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主题: <<美食DIY>>做玉米烙和蛋挞(第二期)
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In this time, I’d like to introduce my favorite food corn pancake and custard tart. Let’s wait expectantly.
玉米烙(Corn Pancake)
配料:甜玉米粒, 椰浆,椰蓉 ,面粉少许,一般我买的超市速冻的, 本身就熟的,甜甜的,开包即可吃。
Ingredient: sweet corn grains, coconut syrup, desiccated coconut, flour (a little). You’d better buy some already boiled corns which have been frozen. I usually buy some like that from supermarket.
做法(Making procedure):
1.把玉米放入盘子里,加入少许面粉( 加面粉只是为了让玉米粒粘连在一起,不易过多,加多了就是吃面粉了)
Put the corn grains into a plate, then, add a little flour. (The aim to add some flour is to make the grains stick together. Attention, never put too much flour, or it will become flour pancake not corn pancake.)

Adding some desiccated coconut.

3.加椰浆搅拌,粘在一起, 锅里放适量的油,把搅拌好的玉米烙放入锅里,开中火(高火易焦)记住不要把玉米烙放锅里搅拌,只要放在适当的火候上煎,如要移动玉米烙,整块翻动。
Add the coconut syrup and stir the mixture to let them stick together. Then, pour some oil into a pan, and put the mixture into it.
Attention: ①to turn up medium flame, because it’s easy to scorch the pancake by using high flame.
②not to stir the mixture in the pan
③if you want to move the corn pancake, move it as a whole.
④fire it on an appropriate heat.

Finish, it’s time to enjoy the fresh corn pancake.

配料: 鸡蛋,牛奶,糖。
Ingredient: eggs, milk and sugar.
做法(Making procedure):
(you can buy some outside-skin of tart and the making tools from market )
放置烤箱中上层 420F。 25分钟。(温度不要太高,小心烤焦哟。)
Put it on the upper-middle place of the oven and heat it for 25minutes. (be careful the temperature, don’t let it be too hot. )
旁边是哈根达斯。 哈根达斯到冬天就很便宜只要夏天的一半价钱这样子。
Beside it is Haagen-Dazs. Haagen-Dazs is much cheaper in winter than in summer, and it nearly half of the price in summer.
So, if you find it expensive in summer, you can do that in winter. In this way, you will feel live in summer all the way.
25 minutes later, the delicious tart is over, enjoy yourself!

本期作品翻译者梅子, 感谢梅子的鼎力相助,你将获得100FF作为鼓励奖。
最后由 ベ蝶舞ゞ幽嘉 于 2009-05-24 20:34:31编辑
