]
[netpmon: Reporting completed

[ 2 traced cpus ]
[ 245.464 secs total preempt time ]
[netpmon: 164.813 secs in measured interval

Now, we can check out the NFS-specific information provided in the output file:

NFSv3 Client RPC Statistics (by Server):

Server Calls/s
p650 126.68
Total (all servers) 126.68
Detailed NFSv3 Client RPC Statistics (by Server):
SERVER: p650
calls: 5602

call times (msec): avg 1.408 min 0.274 max 979.611 sdev 21.310
COMBINED (All Servers)
calls: 5602
call times (msec): avg 1.408 min 0.274 max 979.611 sdev 21.310

In this case, you can see the NFS Version 3 client statistics by server.

Although netpmonis a useful trace utility, its performance overhead can sometimesoutweigh its benefits, particularly when you have other ways to obtainsimilar information. So be aware of this consideration when using thisutility.

14.6. Monitoring Network Packets

Earlier, I addressed some of the very basic flags, such as -in, that you typically use with the netstat command. Using netstat, you can also monitor more detailed information about the packets themselves. For example, the -Doption reports the overall number of packets received, transmitted, anddropped in your communications subsystem. The command output sorts theresults by device, driver, and protocol:

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# netstat -D

Source Ipkts Opkts Idrops Odrops
ent_dev0 238122150 1805 0 0
ent_dev1 17583646 301547 0 0
Devices Total 255705796 303352 0 0

There are actually so many different ways to use netstat that the best place to start is to look at the man page for netstat and go from there. Don't be afraid to run these commands, because they won't eat up disk space or affect performance.

14.7. iptrace, ipreport, and ipfilter

Thetracing tools provided within AIX are used to record detailedinformation about packets. Use these commands with more caution.

The tools are extremely helpful when you're trying to determine the root cause of network performance problems. Check out iptrace and ipreport first. The iptrace command records all packets received from the network interfaces. The ipreport command formats the data generated from iptrace into a readable trace report. You can also use the ipfilter command to sort the output file created from ipreport.

Let's try starting the trace and running it for one minute:

# /usr/sbin/iptrace -a -i en0 iptrace
[1] 7375

# [774252
[1] + Done /usr/sbin/iptrace -a -i en0 iptrace.out

Here, you can see the trace running:

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# ps -ef | grep iptrace

root 205030 749602 0 10:57:32 pts/0 0:00 grep iptrace
root 774252 1 2 10:57:25 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/iptrace -a -i en0 iptrace.out

When we're done with the trace, we need to kill the process:

# kill −1 77425
# iptrace: unload success!

Next, let's sort the file:

# ipreport -r -s iptrace.out >/ipreport.network

Now,we can examine the output, which shows the captured information abouteach packet, including packet size and IP address information:

# more ipreport.network

IPTRACE version: 2.0
ETH: ====( 114 bytes transmitted on interface en0 )==== 10:57:25.698790226
ETH: [ da:bb:b8:b5:26:14 -> 6e:87:76:59:6e:cd ] type 800 (IP)
IP: < SRC = > (lpar37p682e)
IP: < DST = >
IP: ip_v=4, ip_hl=20, ip_tos=16, ip_len=100, ip_id=18349, ip_off=0 DF
IP: ip_ttl=60, ip_sum=945f, ip_p = 6 (TCP)
TCP: th_seq=337783617, th_ack=1783353394
TCP: th_off=8, flags
TCP: th_win=65522, th_sum=0, th_urp=0
TCP: nop
TCP: nop
TCP: timestamps TSVal: 0x47414604 TSEcho: 0x47826117
TCP: 00000000 520bea13 dfaefa7b e1c517d6 ce86f960 |R......{....... '|
TCP: 00000010 fdb24d69 947c8d48 fa7b6379 235d1a63 |..Mi.|.H.{cy#].c|
TCP: 00000020 840adfc2 e1b4b916 e1002983 f96fc1fb |.......... )..o..|

Asyou can imagine, the trace file can become very large fairly quickly.The file for this example grew to 40 MB in less than a minute! Be verycareful when running these traces because you'll run out of disk spacereally fast if you don't have the disk bandwidth for these files.

You can also start the trace using the System Resource Controller (SRC).

14.8. tcpdump

What about tcpdump?This command prints the headers of the packets that are captured foreach network interface card (NIC). One important difference with tcpdump is that, unlike iptrace, it can look at only one network interface at a time. And because iptrace examines the entire packet from the kernel space, its results can include lots of dropped packets. With tcpdump, you can limit the amount of data to be traced. Also, you don't need to use an ipreport type of command to format the binary data because tcpdump performs both the trace and the output.

Let's run tcpdump:

# tcpdump -w tcp.out
tcpdump: listening on en0, link-type 1, capture size 96 bytes

The utility continues to capture packets until you press Ctrl+C. If any packets were dropped due to a lack of buffer space, tcpdump reports that, too:

14755 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

13:40:28.001711 IP lpar37p682e.ssh > P

The preceding output shows that the kernel dropped no packets, which is a good thing.