
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 03:31:25
01.住宅 文德的家居生活大公开
house 房屋
build 建造=construct, erect
architect 建筑师
under construction 施工中
break ground 破土动工
housewarming party 乔迁庆宴
B.Y.O.B(Bring Your Own Booze[Bottle/Beverage]
baby shower 孕妇专属晚会
card party 以玩牌为主的主题晚会
cocktail party(提供简单食品和饮料的)鸡尾酒会
graduation party 毕业晚会
mixer 男女联谊晚会
pajama party 睡衣派对
potluck dinner 自带饭菜的晚会
prom 高中毕业前的舞会
surprise party 惊喜派对
welcoming party 欢迎宴会
toilet paper 卫生纸
cottage 村舍, 小屋
straw-roofed house 茅屋
tile-roofed house 瓦房
apartment 公寓
skyscraper 摩天大楼
top floor 顶层
pane 玻璃窗
penthouse 顶楼阁楼(成人杂志名称)
I subscribe to Penthouse. 我订阅<阁楼>杂志.
=I'm a Penthouse subscriber.
=I have a subscription to Penthouse.
=Every month I receive a copy of Penthouse.
boarding house 寄宿房
basement 地下室
debase 贬低,贬损
mansion 大厦
public housing 经济适用房,居民楼
cabin 小木屋
hideout 秘密联络点,隐匿处
stable 马厩
beehive 蜂窝
rent 租赁
barn 谷仓, 牲口棚
gate 大门
garage 车库
lawn 草坪
front yard 前院
garden 花园
pond 池塘
pavilion 亭子
octagonal pavilion 八角亭
restroom 卫生间=bathroom, washroom,lavatory,water closet(WC-欧洲),toilet, men's room, Ladies' room
frontdoor 正门
doorbell 门铃
roof 屋顶
window 窗户
window sill窗台
floor 地板
living room 客厅
sofa 沙发
marble 大理石
coffee table 茶几
fireplace 壁炉
armchair 扶手椅
fishbowl 鱼缸
(dining room) table餐桌
dining room 餐厅
kitchen 厨房
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
如果你受不了这里的高温, 就不要呆在厨房里了.
refrigerator 冰箱
microwave (oven) 微波炉
household appliance 家电
utensils 炊具
bedroom 卧室
vacancy 空房间
boarding house寄宿房
orkscrew staircase 螺旋形台阶
bookshelf 书架
study 书房
wallpaper 壁纸
furniture 家具
built-in wardrobe 嵌入式衣柜
dormitory 宿舍
fluorescent lamp 荧光灯
fluorescent light 荧光灯
florescent 开花的
desk lamp 台灯
glowing bulb 白炽灯泡
air cleaner 空气清新器
humidifier 加湿器
desktop computer 台式电脑
printer 打印机
laptop computer 笔记本电脑
balcony 阳台,露台
tent 帐篷
tower 纪念塔
pagoda (寺院的)塔
church 教堂
steeple 尖塔
anphitheater 圆形剧场
amphi [ambi] 圆形的
ambition ambi(圆的) + it(去) - 欲望,野心
ambient 环绕的, 周围的
round 圆的

02.服饰 流行服饰大小事
naked 裸体的
clothes (普通的)衣服
winter clothes 冬装
clothing 服装
wear (特殊场合所穿的)衣服
sports wear 运动服
training clothes 训练服
suit 套装
bathing suit 泳装
diving suit 潜水服
costume 传统服装
theatrical costume 舞台服装
costume play 角色扮演
costume film 古装片
uniform 制服
school uniform 校服
military uniform 军装
knit 编织
sweater 毛衣
pullover 套头毛衣
button 纽扣
cardigan 开襟羊毛衫
dress shirt 礼服衬衫
brief 男用紧身裤,三角裤
brassiere 胸罩
masquerade 化装舞会=costume party
underwear 内裤=panties (女士用)
girdle 紧身短裤,束腹短裤
coat 外套
petticoat 衬裙
patty 小的
trenchcoat 军用防水短外衣,风衣
stockings 长筒袜=hose
pantyhose 连裤袜
tights 紧身衣
dress 女装,服装
wedding dress 结婚礼服
evening dress 晚礼服
make-up 化妆
cosmetic store 化妆品店
compact 粉饼
lipstick 口红
dirt 灰尘
washing machine 洗衣机
Laundromat 自助洗衣店
do the laundry 洗衣服
money laundry 付费洗衣
coin operated self-service laundries 投入硬币式自助洗衣店=coin-op laundry [laundromat]
stain 污迹
dry cleaner 干洗店
slovenly 不修边幅的 = untidy
gay 华丽的=brilliant, gorgeous, splendid
tidy 整洁的=neat
worn out 破旧的
ironing 熨烫
wrinkle 褶皱
smart 漂亮的,活泼的, 聪明的, 时髦的
stylish 时髦的, 流行的
fine feathers make fine birds 人靠衣服马靠鞍.
rags 破烂衣衫
a rags 他哦riches story 白手起家的故事
shabby 邋遢,破旧寒酸的
gaudy(文风,服饰等)华丽而俗气的, 暴露的
Discreet cleavage is advised
fashion 流行=vogue
brand-new 崭新的
wash your hair 洗头
shampoo 洗发香波
detergent 洗衣粉
suit 合适=match,look good on
fit 尺码合适
fitting room 试衣间
The clothes don't fit you very well.
The clothes don't suit you.这件衣服不适合你.
unkempt 蓬乱的
comb 梳(头)

03.食物 若不懂饮食英文单词,那你最好保持沉默!
food 食物
dish 菜
breakfast 早餐
lunch 午餐
I eat three meals a day. 我每天吃三顿饭.
She is on a diet.她在减肥.
meal 正餐(日常有规律的饭)
diet (病人的)规定饮食,节食
snack 零食 = eating between meals, light meal
skip 略过,跳过
munchies 小点心
cookies 饼干
beverage 饮料
vending machine 自动售货机
refreshment 茶点
taste 味道
delicious 美味的
sugar 糖
sweet 甜的=sugary
luscious 香甜,好吃的,迷人的
The blonde lady looked luscious.那个金发女郎看上去很迷人.
juicy 多汁的=succulent
sour 酸的 = acid
This orange tastes rather sour.这个橙子很酸
sour 脾气坏的,刻薄的
What's the sour look for? 为什么那么不开心呢?
hardy orange 野橙子
herb doctor 中医
Oriental medicine 草药, 中药
bitter 苦的
Good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口.
condiment 调料
season 调味品
hot 辣的=pungent
salty 咸的
hot pepper 辣椒
mustard 芥末
soy sauce 酱油
tasteless 难吃的
flat 淡的=insipid
stir 搅拌=beat up
thick 浓的
cook 厨师
cook 做饭
cooker 炊具
cookery 烹饪方法
chef 厨师
culinary skill 厨艺
recipe 烹饪方法=cookery
garbage can 垃圾桶=trash can
rice cooker 饭锅
astringent 涩的
market 市场
traditional market 集贸市场
supermarket 超市
pork 猪肉
lettuce 生菜
bean paste 豆瓣酱
grill 烤(肉类)=toast烤(面包等)
produce section 农产品区
vegetables 蔬菜
fresh 新鲜的
fat 肥肉
onion 洋葱
unripe red pepper 青辣椒
sesame leaf 芝麻叶
strawberry 草莓
in season 旺季
hungry 饥饿的
starve to death 饿死
appetizer 正餐前开胃的食物
dessert 甜点心
desert 沙漠,抛弃
I have no appetite these days 我最近没有胃口.
I have a wolflish appetite these days.最近我胃口很好.
noodles 面条
rice 大米
macerate 浸软
cereals 谷类食物
wash 洗 =rinse
nutrient 营养物,营养的
rice scoop 饭勺
steam thoroughly 完全焖熟
set the table 摆好餐具
sunny-side up半熟的
poached 煮熟的
soft-boiled egg 水煮蛋
side dish 小菜
soup 汤
leftovers 剩菜饭
Can I get that to go, please?
Can you pack the leftovers, please?
I'd like to take the rest home.
Could I have a daggy bag?
dessert 饭后甜点
stir 搅拌
grate 磨碎
pour 倒,注入
peel 削去,剥去
carve 切开
beat 搅伴(鸡蛋, 奶油等)
slice 切片(面包,奶酪等)
chop 切细
steam 蒸
broil 放在烤箱里烤(肉,鱼等)
bake 烤(面包,土豆等)
fry 油煎
boil 煮
eat out 在外面吃饭
restaurant 饭店
stand in line 排队
cut in line 加塞
make a reservation 预定
This restaurant is always crowed.这家餐馆共识爆满。
fast food 快餐
hamburger 汉堡
to go 外带
Will you show me the menu, please?
May I see a menu?
Menu, please.
I'll have the same.
I'll have that, too.
Make that too.
Same here.
I'll have the same as you.
beefsteak 牛排
rare 煮的嫩的
medium 半熟的
medium well-done 七八成熟的
wet towel 湿纸巾
spill the food溅出的实物
napkin 餐巾
wipe 擦
wipe one's mouth with one's napkin.用餐巾擦嘴
spread one's napkin on one's lap把餐巾打开在膝上
fold a napkin 把餐巾折起来
This is on the house.这是本店赠送的。
This is free.
You don't need to pay for this.
We won't charge for this.
This is service.(x)
Let me get this.我来买单。
It's on me.
I'd like to pay for this.
I'll pick up the tab.
Let's go Dutch.我们AA制吧。
Let's split the bill.
Let's go fifty-fifty on the bill
receipt 收据
alcohol 酒
hangover 宿醉
bar 酒吧
beer 啤酒
whisky 威士忌
on the rocks 放入冰块
Make that a double, please.要双份的。
Double shot, please.
Make it strong.
heavy drinker酒鬼
I feel tipsy.我觉得有些醉了。
Let's go bar-hopping. 咱们去另外一家酒吧接着喝吧。
feel tipsy 有些醉意
be buzzed 飘飘然的
black out (因饮酒)发晕
pass out 醉晕
pass away 去世,死亡
throw up 呕吐=barf, vomit
quit drinking戒酒=stop drinking
04.购物 "清仓"用英语怎么说?
shopping 购物
department store 百货商店
discount mart 打折卖场
wholesale price 批发价格
cart 购物车
checkout counter 收银台
bargain sale 打折
retail price 零售价格
manufacturer's suggested retail price)
clearance sale 清仓大甩卖
merchandise 商品
sold out 售完的=out of stock
top brand 名牌
window shopping 只看不买
duty free shop 免税店
fake 仿造品=imitation
genuine 真品=authentic
expensive 昂贵的=costly,dear
favorite brand 钟爱的品牌
size 尺码
Do you have this in my size?这件衣服有我穿的号码吗?
What size do you wear?您穿什么号?
I wear a medium.我穿M号.
We don't have your size.没有您穿的号码了.
Do you have this in a larger size?有大一号的吗?
fixed price 固定价格(不还价)
internet shopping mall 网上购物
TV home shopping 电视家庭购物
auction 拍卖
Dutch auction降价拍卖
public auction 公开拍卖
mock auction 模拟拍卖
on-line 网上
store 商店
on credit 赊账
No credit. Cash only. 谢绝赊账. 现金支付.
installment plan分期付款
on a 12-month installment plan. 12个月分期付款
convenience store 便利店
scratch and win lottery ticket 刮刮乐
haggle 讨价还价
How much discount do we get?打几折?
50% off.5折.
plastic bag 塑料袋

05.运动与休闲 你都做什么运动?
exercise 运动 = workout
Do you work out every morning?
You should get regular exercise to stay healthy.
要想保持健康, 就得有规律地锻炼.
gymnastics 体操
morning walk 清晨散步
independence movement 独立运动
Independence Movement Day 独立运动纪念日
Constitution Day 行宪纪念日
Foundation Day 建国日
Sports 运动
archery 射箭
taekwondo 跆拳道
badminton 羽毛球
event 项目
Korean wrestling 韩式摔跤
thigh band 大腿绷带
Olympic Games 奥运会
synchronized swimming 水上芭蕾
词根 chron 时间
synchronise: syn(一起)+chron(时间) - 使同步,使同时发生
chronic (病)慢性的
anachronistic: ana(后)+chron(时间) - 过时的
diachronic: dia(through)+chron(时间) - 历经历史长河的
walking marathon 竞走
soccer 足球
Red Devils 红魔
cheering 欢呼=rooting
ranking 排名
FIFA 世界足球联盟
rollerblading 单排滑轮运动=inline skating
ice skating 溜冰
skating rink 溜冰场
golf-rinks 高尔夫场=golf course
leisure sports 休闲运动
resort 修养地, 度假地
scuba diving 轻便(潜水器)潜水
beach 海滩
bikini 比基尼
suntanning 日光浴
recreation 转换心情, 娱乐
miner 矿工
My brother is addicted to StarCraft.
06.旅行 地球虽大, 但世界很小
exercise 运动 = workout
Do you work out every morning?
You should get regular exercise to stay healthy.
要想保持健康, 就得有规律地锻炼.
gymnastics 体操
morning walk 清晨散步
independence movement 独立运动
Independence Movement Day 独立运动纪念日
Constitution Day 行宪纪念日
Foundation Day 建国日
Sports 运动
archery 射箭
taekwondo 跆拳道
badminton 羽毛球
event 项目
Korean wrestling 韩式摔跤
thigh band 大腿绷带
Olympic Games 奥运会
synchronized swimming 水上芭蕾
词根 chron 时间
synchronise: syn(一起)+chron(时间) - 使同步,使同时发生
chronic (病)慢性的
anachronistic: ana(后)+chron(时间) - 过时的
diachronic: dia(through)+chron(时间) - 历经历史长河的
walking marathon 竞走
soccer 足球
Red Devils 红魔
cheering 欢呼=rooting
ranking 排名
FIFA 世界足球联盟
rollerblading 单排滑轮运动=inline skating
ice skating 溜冰
skating rink 溜冰场
golf-rinks 高尔夫场=golf course
leisure sports 休闲运动
resort 修养地, 度假地
scuba diving 轻便(潜水器)潜水
beach 海滩
bikini 比基尼
suntanning 日光浴
recreation 转换心情, 娱乐
miner 矿工
My brother is addicted to StarCraft.
06.旅行 地球虽大, 但世界很小
downtown 商业区
traffic jam 交通堵塞 = traffic congestion
picnic 野餐, 游玩=excursion, outgoing
hunt 搜索, 打猎
performance contest 才艺比赛
field trip 实地考察旅行, 野外教学
a girl who's run away 离家出走的少女
go backpacking 自助旅行
I'm going backpacking this summer.
travel (一般的)旅行
travel agency 旅行社
trip 短途旅行
tour 观光旅行
journey 长途旅行
journeyer 旅客
journeyman 熟练工
homeless 无家可归的
I'm going on a four-day three-night trip to Japan.
voyage 航海
Bon voyage 祝旅途愉快=Have a nice trip.
pleasure boat 游轮
cruise tour 航游
cruise 巡航
a cruise liner 巡航线
safari (打猎,探险等)远征旅行
historic site 名胜古迹
theme tour 主题旅行
role-playing 角色扮演
vagabond 流浪者
=vogrant, tramp, bohemian
nomed 游牧民族,游牧的
honeymoon 蜜月,新婚旅行
Honey 亲爱的
globalization 全球化
visa 签证
travel agency 旅行社
round-trip ticket 往返机票
one-way ticket 单程票
reserve 预订=book
airport bus 机场巴士
transportation hub 交通中心,交通枢纽
Incheon International Airport 仁川国际机场
see off 送行
check-in 登机手续
trunk 旅行箱
airline 航空公司
flight ticket 机票
passport 护照
boarding pass 登机证
aisle seat 靠过道座位
window seat 靠窗户作为
baggage 行李
extra charge 额外费用
security check 安全检查
take-off 起飞
exchange 汇兑
duty free 免税店
gate 登机门
moving walkway 传送带式电梯
final call 最终广播
flight attendant 乘务员
in-flight meal 飞机餐
lavatory 卫生间
occupied 使用中
landing 着陆
immigration 入境检查
baggage claim area 行李领取处
carrousel (载货)传送带
pick up 寻找
clear customs 过海关检查
on foot 步行
taxi 出租车
fare 费用
front desk 前台
check in 入住手续
confirm a reservation 确认预订
suit 套间
check out 退房结帐
American breakfast 美式早餐
Continental breakfast 欧式早餐
downtown 商业区
bus ticket 公共汽车票
ticket office 售票亭
automatic ticketing machine 自动售票机
coin 硬币
subway 地铁
美国地铁 subway, metro
加拿大地铁 Skytrain
英国地铁 tube, underground
香港地铁 MTR