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快易准英语:对难读词标记了4个读音符号的英语,学习者看见快易准英语就能准确朗读。单音节词重读,双音节、三音节词在第一个音节重读,两元音之间只有一个辅音时,前面的重读元音按开音节读主音,两元音之间有2个辅音时,前面的重读元音按闭音节读主音,ar 音节、are音节都读主音,轻读音节和辅音也读主音,这些是最常用的读音规则。满足这些读音规则的单词不标记读音符号。
音素字母: [ ] 内是音素字母,重音符号'标记在重读音节的后部,次重音符号`标记在次重读音节的后部。开音节、相对闭音节标记在元音后,如paper[pae'pa.]纸,lonely[loe'nli]孤独的,ev'er[e'va.]曾经,绝对闭音节标记在辅音后,如member[mem'ba.]成员,-r音节标记在-r后,如party[par'ti]聚会,-re音节标记在-re后,如care'ful`ly[kare'fuli]小心地。国际音标没有标记次重音符号的次重读音节不标记标记次重音符号。
频度 水平 快易准英语 音素字母 词性 词义 例句及译文
00005 1 a [a.] art. 一(个、件,在辅音前,轻读) This is a pen. 这是一枝钢笔。
10001 3 a (large) number of [a.(larj) num'ba. ov] phr. 许多 A (large) number of peo'ple are learning Eng'lish. 许多人正在学英语。
10001 2 a bit [a. bit] phr. 有一点儿;一小会儿 This pair of shoes is a bit big. 这双鞋有一点大。
10001 2 a few [a. fue] phr. 一些,少许几个 He has a few friends' here. 他在这有几个朋友。
10001 3 a great man'y [a. gaet me'ni] phr. 很多的,非常多的 We hav'e a great man'y things to do at pres'ent. 我们目前有很多事情要做。
10001 3 a great(good) deeal of [ae graet (gud) deel ov] phr. 许多,大量 He has giv'en me a great deal of help. 他给了我许多帮助。
10001 2 a lot of [a. lot ov] phr. 许多;大量 I hav'e a lot of work to do. 我有很多工作要做。
10001 2 a mo'ment later [a.moe'ma.nt lae'ta.] phr. 片刻之后 A mo'ment later the cla'ss 4 runner fell and hurt his leg, but he quickly got up and went on running. 过了一会儿,四班的参赛者摔倒了,腿也受伤了,但是他很快站起来,接着比赛。
10001 6 a mul'titude` of [ae mu'ltitued ov] phr. 许多,大量 He had a mul'titude` of prob'lems. 他有许多的问题。
10001 2 a pair of [a. pare ov] phr. 一对,一双 What can I do for you? I"m look'ing for a pair of black shoes. 我能为你效劳码?我想买一双黑色的鞋子。
10001 3 a place of in'terest [ae plaes ov i'ntrist] phr. 名胜 The Great Wall is a fa'mous place of in'terest. 长城是著名的名胜。
10001 3 a wa'ste of [ae wae'st ov] phr. 浪费,白费 Your sitting here is a wa'ste of time. 你干坐在这里真是浪费时间。
06300 3 A.D [ae dee] 缩写词 公元后 From 200 B.C to A.D 300 is five hun'dred years. 从公元前200年到公元后300年,一共是500年。
00983 7 a.m. [ae em] n. 上午 I go to school at 7 a.m. 我上午7点上学。
02133 4 aban'don [a.ban'da.n] vt. 丢失,离弃;放弃 The search was aban'doned when night came. 天黑以后放弃了收索。
04755 6 abide' [a.bie'd] v. 遵守,坚持(by) Fa'ther abi'ded by his prom'ise, buy'ing us pres'ents. 父亲遵守诺言给我们买了礼物。
01525 4 abil'ity [a.bi'liti] n. 能力;能耐 Intel'ligence is the abil'ity to rea'son. 智能即推理能力。
00526 1 able [ae'bl] a. 有能力的;能干的 Are you able to com'e tomor'row? I think so. 你能明天来码?我想可以。
05810 6 abnor'mal [abnor'ma.l] a. 反常的,异常的 Did you notice the o'ld man's abnor'mal beha'viour? 你可注意到这位老人的反常行为? 03502 4 aboard' [a.bor'd] ad.&prep. 在船(或飞机、车)上;在船(或飞机、车)上 They went aboard' the ship. 他们上了船。
05205 6 abol'ish [a.bo'lish] vt. 彻底废除,废止 A'braham` Lin'coln ad'vocated abol'ishing Ne'gro` slavery in the South. 林肯主张彻底废除美国南部的黑奴制度。
06300 3 ab`orig'i.ne`s [a`ba.ri'jineez] n. 土著,居民 The native peo'ple in Aus`tra'lia are called ab`orig'i.ne`s. 澳大利亚的本土人被称为土著人。
04711 7 abor'tion [a.bor'sha.n] n. 早产,流产 induce'd abor'tion 人工流产
00606 1 about' [a.bou't] ad.&prep. 大约;关于 Tell us som'ething about' your coun'try. 给我们讲一讲你们的国家。
00428 1 abov'e [a.buv'] perp.&ad.&a. 在……上面;上面 The plane is fly'ing abov'e the clouds. 飞机在云层上飞。
10001 3 abov'e all [a.bu'v orl] phr. 首先,首要 He is good at all his sub'jects, abov'e all Eng'lish. 他的功课都不错,尤其是英语。
01913 1 abroad' [a.bror'd] ad. 到(在)国外;传开 She will go abroad'. 她要出国了。The ru'mour soon got abroad'. 谣言很快传开了。
06300 6 abrupt' [a.bru'pt] a. 突然的;唐突的 The dri'ver made an abrupt' turn as the car la'boured up the hill. 当车吃力地爬上山腰时司机突然急转弯。
01981 3 absence [ab'sa.ns] n. 缺席;不在 Please look a'fter my house dur'ing my absence. 我不在时请帮我看房子。
02969 3 absent [ab'sa.nt] a. 缺席的;心不在焉的 He was absent from the meeting yes'terday. 他昨天缺席会议。When I spoke to him he looked at me in an absent way. 我跟他说话的时候,他心不在焉地看着我。
02179 4 ab'solute` [ab'sa.luet] a. 绝对的,完全的 When giv'ing ev'idence in a law court, we must tell the ab`solute' tru'th. 在法庭作证时,我们必须说出全部事实真相。
01919 4 ab'solute`ly [ab'sa.luetli] ad. 完全地,极其;肯定地,绝对地 He is ab'solute`ly wrong. 他完全错了。
02701 4 absorb' [a.bsor'b] vt. 吸收;使全神贯注 If you rea'lly becom'e absorb'ed in a hobby, your in'terest may la'st a life'time`. 如果你真的迷上一种爱好,你的兴趣可能延续一辈子。
05941 7 absorp'tion [a.bsorp'sha.n] n. 吸收,专心,全神贯注,兼并 His absor'ption in stud'y Is won'derful`. 他专心钻研令人敬佩。
02239 4 ab'stract` [abs'trakt] a.&n. 抽象的;摘要,梗概 Please include' an ab'stract` of your paper. 请附一份你的论文摘要。
04598 6 absurd' [a.bser'd] a. 荒唐的,荒谬的 Som'etime`s e'ven sen'sible men do absurd' things. 有时甚至聪明人也做傻事。
04895 6 abun'dance [a.bu'nda.ns] n. 大量,丰富,充足 There is an abun'dance of rice in this ar'ea` this year. 今年该地区稻谷丰收。
03644 4 abun'dant [a.bu'nda.nt] a. 大量的,充足的,丰富的 There is an abun'dant supply' of food. 食品供应充足。
02115 4 abuse' [a.bue'z] n.&vt. 辱骂;虐待;滥用 They abuse'd each oth'er. 他们互相辱骂。
01223 4 ac`adem'ic [aka.de'mik] a. 学院的;学术的 The u`niver'sity is organize`d in'to five ac`adem'ic schools. 整个大学由五个学院组成。
01834 7 acad'emy [a.ka'da.mi] n. 学会,协会;学院 The Roy'al acad'emy 皇家学会
03868 4 ac`cel'erate` [akse'la.raet] v. (使)加快,(使)增速 China is ac`cel'era`ting e`conom'ic growth. 中国正在加速经济发展。
04363 6 accel`era'tion [aksela.rae'sha.n] n. 加速;加速度 Can you explai'n what we call the "accel`era'tion of the plan'ets" ? 你能解释“行星加速”问题吗?
03417 4 accent [a'ksa.nt] n. 口音 He had a strong French accent to his Eng'lish. 他讲英语带着很重的法国口音。
00900 3 accept' [a.sept'] vt. 接受;认可,同意 His propo'sal was accept'ed. 他的提议被采纳了。Peo'ple accept' him as a ge'nius. 人们承认他是天才。
03719 7 accep'table [a.ksep'ta.bl] ad. 可接受的,受欢迎的 His propo'sal Is quite accep'table.他的提议是可接受的。
03434 4 accep'tance [a.kse'pta.ns] n. 接受,接纳;承认 The propo'sal met with gen'eral accep'tance. 提案得到了普遍的认可。
00715 4 ac'cess` [ak'ses] n. 接近(或进入)的机会;通道,入口 hav'e free ac'cess` to sci`entif'ic and tech'nical lit'erature in Eng'lish. 有免费使用英语科技文献的机会。
05768 6 ac`ces'sory [akse'sa.ri] n. 附件;同谋 A fash'ionable dress with matching ac`ces'sories makes a young lady more charming. 一件时装配上相称的装饰品能使年轻的女士更加迷人。
01790 1 accident [ak'sida.nt] n. 事故;意外的事;偶然 I had a little accident la'st Sun'day. 上星期天我遇到了一次小小的意外。The gun went off by ac'cident. 枪意外走火。
05083 6 accom'modate` [a.ko'ma.daet] vt. 留宿;供应;使适应 The mu`nic'ipal gov'ernment accom'modate`s these orphans with all ki'nds of life neces'sities. 市政府给这些孤儿提供各种生活必需品。
03466 4 accom`moda'tion [a.koma.dae'sha.n] n. 信处,膳宿 Ho`tel' accom`moda'tions were scararece dur'ing the O`lym'pic Games. 奥运会期间旅馆房间非常紧张。
01745 4 accom'pany [a.kum'pa.ni] vt. 陪伴;伴随;为……伴奏 Thunder accom'panies ligh'tning. 雷声伴随着闪电。
01878 4 accom'plish [a.kom'plish] vt. 完成,实现 At this rate we"ll accom'plish o'nly ha'lf the distance. 照这样的速度,我们只能走完一半路程。
05059 7 accor'd [a.kor'd] v.&n. 给予;符合;根据 We accor'ded him a hear'ty welcome. 我们给予他热烈的欢迎。
02971 4 accor'dance [a.kor'da.ns] n. 一致,符合 In accor'dance with your wishes we accep'ted you as a party member. 根据您的愿望,我们接纳你为党员。
00640 7 accor'ding [a.kor'ding] ad. 依照 from each accor'ding to his abil'ity, to each accor'ding to his work 各尽所能,按劳分配
10001 3 accor'ding to [a.kor'ding tue] phr. 根据,按照 Accord'ing to what he said, no one failed the exam'. 根据他所说的,无人不及格。
02361 4 accor'dingly [a.kor'ding.li] ad. 因此,于是;照着,相应地 The weath'er has cha'nged sud'denly, so we must al'ter our plans accor'dingly. 天气突然变化了,我们也必须相应地改变计划。
00409 4 account' [a.kou't] n.&v. 叙述,说明;帐,帐户;考虑 There were accou'nt's of the incident in the paper. 那件事报纸上有很多报道。
10001 4 account' for [a.kou'nt for] phr. 考虑,说明 His illness accou'nt's for his absence. 他缺席是因为生病。
03432 4 accu'mulate` [a.kue'muelaet] vt. 积累,积聚 By buy'ing ten books a month, he soon accu'mula`ted a li'brary. 一个月买10本书,他很快建起了一个图书馆。
03724 7 ac'curacy [a'kyura.si] n. 正确性,精确性. I doubt the ac'curacy of your statement. 我怀疑您的话的正确性。
03366 4 ac'curate [a'kuerit] a. 准确的,精确的 Predict'ing ear'thqua`kes on a long term basis is becom'ing more ac'curate. 长期的地震预报正在变得越来越准确。
02404 4 accuse' [a.kue'z] vt. 指责;指控 He was accuse'd of incom'petence. 他被指责为不称职。
04498 7 accustom [a.kus'ta.m] vt. 使习惯于 They had to accus'tom themsel'ves to the hot weath'er. 他们不得不使自己习惯于炎热的天气。
02402 4 accustomed [a.kusta.md] a. 习惯的,惯常的 The boy soon became' accus'tomed to hard work. 那孩子很快就习惯于艰苦的劳动了。
03394 3 a'che [aek] vi. 痛 My back is a'ching. 我的背痛。
01906 3 achie've [a.chee'v] vt. 完成;实现;达到,得到 He will nev'er achie've an'ything if he does'n"t work hard'er. 要是他不再努力一点儿,他永远不会有所成就。
02508 4 achie'vement [achee'vma.nt] n. 成就,成绩;完成,达到 Landing on the moon for the first time was an aston'ishing achie'vement. 首次登月是一项惊人的成就。
03659 4 ac'id [a'sid] n.&a. 酸,酸性;酸的 These or'anges are ve'ry ac'id. 这些橘子很酸。
01930 6 acknowl'edge [a.kno'lij] v. 承认;致谢 The student had to acknowl'edge hav'ing cheated in the exam's. 这位学生不得不承认考试作弊。
04495 6 acquai'nt [a.kwae'nt] vt. 使了解;使认识,介绍 The new tea'cher is trying his best to acquai'nt himself' with each oth'er student in his cla'ss. 这位新老师尽力使自己了解班上的每一个学生。
02053 4 acquai'ntance [a.kwae'nta.ns] n. 认识,了解;相识的人,熟人 He has som'e acquai'ntance with mod'ern art. 他对现代艺术有些了解。
01526 4 acquire' [a.kwie'a.] vt. 取得,获得,学到 Their names hav'e acquire'd a mar'ket val'ue`. 他们的名字获得一种市场价值。
06300 6 acquisit'ion [akwizi'sha.n] n. 获得;获得物 students should devote' their time and en'ergy to the acquisit'ion of knowl'edge. 学生应当将时间和精力花在求知上。
03195 4 a'cre [ae'ka.] n. 英亩 An a'cre of pota'to`s yields al'mo`st as much food as two a'cres of grai'n. 一英亩土豆所提供的粮食几乎跟两英亩谷物一样多。
06300 1 ac'robat` [ak'ra.bat] n. 杂技演员 Becau'se she was an ac'robat` when she was young. 因为她年轻时是一位杂技演员。
00614 2 across' [a.kros] perp.&ad. 横过;穿过 Go across' the bridge. 穿过这座桥。
00334 3 act [akt] vt. 扮演(角色);行为,做;起作用 He acted his part well. 他演得不错。Think care'ful`ly before' you act. 三思而后行。
00431 4 action [ak'sha.n] n. 行动,行动过程;作用 actions speak lou'der than words. 行动比语言更有说服力。
06300 6 ac'tivate` [a'ktivaet] vt. 使活动,使起作用 A good tea'cher knows how to ac'tivate` his or her cla'ss. 一位好教师知道如何使课堂活跃起来。
01233 2 active [ak'tiv] a. 积极的,主动的 They take an active part in sports. 他们积极参加体育活动。
00756 4 ac`tiv'ity [akti'viti] n. 活动,活跃;行动 Ac`tiv'ity is the test of one"s fai'th. 行动是检验信仰的标准。
01371 3 actor [ak'ta.] n. 男演员 Tom is the actor of the play. 汤姆是该剧的男演员。
02982 7 actress [ak'tris] n. 女演员 My a'unt is an actress. 我的姨妈是一位女演员。
01891 3 ac'tual [ak'turel] a. 实际的,现实的;真实的 We do'n"t know the ac'tual number of death's in the ear'thquake`. 地震中的实际死亡人数还不知道。
04431 7 ac'tually [ak'chureli] ad. 事实上,真实地 Ac'tually it's we that owe you a lot.实际上,应该是我们感谢您。
02930 6 acute' [a.kue't] a. 激烈的;敏锐的;急性的 Dogs hav'e an accute' sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉灵敏。
01969 7 ad [ad] n. 广告 adver'tisement 的缩写式 want ad 招聘广告
02600 4 adapt' [a.dapt'] v. 使适应;改编,改写 He is adapt'ing the nov'el for tel'evision. 他正在把这本小说改编成电视剧。
00344 1 add [ad] vt. 加;增加;进一步说(或写) The fire is going out, will you add som'e wood? 火快熄了,你加点木材好吗?
05697 7 addict' [a.dikt'] vt. 使上瘾 He became' addic'ted to the drug.他上了毒瘾。
01132 4 addit'ion [a.di'sha.n] n. 加,加法;附加物(或人) He will be a use'ful` addit'ion to the sta'ff of the school. 学校教员中增加他一个人很有用。
01354 7 addit'ional [adi'sha.nl] a. 附加的,追加的 It will take an addit'ional two weeks to fin'ish the work. 还得花两个星期才能完成这项工作。
00514 1 address' [adres'] n.&vt. 地址,住址;演说,在……上写姓名地址;向……讲话(或发表演说) Address':No.31 Dongsi 11 tiao. 地址:东四十一条31号。Mr. Green will now address' the meeting. 现在请格林先生对大会讲话。
03267 4 ad'equate [a'dikwit] a. 充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的 His wages are ad'equate to support' his fam'ily. 他的工资足以维持他一家生活。
05117 6 adhere' [a.dhere'] vi. 粘着,附着;坚持,遵守 Peo'ple from all walks of life should do their best to adhere' to e`conom'ic reform's. 各行各业的人们应当支持经济改革。
05309 6 addja'cent [a.jae'sa.nt] a. 接近的,毗邻的 The tall buil'ding adja'cent to the school stadium is the new li'brary. 毗连校体育馆的那幢高建筑物是新图书馆。
04183 7 ad'jective [a'jiktiv] n. 形容词 com'pou`nd ad'jective 复合形容词
05319 6 addjoin' [a.joi'n] vt. 贴近,与……毗连 The gra'ssland` adjoin's the gar'den. 草坪与花园毗邻。
03190 4 adjust' [a.ju'st] v. 调节,改变……以适应;校正,调整 He spent sev'eral min'utes adjust'ing his tie. 他花了几分钟时间整了整领带。
06210 6 addjus'table [a.ju'sta.bl] a. 可调整的,可调节的 An adjus'table elec'tric lamp can be placed in var'ious posit'ions. 可调试台灯放哪儿都行。
06300 6 admin'ister [a.dmi'nista.] vt. 掌管;实施,执行 She is quite good at admin'istering hou'sework`. 她很善于料理家务。
01094 4 administra'tion [a.dministrae'tion] n. 管理,经营;行政机关 He is exper'i.enced in cit'y administra'tion. 他在市政管理方面有经验。
04519 6 ad`mira'tion [adma.rae'sha.n] n. 赞赏,赞美;钦佩 The tour'ists paused in ad`mira'tion of the beau'tiful` view. 游客们驻足观赏这美丽的景色。
02194 3 admire'' [a.dmie'a.] vt. 钦佩,羡慕 We all admire' your cou'rage in pointing out the tea'cher"s mistake' in cla'ss. 我们都钦佩你的勇气,敢在课堂上指出老师的错误。
02414 4 admis'sion [a.dmi'sha.n] n. 准许进入;承认,供认 Admis'sion to the school is by exam`ina'tion o'nly. 只能通过考试入学。
01006 3 admit' [a.dmit'] vt. 承认,供认;准许……加入 I admit' that, it was dif'ficult. 我承认事情棘手。O'nly one hun'dred boys are admit'ted to the school each year. 该校每年只招收100名男孩入学。
06300 6 ad`o`les'cent [adoele'snt] n.&a. 青少年;青春期的 Ad`o`les'cents are apt to hav'e fancy i`dea's about' life. 青少年对生活易报幻想。
01442 4 adopt' [a.dopt'] vt. 收养;采取,采用 The sys'tem has worked so well that it has been adopt'ed in sev'eral oth'er coun'tries. 这一系统工作良好,已为其他若干国家所采用。
04880 7 adoption [a.do'psha.n] n. 收养,采纳,采取 offer a chi'ld for adop'tion 将孩子送给他人收养 The word Is now Eng'lish by adop'tion. 这个词现在已被采纳为英语。
04974 7 adore' [a.dor'] vt. 非常喜欢 He adore's mink coats. 他爱好貂皮大衣。
01656 4 ad'ult` [a'dult] n.&a. 成年人;成年的,成熟的 Aren"t you ad'ult` enou'gh to know that there are two sides to ev'ery is'sue`? 长这么大了你难道还不懂每一件事都有两面性吗?
00575 3 adva'nce [a.dvar'ns] v. 促进;推进;前进 The so'ldiers adva'nced towar'ds the en'ergy. 士兵们向着敌方推进。
01056 3 adva'nced [a.dvar'nst] a. 先进的;高级的 Ame'rica is an adva'nced cou'ntry. 美国是一个先进的国家。
00995 3 adva'ntage [a.dvar'ntij] n. 优点,好处 Ev'eryon`e` has his own adva'ntage. 每个人都有自己的优点。
05318 7 ad`vanta'geous [ad`va.ntae'ja.s] ad. 有利的,有益的 It Is highly ad`vanta'geous to us. 这对我们极为有利。
06300 6 advent [ad'va.nt] n. 出现,到来 The Chi`nese' soci'ety has been rap'idly devel'oping since the advent of the e`conom'ic reform's. 自从经济改革开始以来,中国社会一直快速发展。
01553 3 adven'ture [a.dven'cha.] n. 冒险,奇遇 He had man'y adven'tures exper'iences in An`tarctic. 他在南极有许多冒险的经历。
04390 7 ad'verb` [ad'verb] n. 副词 ad'verb` of place and posit'ion 地点和位置副词 06300 6 adverse [ad'vers] a. 不利的,有害的 Do'n"t do an'ything that is adverse to oth'ers in'terests. 不要做任何有损于他人利益的事情。
01363 3 ad'vertise` [ad'va.tiez] n. 为……做广告 The com'pany ad'vertise`d its goods in the news'pa`per. 公司在报纸上为自己的商品做广告。
06300 6 ad'vertise`/ize [a'dva.tiez] v. 为……做广告,登广告 They ad'vertise`d for tea'chers of Eng'lish in the local new'spa`per. 他们在当地报纸上登广告招聘英语教师。
03616 3 adver'tisement [a.dver'tisment] n. 广告;登广告 Adver'tisement helps to sell goods. 登广告有助于销售商品。
01712 3 advice' [a.dvies] n. 忠告,劝告;建议 He gave me som'e advice' on my hand'wri`ting. 他在书法方面给我以忠告。
04138 4 advi'sable [a.dvie'za.bl] a. 明智的,可取的 Do you think it advi'sable to try agai'n? 你认为再试一次好吗?
02152 7 advise' [a.dvie'z] v. 劝告,建议 The doc'ter advise'd me to take more ex'ercise`. 医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。
02687 6 ad'vocate [ad'va.kit] n.&vt. 提倡者,拥护者;辩护人,律师;拥护,提倡,主张 He ad'vocated the use of force. 他主张使用武力。
05353 6 aer'ial [are'rerel] a.&n. 空中的;架空的,天线 An aer'ial is of'ten put up on the top of the house to recei've tel'evision broad'ca`sts. 天线通常装于房顶以接收电视广播节目。
04059 3 aer'oplane` [are'ra.plaen] n. 飞机 He will go by aer'oplane`. 他要乘飞机去。
05973 7 aer'o`space` [are'roespaes] n. 航空和宇宙航行空间,航空航天技术 an aer'ospace` ve'hicle 太空运载工具
06300 6 ae`sthet'ic [eesthe'tik] a. 美学的,审美的 The pai'nter is endow'ed with rich ae`sthet'ic percep'tion. 这位画家富有艺术直觉。
00659 3 affair' [a.fare] n. 事务,事件 That"s my affair', not yours. 那是我的事,不是你的事。
01043 4 affect' [a.fekt'] vt. 影响;(在感情方面)打动 He was much affect'ed by the sad news. 这不幸的消息使他大受震动。
01600 4 affec'tion [a.fek'sha.n] n. 爱,感情 Ev'ery moth'er has affec'tion towar'ds her children. 每个母亲都挚爱自己的孩子。
06300 6 affil'i.ate` [a.fi'liaet] vt.&n. 隶属于,附属机构 She has affil'i.a`ted her`self' to the local base'ball` club. 她已加入地方网球俱乐部。
04597 6 affirm' [a.fer'm] vt. 断言,坚持声称;证实,确认 The court affirm'ed the accuse'd to be in'nocent. 法庭确认这位被告无辜。
06300 6 afflict' [a.fli'kt] vt. 使苦恼,折磨 Do'n"t afflict' your chi'ld with exces'sive complai'nts. 不要使你的孩子遭受过多的责备。
01628 3 afford' [a.for'd] v. 付得起(钱,时间);提供,给予 I can not afford' the time. 我付不起这个时间。They hav'e been afford'ed som'e assis'tance. 他们获得了一些帮助。
01011 2 afrai'd [a.frae'd] a. 怕;害怕 He is afrai'd of you. 他害怕你。
00673 7 Africa [af'rika.] n. 非洲 They com'e from Africa. 他们来自非洲。
01030 7 African [af'rika.n] a.&n. 非洲的,非洲人 He is a African. 他是非洲人。
00095 2 a'fter [ar'fta.] prep.&conj. 在……以后 We of'ten go out for a walk a'fter supper. 晚饭后我们经常出去散步。
10001 3 a'fter all [ar'fta. orl] phr. 毕竟;终究 Do'n"t be strict with him. A'fter all, he is o'nly six. 不要过分苛求这孩子,他毕竟只有六岁。
01272 1 a`fternoon' [ar`fta.nue'n] n. 下午,午后 We hav'e two cla'sses in the a`fternoon'. 我们下午上两节课。
02728 7 a'fterward [ar'fta.wa.d] ad. 其后,继后,后来 We saw the film and a'fterward walked home togeth'er. 我们看完电影后一起走回了家。
00136 1 agai'n [a.gae'n] ad. 又;再 I will com'e to see you agai'n next week. 下周我再来看你。
10001 2 agai'n and agai'n [a.gae'n and a.gae'n] phr. 再三地,反复地 Then they were re`built' agai'n and agai'n over the follow'ing years. 在接下来的几来中,它们一再被重建。
00188 2 agai'nst [a.gae'st] prep. 对着;反对 We were playing agai'nst No.64 mid'dle school. 我们的比赛对手是64中学。
00356 1 age [aej] n.&v. 年龄;变老 I"m twelve years of age. 我十二岁了。
01059 4 a'gency [ae'ja.nsi] n. 代理(处),代办处 The com'pany has a'gencies all over the world. 这家公司在全世界都设有代理机构。
06300 6 agen'da [a.je'nda.] n. 议事日程 They will com'e to the agen'da at the meeting. 他们将在会上讨论待议诸事项。
01610 7 agent [ae'ja.nt] n. 代理人;作用者 My agent has pow'er to sign my name. 我的代理人有权代我签字。
06300 6 ag'gravate` [a'gra.vaet] vt. 加重,使恶化;激怒 His e'vil words ag'grava`ted her beyond' endur'ance. 他的一番恶言恶语使她怒不可遏。
05255 7 ag'gregate` [ag'rigaet] v. (使)聚集,(使)集合 ag'gregate` riches 聚集财富
03864 4 aggres'sive [a.gre'siv] a. 侵略的,好斗的;有进取心的 He was in a high'ly aggres'sive mood. 这家公司在全世界都有代理机构。
04993 6 ag`ita'tion [ajitae'sha.n] n. 激动;煽动 The spea'ker deliv'ered his speech full of ag`ita'tion. 这位演说者激动万分地发表了演说。
00880 2 ago' [a.goe] ad. 以前 We went to see her three days ago'. 三天前我去看过她。
04670 6 ag'ony [a'ga.ni] n. (极度的)痛苦,创痛 The broken left arm brought him much ag'ony. 他左臂的骨折给他带来了极大的痛苦。
00865 1 agree' [a.gree'] v. 同意;赞成 I agree'd to the tea'ching plan. 我同意这个教学计划。
10001 3 agree' on [a.gree' on] phr. 商定;决定;达成公识 We agree'd on the plan. 我们对这个计划看法相同。
10001 3 agree' to do sth. [a.gree' tue du sumthing] phr. 同意做某事 We agree' to leave at once. 我们同意立即离开。
04539 6 agree'able [a.grere'bl] a. 惬意的;令人愉快的;(欣然)同意的,愿意的 The mu'sic is agree'able to the ear. 这音乐悦耳。
01123 3 agree'ment [a.gree'ma.nt] n. 同意;一致;契约,协议 Sev'eral oth'er members express'ed agree'ment. 其他几位成员表示同意。The settlers made agree'ments with the ab`orig'i.ne`s. 殖民者和土著人达成了协议。
06300 3 ag`ricul'tural [ag'rikulcha.ra.l] a. 农业的,农学的 China"s ag`ricul'tural devel'opment is ve'ry fa'st. 中国的农业发展快。
01903 3 ag`ricul'ture [ag'rikulcha.] n. 农业,农学 He used to be an ag`ricul'ture wor'ker. 他过去是农业工人。
01815 3 ahead'' [a.hed'] ad.&a. 在前,提前 One man went ahead' to see if the road was clear.一个人走在前头看看道路是否畅通。
00824 3 aid [aed] n. 帮助,援助 He went to the aid of the hurt man. 他对那受伤的人给予援助。
01546 3 aim [aem] n.&v. 目的,目标 What"s your aim in life? 你的人生目标是什么?
00350 1 air [are] n.&vt. 天空;空气;气氛;神情;晾晒;使(房间)通气;发表(意见);播送 Let"s go out for som'e fresh air. 我们出去呼吸一下新鲜空气吧。He o'pened the win'dow to air the room. 他打开窗户,给房间换换空气。
03634 3 air'cra`ft [are'krarft] n. 飞机(单复数同),航空器 A new type of air'cra`ft has been desig'ned by China. 中国设计了一种新型飞机。
03804 3 air'line` [are'lien] n. 航空公司;航空系统 He a'sked all air'line`s to fly the doctors for free. 他请求所有航空公司免费运送这些医生。
04212 1 air'plane` [are'plaen] n. 飞机 That is a air'plane`. 那是一架飞机。
03556 1 air'port` [are'port] n. 小型民用机场 Could you tell me the best way to the air'port`? 你能告诉我到机场去的最好办法吗?
01752 3 alarm' [a.lar'm] n.&vt. 警报;惊恐;报警器,使惊恐;向……报警 Dur'ing the war there was an air-raid alarm' near'ly ev'ery day. 战争期间几乎每天都有空袭警报。
I was alarm'ed at his beha'viour. 我对他的行为感到吃惊。
04509 7 ala's [a.lar's] inter. (表示悲痛,遗憾的惊叹声)哎呀 Ala's, they"ve all so'ld out mad'am. 哎呀,都卖光了,女士。
05041 1 al'bum [al'ba.m] n. 影集,画册,粘贴簿 I"m putting my new stamps in'to my al'bum.我把我的新邮票插进集邮册。
03663 4 al'cohol` [al'ka.hol] n. 酒精;酒,含酒精的饮料 Drinking al'cohol` is not frowned upon' in Brit'ain, though getting drunk is. 喝酒在英国不会遭人嫌,但喝醉酒会的。
02389 6 alert' [a.ler't] a.&n.&vt. 警惕的;注意的;警戒;警报,报警;使警惕 You"d better be alert' to an'y spelling mistake' in your com`posit'ion. 你最好留心作文中的拼写错误。
05947 7 al'gebra [al'jibra.] n. 代数学 He is good at algebra. 他代数很好。
04823 6 a'lien [ae'lya.n] n. 外国人;外星人 An Eng'lishman is an a'lien in the Uni'ted States. 英国人在美国便是外国人。
05994 7 alig'nment [a.lie'nma.nt] n. 结盟,联合;平面图 Blue'prints for the buil'ding inclu'ded an alig'nment and a pro'file`. 这座大楼的蓝图包括一张平面图和一张侧面图。
02340 4 alike' [a.lie'k] a. 像样的,相像的 They are som'ewhat` alike' in their belie'fs. 他们的信仰有些相似。
01615 3 alive' [a.lie'v] a. 活着的;存在的;有活力的,活跃的 Look, the snake is still alive'. 看,这条蛇还活着。Young peo'ple are so alive' and exci'ting. 年轻人活跃又令人兴奋。
00030 1 all [orl] ad.&a.&pron.&n. 都;完全;所有的;一切;全部 They all went to the farm. 他们都到农场去了。
10001 2 all day [orl dae] phr. 整天,一天到晚 He worked all day. 他工作了一整天。
10001 3 all ki'nds of [orl kie'nds ov] phr. 各种各样的 There are all ki'nds of an'imals in the zoo. 动物园里有各种各样的动物。
10001 2 all one"s life [orl wuns lief] phr. 一生;终身 My grand'moth`er has liv'ed in the vil'lage all her life. 我祖母一辈子都住在那个村庄里。
10001 2 all over the world [orl oe'va. tha. werld] phr. 全世界 Eng'lish is used by trav'ellers and bus'iness peo'ple all over the world. 全世界的旅行者和商人都使用英语。
10001 3 all sorts of [orl sort ov] phr. 各种各样的 All sorts of clo'thes are so'ld in this shop. 这家服装店出售各种服装。
10001 2 all the same [orl tha. saem] phr. 仍然 Thank you all the same. 同样谢谢您。
10001 2 all the time [orl tha. tiem] phr. 一直 He stud'ied all the time. 他一直在学习。
10001 1 all togeth'er [orl ta.ge'tha.] phr. 总共 There are 33 birth'days all togeth'er. 总共有33个生日。
06300 6 alleg'e [a.le'j] vt. 宣称,断言,声称 She alleg'es that she is the dis'tant rel'ative of the mil`lionaire'. 她声称是这位百万富翁的远房亲戚。
06300 6 alle'vi.ate` [a.lee'viaet] vt. 减轻,缓解,缓和 An injec'tion of pen`icil'lin alle'vi.a`ted his too'tha`che. 注射一针青霉素减轻了他的牙疼。
02695 6 alli'ance [a.lie'a.ns] n. 结盟,联盟,联姻 Brit'ain, Fra'nce and Ame'rica entered in'to an alli'ance with the So'vi.et` U'nion dur'ing the Sec'ond World War. 二战期间,英、法、美与苏联结为同盟。
04938 6 allied' [a.lie'd] a. 同盟的;有关联的 The Eng'lish lan'guage is allied' to the German lan'guage. 英语和德语属同一语系。
04043 6 al'lo`cate` [a'loekaet] vt. 分配,分派,把……拨给 The tea'cher has al'lo`ca`ted him to be mon'itor of the cla'ss. 老师已派他担任本班的班长。
00501 3 allow' [a.lou'] vt. 允许,准许 They do not allow' you to smoke. 他们不允许你吸烟。
10001 4 allow' for [a.loe' for] phr. 考虑到 It will take thirty min'utes to get to the station, allow'ing for traf'fic delay's. 考虑到交通阻塞,到车站需要30分钟时间。
03287 6 allow'ance [a.lou'a.ns] n. 津贴;补贴,零用钱 Each chi'ld has an allow'ance. 每个孩子均有零用钱。
02098 6 ally' [a.lie'] n.&vt. 盟国;支持者,使结盟 Great Brit'ain was allie'd with the Uni'ted States in bo'th World War I and World War II. 在两次世界大战中,英国都是与美国联盟。
00366 2 al'mo`st [or'lmoest] ad. 几乎;差不多 Mum slept al'mo`st the whole way. 妈妈几乎睡了一路。
00481 1 alone' [a.loe'n] a.&ad. (只做表语)单独的;独自 But the children are not alone'. 但是孩子们并不孤单。You can"go There alone'. 你不能单独去那儿。
04404 2 along' [a.long] perp.&ad. 沿着;顺着 Walk along' this road. 沿着这条路走。
03780 7 along'side' [a.long'sie'd] prep.&ad. 在...旁边,横靠,横靠着,沿着 along'side' deliv'ery 船边交货 We brought our car along'side'.我门把车靠边。
02527 3 aloud' [a.lou'd] ad. 大声地 Please read the po'em aloud'.请大声朗读这首诗。
04057 1 al'phabet [al'fa.bit] n. 字母表 Please read the al'phabet. 请朗读字母表。
00453 1 al`read'y [orlre'di] ad. 已经 “That was quick! ”she said. “Hav'e you fin'ished al`read'y? ”“很快呀!”她说:“你已经完成了吗?”
00111 2 al'so` [or'soe] ad. 也 In our game we al'so` hav'e elev'en play'ers in a team, but our ball is like this. 在我们的游戏中,一队也有十一名队员,然而我们的球是这种球。
04874 7 al`tera'tion [or`lta.rae'sha.n] n. 变更,改变, The al`tera'tions to your trou'sers will take a week. 改你的裤子要花一个星期。
04998 6 al`ter'nate [orlter'nit] a.&vi. 交替的,交替,轮流 The weath'er here al`ter'nates between' sun'shine` and rain. 这儿的天气时晴时雨。
02418 4 al`ter'native [orlter'na.tiv] n.&a. 供选择的东西;取舍,抉择,两者选一的,供选择的 Is there an'y al`ter'native to surgery? 除了外科手术还有其他办法吗?
00679 3 al'though` [or'lthoe] conj. 尽管 Al'though` his speech was a long one, no'bod'y lost in'terest. 他的讲演虽然长,但大家还是听得津津有味。
04168 4 al'titude` [al'titued] n. 高度,海拨 The plane began' to cli'mb to al'titude`. 飞机开始爬高。
01715 3 al`togeth'er [or`lta.ge'tha.] ad. 一共 He wrote six books al`togeth'er. 他总共写了6本书。
04368 7 al`u`min'ium [aluemi'nya.m] n. 铝 al`u`min'ium is a metal. 铝是一种金属。
00205 1 al'ways` [or'lwaez] ad. 总是;一直;永远 They are al'ways` read'y to help oth'ers. 他们乐于助人。
00013 1 am [am] v. 是;在;存在 I"m a student. 我是一名学生。
04021 6 am'ateur [a'ma.ta.] n.&a. 业余爱好者,业余的 He is an am'ateur at foot'ball`. 他是位业余足球爱好者。
02371 4 amaze' [a.mae'z] vt. 使惊愕 I was amaze'd at the news. 我听到这消息大为惊诧。
04556 6 am`bas'sador [amba'sa.da.] n. 大使 later he was for a short time am`bas'sador to Fra'nce. 后来他作了一段短时间的驻法大使。
06197 6 am'bient [a'mberent] a. 周围的;环绕四周的 The am'bient air about' the earth is called the at'mosphere. 地球周围的空气称为大气层。
05716 6 am`big'uous [ambi'gures] a. 模棱两可的;含糊不清的 This is an am`big'uous sentence. 此句意思不明确。
02483 4 am`bit'ion [ambi'sha.n] n. 雄心,野心 His polit'ical am`bit'ions still burn. 他的政治野心依然炽烈。
04857 6 am`biti'ous [ambi'sha.s] a. 有野心的,有抱负的 Ev'erybod`y is am`biti'ous for fame. 谁都渴望成名。
04292 4 am'bulance [am'buela.ns] n. 救护车,救护船,救护飞机 He was ta'ken to hos'pital by am'bulance. 他被救护车送到医院去了。
06300 6 amend' [a.me'nd] vt. 修改,修订 The new gov'ernment amend'ed the law. 新政府修改了法律。
05834 6 amen'ds [a.me'nds] n. 赔罪,赔偿 He made amen'ds for his rude'ness by giv'ing her som'e flow'ers. 他送给她一些花,为自己的卤莽赔罪。
00550 1 Ame'rica [a.me'rika.] n. 美国;美洲 I"m from Ame'rica 我是从美国来。
00198 1 Ame'rican [a.me'rika.n] n.&a. 美国人(的); They are Ame'rican. 他们是美国人。
02675 7 amid' [a.mid'] pron. 在……之中 Amid' all the rush and confu'sion she forgot' to say good`bye'. 她在忙乱中忘记了告辞。
05564 7 am`munit'ion [amueni'sha.n] n. 弹药 They had to meet the attack' with ve'ry little am`munit'ion. 他们不得不以极少的弹药应战。
00244 2 among' [a.mung'] prep. 在……之中 We vis'ited him at his work'place` among' the young trees and a'sked him about' his work. 在他工作的那片新栽的林子中,我们拜访了他,并问起了他的工作。
02332 7 among'st [a.mung'st] prep. 在……之中 That book is the best among'st mod'ern nov'els. 在现代小说中,那是最好的一部。
00987 7 amou'nt [a.mou'nt] n.&vi. 数量,总数,等于 What is the amou'nt of this? 这总共是多少? 04405 7 am'pere` [a'mpare] n. 安培 Am'pere` Is a unit of elec'tric cur'rent in the meter-kil'ogram`-sec'ond sys'tem. 安培是米-千克-秒单位制中电流的单位。
04916 6 am'ple [am'pl] a. 大量的,充裕的;宽敞的 They hav'e am'ple mon'ey for the trip. 他们有足够的钱去旅游。
04359 6 am'plify` [a'mplifie] vt. 放大,增强 The tun'nel am'plifi`ed the noise. 隧道扩大了噪音。
06203 6 am'plitude` [a'mplitued] n. 广阔,宽大;丰富 His po'ems, striking in their am'plitude`, began' to appear' in the new'spa`per. 他的诗开始在报纸上发表,数量惊人。
02230 7 amuse' [a.mue'z] v. 给......娱乐(或消遣) His stor'y amuse' me. 他的故事使我发笑。
06300 2 amuse'd [a.mue'zd] a. 有趣的 She was amuse'd. 她感到很有趣。
04645 7 amuse'ment [a.mue'zma.nt] n. 娱乐,消遣 Big cit'ies hav'e man'y amuse'ment. 大城市里有许多娱乐。
00005 1 an [a.n] art. 一(个、件,在元音前,轻读) That is an apple. 那是一个苹果。
06300 6 an'alog`(ue) [a'na.log] n. 相似物,类似物 This one has an'alog`(ue) to the oth'er bo'th in appear'ance and qual'ity. 在外表和质量方面这个和那一个相似。
05451 6 anal'ogy [a.na'la.ji] n. 相似,类比;比拟 I see no anal'ogy between' your prob'lem and mine. 我认为你我面临的问题并无相似之处。
03723 7 an'alyse` [a'na.liez] vt. 分析 He an'alyse`d the causes of faI'lure, trying to fi'nd out a better approa'ch.他分析失败的原因,试图找到更好的办法。
01194 4 anal'ysis [a.ma'lisis] n. 分析;分解 Their anal'ysis of the accident showed what had happened. 他们对事故的分析说明了事故发生的经过。
05698 6 an`alyt'ic(al) [ana.li'tik] a. 分析的,分解的 The meth'ods of sci'ence are an`alyt'ical. 科学的方法是分析性的。
06300 4 an'alyze` [a'na.liez] vt. 分析;分解 Speci'alists will an'alyze` the situ.a'tion and suggest' solu'tions. 专家会分析形势并提出解决方案。
03069 4 ancestor [a'nsista.] n. 祖宗,祖先 His ancestors came to Ame'rica on the May'flow`er. 他的祖先是乘“五月花”号来美洲的。
03238 4 an'chor [a'ngka.] n.&v. 锚,抛锚,停泊 Can you an'chor the boat in this storm? 在这样的风浪中你会抛锚泊船吗?
01065 7 a'ncient [ae'sha.nt] a. 古代的,远古的 a'ncient Rome and Greece 古代罗马和希腊
00003 1 and [and] conj. 和;又;而 Lin'da and Al'ice are good friends'. 琳达和艾丽斯是好朋友。
10001 3 and so on [and soe on] phr. 等等 Peo'ple from Ame'rica, Can'ada and so on. 来自美国、加拿大等国的人。
06300 1 anew' [a.nue'] n. 重新 It"s time to start anew'.重新开始新的时间。
01478 6 a'ngel [ae'ja.l] n. 天使;可爱的人 He was the a'ngel of friend'ship between' the two coun'tries. 他是两国人民的友好使者。
01965 3 an'ger [ang'ga.] n. 怒;愤怒 He of'ten speaks to his wife in an'ger. 他经常怒气冲冲地对他妻子说话。
02534 4 an'gle [a'nggl] n.&v. 角,角度;角度,观点;钓鱼 The pas'sage turns at right an'gles. 通道作直角转弯。
01737 1 an'gry [ang'gri] a. 生气的;发怒的;狂暴的 He found it ve'ry dif'ficult to get sleep and he was ra'ther an'gry with the man up'stairs. 他发现自己很难入睡,他对住在楼上的那个人相当生气。
00543 1 an'imal [a'nima.] n. 动物 There are man'y ki'nds of an'imals in the zoo. 动物园里有很多动物。
03894 4 an'kle [a'ngkl] n. 踝 She in'jured her an'kle in the race. 她参加赛跑时扭伤了脚踝。
03351 6 an`niver'sary [aniver'sa.ri] n. 周年;周年纪念日 Next Sat'urday will be the an`niver'sary of the day we first met. 下周六将是我们初次见面的纪念日。
01392 3 annou'nce [a.nou'ns] vt. 宣布,发表 The news was annou'nced by VOA. 这消息由美国之音发布了。
06300 3 annou'ncement [a.nou'nsma.nt] n. 宣布,通告 The annou'ncement of the agree'ment will be made next week. 这项协议将于下周宣布。
03361 4 annoy' [a.noi'] vt. 使烦恼;打扰 You"re just say'ing that to annoy' me. 你那样说只是为了使我生气。
01024 4 an'nual [a'nurel] a.&n. 每年的,年度的,年刊 They published an an'nual report'. 他们公布了年度报告。
04789 6 an'nually [a'nureli] ad. 每年地;一年一次地 They go to Beijing an'nually to attend' the an'nual fi'nan`ce con'ference. 他们每年去北京参加财经年会。
06300 6 anon'ymous [a.no'nima.s] a. 匿名的;无名的 Three days a'fter, an anon'ymous letter was left at his door. 三天以后,有人在他门口留下一匿名信。
00166 1 anoth'er [a.nu'tha.] pron.&a.&ad. 再一(个);另一(个);另外 I"ll giv'e you anoth'er exam'ple. 我再给你举一个例子。
00243 1 a'nswer [ar'nsa.] v.&n. 回答;答案;接(电话) Could you a'nswer the tel'ephone`? 你能去接电话吗?
10001 4 a'nswer for [ar'nsa. For] phr. 对……负有责任 He has a lot to a'nswer for.他负有很大的责任。
03422 3 ant [ant] n. 蚂蚁 Look, the ants are bu'sy car'rying their food. 看,蚂蚁们正忙于搬运食物。
05933 7 An`tar'ctic [antar'ktik] a. 南极的 An`tar'ctic Circle 南极圈
02937 4 an`tic'ipate` [anti'sipaet] vt. 预料,期望 incomes rose fa'ster than an`tic'ipa`ted. 收入提高得比预期的要快。
04029 6 an`ti'que [antee'k] n. 古董,古玩 The museum' has a display' of val'uable an`ti'ques. 博物馆有一个珍贵古玩的展览。
02275 4 an`xi'ety [ang`gzie'a.ti] n. 焦虑,挂虑;渴望,热望 The tea'cher prai'sed him for his an`xi'ety for knowl'edge.老师称赞他求知欲强。
01874 3 an'xious [angk'sha.s] a. 忧虑的;担心的;渴望的 He was an'xious about' the safe'ty of his mon'ey. 他担心他的钱不安全。
00075 2 an'y [e'ni] a.& pron.&ad. 一些;任何的;什么 Are There an'y birds in the picture? 图画里有鸟吗?
04459 7 an'ybod`y [e'nibodi] pron. 任何人 无论谁 Has an'ybod`y seen my book? 有人看见我的书了吗?
03278 3 an'yhow` [e'nihou] ad. 不管怎样 An'yhow`, I ca'n"t un`derstand' what he meant' by say'ing so. 无论怎样,我不明白他这么说的道理。
01984 2 an'yone` [e'niwun] pron. 任何人 An'yone` will tell you where the bus stop is. 任何人都能告诉你汽车站在哪儿。
00401 2 an'ything [e'nithing] pron. 任何事(物) I do'n"t want to eat an'ything. 我什么都不想吃。
03016 7 an'yway` [e'niwae] ad. 无论如何,反正 How o'ld are you an'yway`? 你到底多大岁数?
02470 1 an'ywhere` [e'niware`] ad. 任何地方 I"ve lost my sci'ence book. Hav'e you seen it an'ywhere` ? 我丢了我的自然课本,你看见它在哪儿了吗? 01976 4 apart' [a.par't] ad. 相间隔;分离,分开 Their houses were a cou'ple of miles apart'.他们的房子相距几英里。
02251 7 apar'tment [a.par'tma.nt] n. 单元住宅,公寓住宅 The cit'y has few high-rise apar'tments. 在这座城里高层公寓大楼不多。
04151 3 apol'ogize` [a.po'la.jiez] vi. 道歉;认错 I apol'ogize`d (to her) for stepping on her foot. 我因踩了他的脚向她道歉。
03671 7 apol'ogy [a.po'la.ji] n. 道歉,认错. I owe him an apol'ogy.我应向他道歉。
05115 4 ap`para'tus [apa.rae'ta.s] n. 器械,器具 They hav'e no remote' contro'l ap`para'tus. 他们没有遥控装置。
02630 7 appar'ent [a.pare'ra.nt a. 明显的,显而易见的;外表的,表面上的 It was appar'ent to ev'ery bod'y that he was an'gry. 谁都知道他在发怒。
01420 4 appea'l [a.pee'l] vi. 呼吁,肯求;申诉 He was appea'ling for funds to build' a new school. 他呼吁筹集资金以建设一座新的学校。
00276 3 appear' [a.pere'] vi. 出现 Five min'utes later, a car appear'ed at the gate. 五分钟后一辆轿车出现在大门口。
01018 3 appear'ance [a.pere'ra.ns] n. 出现;出场 His sud'den appear'ance quite surprise'd me. 他的突然出现使我很吃惊。
04952 6 appen'dix [a.pen'diks] n. 附录,附件;阑尾 I added an appen'dix to the book. 我在这本书上加上了附录。
03218 4 ap'petite` [a'pitiet] n. 食欲,胃口 These children hav'e a good ap'petite`. 孩子们胃口好。
05096 6 applaud' [a.plor'd] v. 喝采,鼓掌,称赞 The au'dience applaud'ed the performers for three min'utes. 观众向演员鼓掌达三分钟。
04782 6 applau'se [a.plor'z] n. 喝采,鼓掌,赞许 Applau'se was show'ered upon' him.大家向他热烈鼓掌。
02612 1 apple [a'pl] n. 苹果 Here, hav'e an apple. 给你,吃个苹果吧。
04180 4 appli'ance [a.plie'a.ns] n. 器具,器械,装置 Vac'uum clea'ners, wash'ing machine's and refrig'era`tors are house-ho'ld appli'ances. 真空吸尘器、洗衣机和电冰箱都是家用电器设备。
03068 4 ap'plicable [ap'lika.bl] a. 适当的,合适的,可应用的 The follow'ing speci'al reg`ula'tions are ap'plicable to o'versea's students. 下列特殊规定适用于外国留学生。
00859 4 ap`plica'tion [aplikae'sha.n] n. 申请,申请表;应用,实施 The school recei'ves up to 3000 ap`plica'tions each year. 学校每年收到多达3000份入学申请。
00819 4 apply' [a.plie'] v. 申请,请求,适用;应用,运用 Sci`entif'ic discov'eries are of'ten appli'ed to indus'trial produc'tion. 科学发现常应用于工业生产。
01611 4 appoi'nt [a.poi'nt] vt. 任命;约定,指定 They appoi'nted him (to be) po'stma`ster. 他们委任他为邮政局长。
02347 4 appoi'ntment [a.poi'nta.m] n. 任命,委派;约会,约定 Their du'ties inclu'ded the appoi'ntment of all the sta'ff. 他们的职责包括任命全体成员。
06300 6 apprai'sal [a.prae'za.l] n. 估计,估量;评价 His apprai'sal of the stock is too high. 他对这批货物的估价太高了。
06107 6 appre'ciable [a.pree'sherebl] a. 可感觉的;可看见的;相当可观的 The young sci'entist has made appre'ciable achie'vements in math`emat'ics. 这位年轻的科学家在数学上取得了相当可观的成绩。
02767 4 appre'ciate` [a.pree'shi.aet] vt. 重视,欣赏;领会;为……表示感谢 I appre'cia`ted that this is not a fair compar'ison. 我充分意识到这样比较是不公平的。
04950 7 appre`ci.a'tion [a.pree`shi.ae'sha.n] n. (货币)升值 appre`ci.a'tion of a currency 货币升值 06300 6 ap`prehen'sion [aprihe'nsha.n] n. 忧虑,担心;理解,领悟 She had som'e ap`prehen'sion for the safe'ty of her son. 她忧虑儿子的安全。
00750 4 approa'ch [a.poe'ch] vt.&n. 靠近,接近,途径;方式 Spring is approa'ching. 春天即将来临。
01677 4 appro'pri.ate [a.proe'pri.it] a. 适当的,恰当的 It seemed appro'pri.ate to end with a joke. 用一个笑话来结束讲话看来是合适的。
02708 4 appro'val [a.prueva.l] n. 赞成,同意;批准,核准 He request'ed his fa'thers appro'val. 他请求他父亲同意。
01693 4 approve' [a.pruev] v. 赞成,同意;批准,核准 My request' was approve'd. 我的请求已被批准。
04219 4 approx'imate` [a.pro'ksimaet] a.&vt. 近似的,大约的;近似,接近 What was said approx'ima`ted to the facts. 谈到的情况接近于事实。
04772 7 approx`im'ately [a.proksi'ma.tli] ad. 近似地,大约 He an'alyse`d the causes of our defea't approx`im'ately.他大概分析了一下我们失败的原因。
00652 1 A'pril [ae'pra.l] n. 四月 A'pril the first is Fool"s Day. 四月一日是愚人节。
04682 7 apt [apt] ad. 易于......的;聪明的,适当的;易于......的. 聪明的,伶俐的. 适当的 Food Is apt to deter'iorate` in summer. 食物在夏天容易变质。girls are apt at lan'guages. 女孩善于学习语言。An apt a'nswer 适当的答复
05437 7 ara'bian [a.rae'bya.n] ad.&n. 阿拉伯的,阿拉伯人的,阿拉伯人 the ara'bian cam'el 阿拉伯骆驼
03860 4 ar'bitrary [ar'bitra.ri] a. 随心所欲的,任意(性的) This is an ar'bitrary decis'ion. 这是一个武断的决定。
05496 6 arc [ark] n. 弧形(物),弧 He raised his eye'brows` in a quiz'zical arc. 他扬起双眉,坐出一幅疑问的表情。
04588 6 arch [arch] n.&v. 拱门;拱,(使)成拱形 The bridge has eight arches al`togeth'er. 这座桥有八个拱。
04781 6 ar'chitect` [ar'kitekt] n. 建筑师;设计师,缔造者 human beings are the ar'chitect`s of their own fu'ture. 人是自己未来的设计师。
02289 4 ar'chitec`ture [ar'kitekcha.] n. 建筑学;建筑式样,建筑风格 I like Greek ar'chitec`ture. 我喜欢希腊建筑式样。
05629 7 arctic [ar'ktik] a. 北极的 the Arctic Circle 北极圈
00013 1 are [ar] v. 是;在;存在 You are all good boys. 你们都是好孩子。
00593 3 ar'ea` [are'rere] n. 地区;面积;领域,范围 This school cov'ers an ar'ea` of 300 mu. 这所学校占地300亩。
02113 1 ar'gue` [ar'gue] v. 争论,争辩;论证,主张;说服 I"m not going ar'gue` with you on the matter today'. 今天我不想为此事与你争论。
01265 3 ar'gument [ar'gyuma.nt] n. 辩论 There is a fierce ar'gument on who is fit for the job. 关于这件工作的人选竞争激烈。
01151 4 arise' [a.rie'z] vi. 出现,发生;起源于 His prob'lem arose' from carelessness. 他的问题是粗心大意引起的。
04172 7 arith'metic [a.ri'thma.tik] n. 算术 or'al arith'metic 口算
00292 1 arm [arm] n.&vt. 手臂;胳膊;武装;装备;以(武器)装备;配备 She is ho'lding a baby in her arms. 她正抱着个孩子。Armed with sec`retar'ial skills, she will ea'sily fi'nd a job. 具备了秘书技能,她会很容易找到工作的。
04744 7 armor [ar'ma.] n. 盔甲. a suIt of armor 一套盔甲
00733 3 army [ar'mi] n. 军队;大群,大批 There they formed an army of about' forty thou'sand men. 他们在那里组织了一只约有四万人的军队。
00439 1 around' [a.rou'nd] ad.&prep. 在周围;在附近 He looked arou'nd', but no'bod'y was There. 他向周围看了看,可是没有人。
03269 4 arou'se [a.rou'z] v. 引起,激起;唤醒 The mu'sic arou'sed an inten'se feeling of home'sickness in him. 音乐激起他强烈的思乡之情。
01533 4 arra'nge [a.rae'nj] vt. 安排,筹划;理事,布置 Her mar'riage was arra'nged by her par'ents. 她的婚事是由父母包办的。
01740 4 arra'ngement [a.rae'njma.nt] n. 安排,准备工作;整理,排列,布置 I will attend' to all the arra'ngements for the con'ference. 我将负责这次会议的所有准备工作。
04458 6 array' [a.rae'] n.&vt. 一系列;排列,排列 The troops were formed in battle array'. 军队按战斗队形排列。
02206 7 arrest' [a.rest] v.&n. 逮捕 The crim'inal was arres'ted yes'terday. 罪犯昨天被捕了。
02021 3 arri'val [a.rie'va.l] n. 到达;抵达;到达者,到达物 On arri'val we went to a ho`tel'. 我们一到就去旅馆了。He is a re'cent arri'val in this cit'y. 他是新近来本市的人。
00910 1 arrive' [a.rie'v] vi. 到达;抵达 Her moth'er saw her when she arrive'd. 当她抵达的时候,她妈妈看见了她。
10001 2 arrive' in [a.rie,'v in] phr. 到达;抵达 Leave Moscow6:10; Arrive' in Lon'don22:30. 离开莫斯科时间16:10;抵达伦敦时间22:30。
05934 7 ar'rogant [ar'a.ga.nt] a. 傲慢(自负)的 It"s your ar'rogant insis'tence that compell'ed me to do as you a'sked. 是你傲慢地坚持己见使我不得不按照你的要求去做。
02516 4 ar'row [a'roe] n. 箭;箭头符号 The ex'it sign is marked with an ar'row. 出口标志用箭头表示。
00246 1 art [art] n. 艺术;美术;艺术品 I think chi`nese' is more pop'ular than an'y oth'er sub'ject. May'be`. But I prefer' art. 我认为中文比其它科目都受欢迎。也许。但是我喜欢美术。
05952 7 artery [ar'ta.ri] n. 动脉 e`conom'ic arterys 经济命脉
00537 3 article [ar'tikl] n. 文章 Hel'en writes articles on tour'ism for a news'pa`per. 海伦为一家报纸撰写旅游方面的文章。
05463 6 ar`tic'ulate [arti'kuelit] a.&vt. 善于表达的,口齿清晰的;明确有力地表达 The sale'sman is so ar`tic'ulate that more and more customers are convin'ced to buy his new prod'ucts. 这位推销员口才很好,他说服了越来越多的顾客购买他的新产品。
03375 4 ar`tifici'al [artifi'sha.l] a. 人工的,人造的;假的,矫揉造作的 They jumped at the sugges'tion with ar`tifici'al enthu'si.as`m. 他们听到这个建议跳了起来,装的非常热情。
05129 7 ar`til'lery [arti'la.ri] n. 大炮(总称),炮兵 an ar`til'lery reg'iment 炮兵团
01330 2 artist [artist] n. 艺术家;画家 Long ago', there liv'ed an artist in a chi`nese' vil'lage. 很久以前,在中国的一个村子里住着一位画家。
03276 4 ar`tis'tic [arti'stik] a. 艺术(家)的 These are ve'ry ar`tis'tic im'ages. 这些是非常富有艺术性的形象。
00016 2 as [az] ad.&pron.&conj. 像……一样;同样地;作为;照着;因为 luckily the weath'er was not so wet as it is today'. 幸运的是天气不像今天这么潮湿。
10001 3 as a matter of fact [az a.mata. ov fakt] phr. 事实上 As a matter of fact, I know the news al`read'y. 实际上我已知道这个消息了。
10001 3 as a result' [az a. rizu'lt] phr. 结果 He was late as a result' of snow. 因为下雪他迟到。
10001 4 as for [as for] phr. 至于,关于 As for your abil'ity I hav'e no doubts. 对于你的能力我毫不怀疑。
10001 3 as if [az if] phr. 好象;好似 I still remem'ber the whole thing as if it had happened yes'terday. 我仍然记得整个事件,好象它就发生在昨天一样。
10001 2 as soon as [az suen az] phr. 一……就 Thank you ve'ry much. I"ll return' it as soon as I can. 非常感谢,我将尽快归还。
10001 2 as soon as pos'sible [az suen az po'sa.bl] phr. 尽快 Please com'e as soon as pos'sible. 请尽快来。
10001 2 as u'sual [az ue'zure]] phr. 像平常一样 Yes'terday morning she came in'to` cla'ss as u'sual. 昨天早上,她像平常一样走进班里。
10001 3 as well [az wel] phr. 也;又 He likes pop'ular songs as well. 他也喜欢流行歌曲。
04570 6 ascend' [a.se'nd] v. 攀登;升,上升 The Chi`nese' moun`taineer's hav'e succeed'ed in ascend'ing the high'est peak in the world. 中国登山队员成功地登上了世界最高峰。
04715 6 as`certai'n [asa.tae'n] vt. 弄清,查明;确定 I as`certai'ned that he was dead'. 我断定他已死亡。
04994 6 ascribe' [a.skrie'b] vt. 把……归为,把……归属于 He ascribe'd his success' to man'y years of hard work. 他把他的成功归因于多年来的努力工作。
02679 3 ash [ash] n. 灰,灰末 The paper was burnt to ashes. 那份文件被烧成了灰。
02465 3 ashame'd [a.shae'md] a. 惭愧,害臊 I"m ashame'd of my poor spo'ken Eng'lish. 我因自己的口语不好而羞愧。
06300 2 A'shland [ar'shla.nd] n. 阿什兰德(地名) You liv'e in a'shland. 你们住在阿什兰德。
05079 7 ashore' [a.shor'] ad. 在岸上,到岸上 They went ashore'. 他们上岸了。
01286 3 A'sia [ae'sha.] n. 亚洲 A'sia is the lar'gest con'tinent, cov'ering one third of the earth's land ar'ea`. 亚洲是最大的洲,覆盖了地球陆地面积的三分之一。
01633 7 A'sian [ae'sha.n] n. 亚洲人;亚洲的 He is an A'sian.他是亚洲人。
01582 7 aside' [a.sie'd] ad. 在旁边,向旁边 He stepped aside' to let her pa'ss. 他往旁边站,好让她过去。
10001 4 aside' from [a.sie'd from] phr. 除……以外(尚有) The cit'y, aside' from being an indus'trial cen'tre, enjoy's a high mor'al record'. 这城市不但是个工业中心,道德风气也一向很好。
00168 2 a'sk [ar'sk] v. 问;要求;请求 Let"s go and a'sk Miss Wang. 我们去问王小姐吧。
10001 4 a'sk a'fter [ar'sk arfta.] phr. 探问,问候 He a'sks a'fter you a lot. 他非常关心你的健康情况。
10001 3 a'sk...for [arsk for] phr. 询问;向...要 They a'sked me for advice'. 他们征求我的意见。
02090 2 asleep' [a.slee'p] a. 睡着的;熟睡的 He was asleep' at first. 起初他是睡着的。
01543 4 as'pect` [as'pekt] n. 方面;外表,面貌 We must consid'er a prob'lem in all its as'pect`s. 我们必须全面地考虑问题。
05357 7 as`pira'tion [aspa.rae'sha.n] n. 志气,抱负 I admire' his aspira'ti.o`n for career'. 我钦佩他对事业的抱负。
06300 2 as'pirin [as'pa.rin] n. 阿斯匹林,止痛药 She must take as'pirin. 她必须服用阿斯匹林。
04740 7 ass [as] n. 驴, 傻瓜,笨蛋 art/play the ass 做糊涂事,出洋像 make an ass of sb. 捉弄某人 05915 6 assas'sinate` [a.sa'sinaet] v. 暗杀 Pres'ident John F. Kennedy was assas'sina`ted in Dal'las in 1963. 肯尼迪总统于1963年在搭拉斯被暗杀。
04632 6 assau'lt [a.sor'lt] vt.&n. 袭击,攻击 They took the cit'y by assau'lt. 他们攻占了这座城市。
02593 4 assem'ble [a.sem'bl] vt.&vi. 集合,召集;装配,集合,聚集 The lea'ders assem'bled in Par'is for a meeting. 领袖们聚集在巴黎开会。
01779 4 assem'bly [a.sem'bli] n. 集会,集合;装配,组装 They are dema'nding rights of assem'bly. 他们要求集会权。
04529 6 assert' [a.ser't] v. 断言,肯定地说;维护,坚持 He assert'ed his i`dea's loud'ly and clear'ly. 他大声明确地说出自己的想法。
10001 6 assert' one`self' [a.ser't wunse'lf] phr. 坚持权利(意见),显示权威(威力) Som'e lea'ders are apt to assert' them`sel'ves. 某些领导好显示自己的权威。
03403 4 assess' [a.ses'] vt. 对……估价,评价 assess' sb."s ef'forts 评价某人的工作 04513 6 asses'sment [a.se'sma.ns] n. 评价,估价,评定 The crit'ics asses'sment of the book is that it is beau'tiful`ly writ'ten. 评论家对这本书的评价是它写得很好。
06300 6 as'set` [a'set] n. 宝贵的人;优点;(pl.)资产 Wit is his chief as'set`. 机智是他的主要优点。
01727 4 assig'n [asie'n] vt. 指派;分配;指定 They assig'ned me a small room. 他们分给我一个小房间。
02923 4 assig'nment [a.sie'nma.nt] n. (分派的)任务;分配,指派 What are today's assig'nments? 今天的任务(或作业)是什么?
06300 6 assim'ilate` [a.si'milaet] v. 吸收,消化,同化 He is quick to assim'ilate` new i`dea's. 他吸收新思想很快。
01687 4 assist' [a.sist'] vt. 帮助,协助 They a'sked her to assist' with the disa'bled. 他们请她照料残疾人。
06300 4 assis'tance [a.si'sta.ns] n. 帮助,援助 He thanked me for my assis'tance. 他感谢我的帮助。
01734 3 assis'tant [asis'ta.nt] n. 助手 He is an assis'tant in Eng'lish. 他是一名英语助教。
01082 4 asso'ciate` [a.soe'shaet] vt.&vi.&n.&a. 把……联系在一起,交往,伙伴,合伙人,副的 We nat'urally asso'cia`ted the name of Darwin with the theo'ry of e`volu'tion. 我们思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字与进化论联系在一起。
05051 4 asso`ci.a'tion [a.soesi.ae'sha.n] n. 协会,社团;联合,结合交往 the Pres'ident of the Brit'ish Med'ical Asso`ci.a'tion 英国医学会会长
01249 4 assume' [a.sue'm] vt. 假定,承担;呈现 Her eyes assume'd a stra'nge, indif'ferent look. 她的眼睛呈现出一种奇怪的,漠不关心的神色。
03288 6 assum'ption [a.su'mpsha.n] n. 假定;臆断;担任 They hav'e drawn this conclu'sion pri'marily on the assum'ption that there is no life on oth'er plan'ets. 他们得出这个结论,主要是假定别的星球上没有生命。
04630 6 assur'ance [a.shue'ra.ns] n. 保证;信心;(人寿)保险 He gave assur'ance that his debts would be paid. 他保证他会偿还债务。
01486 4 assure' [a.shure'] vt. 使确信,向……保证 I can assure' you of the qual'ity of the prod'uct. 产品的质量我可以向你保证。
02343 3 aston'ish [a.sTonish] vt. 使惊讶 His words aston'ished all. 他的话使大家大吃一惊。
06300 3 aston'ishing [a.sTonishing] a. 惊人的 The o'ld man has an aston'ishing mem'ory. 那老人有着惊人的记忆力。
04661 7 aston'ishment [a.sto'nishma.nt] n. 惊奇, 惊讶. To my aston'ishment, my mon'ey was gone. 使我大吃一惊地是,我的钱丢了。
04152 4 as'tronaut` [as'tra.nort] n. 宇航员 In the year 1968 an Ame'rican as'tronaut` first landed on the moon. 1968年,一位美国宇航员首先登上月球。
05392 7 astron'omy [a.stro'na.mi] n. 天文学 Do you like astron'omy? 你喜欢天文学吗?
00021 1 at [at] pren. 在 They are at the bus-stop. 他们在汽车站。
10001 4 at a loss [at a. los] phr. 困惑不解,茫然不知所措 He was quite at a loss what to say. 他不知道说什么是好。
10001 6 at a prem'ium [at ae primya.m] phr. 以高价;奇缺的,难得的 Hard-to-get thea'tre tic'kets can be bought at a prem'ium. 紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。
10001 3 at a time [at a. tiem] phr. 每次;一次 O'nly one student is allow'ed to speak at a time. 一次只允许一名学生发言。
10001 2 at all [at orl] phr. 全然 You will fi'nd noth'ing grows on the moon at all. 你会发现任何东西在月球上都不能生长。
10001 4 at all costs [at orl kost] phr. 不惜任何代价,无论如何 We are deter'mined to obtai'n our rights at all costs. 我们决心不惜一切代价来获取我们的权利。
10001 4 at all event's(in an'y event') [at orl ive'nt] phr. 不管怎样,无论如何 At all e'vents you had better try. 无论如何你最好试一试。
10001 3 at break'fast [at bre'kfa,st] phr. 早餐时;正吃早餐 He is used to reading a news'pa`per at break'fast. 他习惯于早餐时看报。
10001 2 at first [at ferst] phr. 起先 At first I did'n"t know them. 起先我不认识他们。
10001 4 at hand [at hand] phr. 近在手边,在附近 When he writes, he al'way`s keeps a dic'tionary at hand. 他写作时总在手边放一本词典。
10001 4 at heeart [at hart] phr. 内心里,本质上 At heart he is a simple, gen'erous fellow. 本质上他是个淳朴和宽宏大量的人。
10001 3 at least [at leest] phr. 至少 You must sleep eight hours a day at least. 你每天至少得睡8小时。
10001 2 at night [at niet] phr. 在夜间 I nev'er go out at night. 我晚上从来不出去。
10001 2 at noon [at nuen] phr. 在中午 What were you do'ing at noon yes'terday? 昨天中午你在做什么? 10001 2 at once [at wuns] phr. 立刻;马上 They started at once. 他们立刻就出发了。
10001 3 at one time [at one tiem] phr. 以前,曾经 At one time, he was a ve'ry good play'er. 他曾经是一位非常不错的选手。
10001 3 at pres'ent [at pri'zent] phr. 现在,目前 At pres'ent I fi'nd my work dif'ficult. 目前,我发现自己的工作很难。
10001 4 at sb"s dispo'sal [at sb''s dispoe'za.l] phr. 任……处理,供……使用 She has time at her own dispo'sal. 她有自由支配的时间。
10001 3 at sea [at see] phr. 在海上,在航海 While her hus'band is at sea, she feels alone'. 丈夫出海时,她感到孤独。
10001 2 at the begin'ning of [at tha. bigi'nnin phr. 起初;开始 You must stud'y hard at the begin'ning of next term. 下学期初你一定要努力学习。
10001 3 at the end (of) [at tha. end ov] phr. 最后,尽头 The cin'ema is at the end of the street. 电影院在这条街的尽头。
10001 2 at the end of [at the end ov] phr. 在……尽头 He will be back at the end of this month. 他将在月末回来。
10001 2 at the foot of [at tha, fut ov] phr. 在……的脚下 His house stands at the foot of the hill. 他的家坐落在小山脚下。
10001 3 at the latest [at tha. laetist] phr. 最迟 At the la'test, I"ll return' it to you by Fri'day. 最迟,我星期五之前还给你。
10001 3 at the mer'cy of [at tha. mer'si] phr. 在……支配下 His life is at the mer'cy of the judge. 他的生命掌握在法官首手里。The boat was at the mer'cy of the waves. 小船随波而行。
10001 2 at the mo'ment [at tha. moe'ma.nt] phr. 此刻 He is'n"t at home at the mo'ment. 此刻他不在家。
10001 3 at the mo'st [at tha. moe'st] phr. 至多;不超过 She is at the mo'st 25 years o'ld. 她至多25岁。
10001 2 at the same time [at tha. saem tiem] phr. 同时 They came here at the same time. 他们是同时到这儿的。
10001 2 at times [at tims] phr. 时常 At times I miss my home'work`. 我时常忘记家庭作业。
00654 1 ate [aet] v. 吃(过去式) I ate san'dwiches yes'terday. 我昨天吃三明治。
06300 2 Ath'ens [ath'inz] n. 雅典 He went to Ath'ens la'st week. 上星期他去雅典了。
03514 3 ath'lete` [ath'leet] n. 田径运动员 Ath'lete` should be ve'ry strong. 运动员应该是健壮的。
02814 7 Atlan'tic [a.tlan'tik] a.&n. 大西洋的;大西洋 the Atlan'tik is'lands 大西洋诸岛屿 10001 1 Atlan'tic O'cean [a.tla'ntik oe'sha.n] phr. 大西洋 To the east is the Atlan'tic O'cean.东面是大西洋。
02427 4 at'mosphere` [at'ma.sfere] n. 大气;空气;气氛 It"s got such a friend'ly at'mosphere. 那里的气氛是那样友好。
04267 7 at`mosphe'ric [at`ma.sfe'rik] ad. 大气的 That mu'sic's ve'ry at`mosphe'ric. 这个音乐很有气氛。
03812 4 at'om [a'ta.m] n. 原子;微量 There is not an at'om of tru'th in what he said. 他说的话没有丝毫真实性。
04104 7 atom'ic [a.to'mik] ad. 原子(能)的, atom'ic bomb 原子弹
01933 4 attach' [a.tach'] vt. 系,帖;使附属 He was strongly attach'ed to his home. 他对他的家恋恋不舍。
04803 6 attach'ment [a.ta'chma.nt] n. 附带;附件;情感 A sewing machine' has var'ious attach'ment. 一台缝纫机有许多不同的附件。
00899 3 attack' [a.tak'] vt.&n. 攻击;袭击 The en'emy attack' us at night. 敌人在夜间进攻了我们。
02417 7 attai'n [a.tae'n] v. 获得,达到;到达 attai'n on'e"s goal 达到目的
00776 3 attempt' [a.tempt'] vt.&n. 试图;企图 I attem'pt'ed to speak but was to'ld to be qui'et. 我企图说话,可是有人要我安静点。
00953 3 attend' [a.tend'] vt. 出席;参加;照顾;护理 He is going to attend' a meeting. 他要去出席一个会议。Mar'y her`self' pa'tiently attend'ed the sick man. 玛丽自己耐心护理病人。
04869 6 atten'dance [a.te'nda.ns] n. 出席人数;出席,参加 Our cla'ss has perfect atten'dance today'. 今天我们班全到了。
04691 6 atten'dant [a.te'nda.nt] n.&a. 服务员,侍者,伴随的 The room atten'dant speaks a little Eng'lish. 客房服务员会说一点儿英语。
00799 3 atten'tion [a.ten'sha.n] n. 注意,关心 La'dies and gen'tlemen, may I hav'e your atten'tion, please . 女士们,先生们,请注意。
03913 7 atten'tive [a.ten'tiv] ad. 注意的,留心的. be atten'tive to de'tai`l 留心细节
01921 3 at'titude` [a'titued] n. 态度,看法;姿势 I dislike' her un'friend'ly at'titude`. 我不喜欢她那不友善的态度。He stood there in a threat'ening at'titude`. 他站在那里,摆出一副咄咄逼人的架势。
02857 6 attor'ney [ater'ni] vt. 律师 The defen'dant was re`present'ed by his attor'ney. 被告由他的律师代理。
02131 3 attract' [a.trakt'] vt. 吸引 Like attract's like. 物以类聚。
03341 4 attraction [a.tra'ksha.n] n. 吸引,吸引力 Cit'y life has no attrac'tion for me. 城市生活对我没有诱惑力。
03382 7 attrac'tive [a.trak'tiv] ad. 有吸引力的,引人注目的 Scarlet Is an attrac'tive girl. 斯佳丽是个迷人的姑娘。
01759 4 attrib'ute [a.tri'byut] vt.&n. 把……归因于;把……归咎于……,属性,特性;定语 E`con'omists attrib'uted the lack of pro'gress` to poor co.op`era'tion. 经济学家把停滞归咎于合作不好。
05380 7 au'ction [or'ksha.n] n. 拍卖 The house Is up for auction. 这所房子将要拍卖。
01139 4 au'dience [orderens] n. 听众,观众,读者 An enor'mous au'dience of TV view'ers watched the World Cup games. 无数的电视观众观看了世界杯足球赛。
02570 7 au'di.o` [or'di.oe] a. 听觉的,声音的 au'di.o` typist 录音打字员 06300 6 au`gment' [orgment'] vt. 扩大,增加,提高 She has ta'ken up a sec'ond job out'side' to au`gment' her income. 她在外面从事第二职业,以增加自己的收入。
01197 1 Au'gust [or'ga.st] n. 八月 He came in Au'gust. 他是八月来的。
01267 1 aunt [ar'nt] n. 姨母;舅母;姑母;伯母;婶母 He liv'es with his aunt. 他和姑妈住在一起。
04384 7 au'ral [or'ra.l] a. 听觉的 an au'ral surgeon 耳外科医生 02401 1 Aus`tra'lia [ostrae'lya.] n. 澳大利亚 I"ve got two letters in Eng'lish. On'e is frorm Aus`tra'lia. 我收到两封英文信,有一封是从澳大利亚寄来的。
03497 7 Aus`tra'lian [ostrae'leren] a. 澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人 We"re Aus`tra'lians. 我们是澳大利亚人。
06300 2 Aus'tria [os'trere] n. 奥地利 I com'e from Aus'tria. 我来自奥地利。
06300 2 Aus'trian [os'treren] n. 奥地利人 I"m Aus'trian. 我是奥地利人。
00682 7 au'thor [or'tha.] n. 作者 He is the au'thor of the book. 他是这本书的作者。
06300 6 au`thor'itative [kor'ra.s] a. 专断的;权威性的 The profes'sor made an au`thor'itative speech at the meeting. 会上该教授作了权威性的发言。
00823 4 au`thor'ity [ortho'riti] n. 官方,当局;当权者;权力 Her voice car'ried a note of au`thor'ity. 她说话带着权威的调子。
04605 7 au'thorize` [or'tha.riez] v. 授权,委托 I hav'e au'thorize`d him to act for me while I"m away'. 我已经委托他当我不在的时候代我处理。
06300 6 au'thorize`(au'thorise) [or'tha.riez] vt. 授权,批准 The pres'ident has au'thorize`d his cab'inet to dra'ft an impor'tant decis'ion. 总统授权其内阁起草一项重要决议。
03902 7 au'to` [or'toe] n. (口)汽车 au'to` parts 汽车零件
05717 6 au'tomate` [or'ta.maet] v. 使自动化 We must au'tomate` or else we will fall behi'nd our compet'itors. 我们必须采用自动化技术,否则就会落后于我们的竞争对手。
03882 7 au`tomat'ic [orta.ma'tik] a. 自动的 The hea'ting sys'tem in the ho`tel' has an au`tomat'ic tem'perature control'. 旅馆里的取暖系统工程是自动调温的。
05679 6 au`toma'tion [orta.mae'sha.n] n. 自动,自动化 Au`toma'tion is mech`ani`za'tion plus au`tomat'ic contro'l. 自动化是机械化加自动控制。
03820 7 au'tomo`bile` [or'ta.moebeel] n.&ad. 汽车,自动的 death from au'tomo`bile` 车祸死亡 an au'tomo`bile` tor'pe`do` 自动鱼雷
05618 7 au`ton'omous [orto'na.ma.s] a. 自治的 an alli'ance of au`ton'omous states 自治州联盟
06300 6 au`ton'omy [orto'na.mi] n. 自治,自治权;自主权 Pri'vate en'terprise`s own the au`ton'omy to the mo'st extent'. 私有企业拥有很大程度的自主权。
04290 4 au`xil'iary [orgzi'lya.ri] a. 辅助的,补助的 They hav'e an au`xil'iary alarm' sys'tem. 他们有备用警报系统。
04835 6 avai'l [a.vae'l] vt.&n. 有用;用效,用处;益处 morning ex'erci`ses avai'l your heal'th. 早锻炼有益于你的健康。
10001 6 avai'l (one`self') of [a.vae'l ov] phr. 利用 I hav'e not avai'led my`self' of the op`portunity. 我没有利用这一机会。
05085 7 avai`labil'ity [a.vaela.bi'liti] n. 有效性,可利用性 device' avai`labil'ity 设备利用率
00611 4 avai'lable [a.vae'la.bl] a. 可利用的,可取得联系的 All the avai'lable mon'ey has been used. 手头所有的钱都用完了。
02349 4 av'e.nue` [a'vinue] n. 林荫道,大街 The av'e.nue`s of the cit'y were crowd'ed with peo'ple. 城里大街上挤满了人群。
01580 3 av'erage [a'va.rij] a.&n. 平均的;平常的,普通的;平均,平均数 What is the av'erage rai'nfall` for July'? 七月平均雨量多少?
06300 6 avert' [a.ver't] vt. 防止,避免;转移 She avert'ed her eyes from the ter'rible sight. 她转移目光,不看这番可怕的景象。
05171 7 a`vi.a'tion [aeviae'sha.n] n. 航空,飞机制造业 He majors in a`vi.a'tion. 他主修航空业。
01426 4 avoid' [a.voi'd] vt. 避免,避开 You should avoid' being late for your cla'ss. 你应该避免上课迟到。
02519 4 awai't [a.wae't] v. 等候,等待;将降临于 Success' awai'ts those who work hard. 努力的人必将获得成功。
01569 1 awake' [a.wae'k] a. 醒着的 Is he awake' or asleep'? 他醒着还是睡着?
00588 4 award' [a.wor'd] n.&vt. 奖,奖品;授予,给予 The u`niver'sity award'ed him an hon'orary degree'. 这所大学授予他名誉学位。
01675 4 aware' [aware'] a. 意识到,知道的 I was not aware' of the da'nger. 我没有意识到危险。
00171 1 away' [a.wae'] ad. 离开 We looked a'fter her baby when she was away'. 她外出时,我们照看她的孩子。
02178 2 aw'ful` [or'ful] a. 可怕的;糟糕的 He"s aw'ful`. 他讨厌透了。
03824 7 aw'ful`ly [or'fuli] ad. 很,非常 It"s aw'ful`ly ki'nd of you.多谢多谢。
03554 4 aw'kward` [or'kwa.d] a. 粗笨的,笨拙的;尴尬的,棘手的 He a'sked a lot of aw'kward ques'tions. 他提了一大串棘手的问题。
04071 7 ax [aks] n. 斧子 That farmer cut down a tree with an ax. 那个农民用斧头把树砍倒。
05384 6 ax'is [ak'sis] n. 轴;轴线;核心 Full employ'ment is the ax'is of their campaig'n. 充分就业是他们竞选运动的核心。
04689 7 zeal [zeel] n. 热心, 热诚, 热情, He shows great zeal for knowl'edge.他表示出很强的求知欲。
05541 7 zeal'ous [ze'la.s] ad. 热心的,热诚的 He Is a zeal'ous suppor'ter of our cause. 他是我们事业的热心支持者。
06126 1 zebra [zee'bra.] n. 斑马 This is a zebra. 这是一匹斑马。
03400 2 zer'o` [zere'roe] num.&n. 零 It was 2 degree's below' zer'o` la'st night. 昨天晚上零下2度。
06300 1 zith'er [zi'tha.] n. 筝 My fa'ther can play the zi'ther.我父亲会弹筝。
02938 7 zone [zoen] n. 区域,地带,地域;气候带;赛区 The zones are distin'guished by differences of cli'mate. 气候带是根据气候差别区分的。
04275 1 zoo [zue] n. 动物园 Shall we go to the zoo this a`fternoon'. 今天下午我们去动物园好吗?
