2007年广州市小学生英语竞赛试题 - 小学网 小学网---中国最具特色小升初资讯门户网站

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2010年9月16日 星期四 16:06:03

你的位置:小学网>>广州小学英语>>广州英语竞赛>> 详细内容
发布: 2010-3-17 17:19 |  作者: webmaster |   来源: 本站原创 |  查看: 249次
( l )全部题目在一小时内完成;
( 2 )第1 至80 小题的答案写在答题片中;
( 3 )第81 至100 小题的答案写在答卷上。
1. Listen to the dialogue and choose the message you hoar.听读对话一次,根据听到的内容选择有关的信息,在答题卡中把正确答案相应的字母涂黑。
( l )      A. Miss Wu has got a black dog.
B. Miss Wu has got a brown dog.
C. Mr Wu has got a black dog.
D. Miss Wu has got a brown duck.
( 2 )     A. The big house is cleaner than the small house.
B.The big house is older than the small house.
C. The big house is newer than the old house.
D.The new house is bigger than the old house .
( 3 )     A. There are seven windows in Li Bin’s classroom.
B. There are three big windows in Li Bin’s classroom.
C. Li Bin’s classroom has seven windows .
D . Li Bin’s classroom has six windows .
( 4 )     A. Sue’s parents have four children.
B. Sue’s parents have three children.
C. Sue’s parents have two sons and one daughter.
D. Sue’s parents have three sons and one daughter.
( 5 )   A. The population of  New Zealand in l989 was 3, 336, 600,000.
B. The population of New Zealand in l989 was33, 660, 000.
C. The population of New Zealand in l989 was 336 , 600.
D. The population of New Zealand in l989 was 3 , 366 , 000.
( 6 )   A. Joan has thirty-eight classmates.
B. Joan has forty-eight classmates.
C. Joan has forty-seven classmates.
D. Joan has thirty-seven classmates.
( 7 )   A . A cheetah can run 100 kilometres per hour.
B. A cheetah can run100 metres per minute .
C. A cheetah can run 1000 kilometres per hour.
D. A cheetah can run 1000 metres per minute.
( 8 )  A. The first Summer Olympic Games were held in l924 in France.
B. The first Summer Olympic Games were held in l942 in France.
C. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in l924 in France.
D. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1928 in France.
( 9 ) A . There are two toy animals on the table.
B . There are five toy animals on the table.
C . There are three toy animals on the table.
D . There are five toy animals on the table.
( 10 ) A. Canada is 9, 976, 139 square kilometers.
B . Canada is 9, 967, 139 square kilometers.
C . Canada is 9, 976, 319 square kilometers.
D . Canada 159 , 976 , 193 square kilometers.
2 . Listen and choose the right answers. 听问题一次,选择问题的正确答案,在答题卡中把正确答案相应的字母涂黑.
( 11 ) A. We can see blue water.         B. We can see red water.
C. We can see purple water.       D. We can see brown water.
( 12 ) A . 12 , 141 , 622 .               B. 12 , 131 , 622 .
C. 12 , 142 , 622 .               D. 12 , 141 , 522 .
( 13 )  A. I’11 have two bowls of rice.    B. I’11 have no bowls of rice.
C .I’ll have no bowls.                   D. I’ll have no rice .
( 1 4 ) A. I’ll be 5 p.m. in China .       B. It’llbe11 p.m. in China.
C. I’ll be 4 a.m. in China.        D. It’ll be 8 p.m. in China.
( 15 ) A. Forty-one.                  B. Twenty-two.
C. twenty-three.                D. Twenty.
( l6 ) A. Yes, he is.                  B. No, he is wrong.
C. Jim lives on the first floor.     D. No, Jim lives on the third floor.
( 17 ) A. They would talk about the animals.  B. They would talk about the time.
C. They would talk about the flowers.  D. They would talk about the weather.
( 18 ) A. Do you like the food?            B. How are you?
C. What can I do for you ?           D. How are you?
( 19 ) A. Spaceships.                    B. Motorboats.
C. Parachutes.                     D. Helicopters.
( 20 ) A. Potatoes.                      B. Rice noodles.
C. Cereal.                        D. Salad.
( 2 1 ) A. Rice.                        B. Potatoes.
C . Porridge .                     D. Rice noodles.
( 22 ) A. Hamburgers.                  B. Dumplings.
C. Chicken.                      D. Chocolate eggs.
( 2 3 ) A. People in Taiwan.              B. Japanese people.
C. British people.                 D. People in Hong Kong.
( 24 ) A. Glasses.                      B. Bags.
C. Umbrellas.                    D. Cardigans.
( 25 ) A. Sixty-eight years old.           B. Sixty-two years old.
C. Fifty-five years old.            D. Sixty-one years old.
( 2 6 ) A. Germany.                    B. France.
C. Japan.                       D. Australia.
( 27 ) A. Kangaroo.                    B. Kiwis.
C. Koalas.                      D. Elephants .
( 28 ) A. Asian elephants are bigger than African elephants.
B. African elephants are bigger than Asian elephants.
C. African elephants don’t have any differences.
D. Elephants are the biggest animals on land.
( 29 ) A. Foxes.                       B. Beavers.
C. Seals.                        D. Crocodiles .
( 30 ) A. Only one.                    B.Two.
C. Three.                        D. Four.
( 31 ) A. In 2005.                     B. In 2006.
C. In 2004.                      D. In 2000.
( 3 2 ) A. It’s very warm there.           B. It’s hot too.
C. It’s cold there.                D. It’s sunny.
( 33 ) A. It’s in Paris.                  B. It’s in Berlin.
C. It’s in Rome.                  D. It’s in London.
( 3 4 ) A. London.                    B. Paris.
C . Moscow.                    D. Rome.
( 35 ) A. Green, white and red.         B. Black, red and yellow.
C. Red and white.                    D. Blue, white and red.
( 36 ) A. The Antarctic.                    B. Asia.
C. Africa.                           D. Europe.
( 37 ) A. Yes,he was.                    B. No, he was Japanese.
C. No, he was Indian.                D. No, he was African.
( 38 ) A. Washington.                     B. Picasso.
C. Nelson Mamdala                  D. Robin Hood.
( 39 ) A . Cape Town, South Africa.          B. Cairo, Egypt.
C. Canberra, Australia.                D. Salzburg, Austria.
( 4 0 ) A.Twenty-eight days.              B. Twenty-nine days.
C . Thirty days.                    D. Thirty-one days.
3. Listen to the sentences. Look at the Picture and choose the one that matches the picture.听一次,选择听到的描述图的句子,在答题卡中把正确答案相应的字母涂黑。
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