
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/02 16:06:09

Unit 12     My favorite subject is science

1.    About the teaching material

Task One: Learn to talk about preference and ask and talk about the subjects which Ss themselves and others like with the special questions that what, who lead.

Task Two: One-minute lecture. Let Ss give reasons about their favorite subjects and practice the special questions that why lead.

Task Three: Integrate application by writing a letter to consolidate and expand the knowledge learnt, foster Ss ability of arranging their work and rest time rationally.

2.    Teaching aims

1)    Aims of knowledge

?         Words

Nouns of subjects: subject, math, science, history, P.E, biology

Nouns of week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Describing adjectives: fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing

Others: because, teacher, Mr, Mrs, example, city, mom, dad, busy, strict, tired

?         Sentences

  i.        What’s your/his/her/ favorite subject?  

My/His/Her favorite subject is science.

What’s Ken’s favorite subject?      


ii.        Why do you like P.E.?            Because it’s fun.

Why does he/she like math?   Because it’s interesting.

iii.        Who is your art teacher?   

My art teacher is Mrs Jones.

iv.        When do you have math?

I have math on Monday and Wednesday.

?         The usage of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns

2)        Aims of skill

?         Talk about the subjects which Ss like and give reasons.

?         Talk about other things as food, city, sport, movie…which Ss like and give reasons

?         Tale about the arrangement of Ss’ work and rest time.

3)        Aims of emotions

Make Ss understand to make progress in each subject rather than favor certain subjects and have a good time in their rich and colorful studying life. Stir up Ss affection emotions to their parents, their friends and everyone around them.

3.       Teaching points

1)        Main points

?        Have a good grasp of the ways of expression about Ss’ favorite subjects.

?        Master and make full use of some describing adjectives and talk about the reasons Ss like or not.

?        Learn the nouns of week.

2)        Difficult points

?        The meaning and pronunciation of describing adjectives about subjects.

?        The usage of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns.

?        Practice the knowledge learnt skillfully and integratively.

4.       Teaching steps

Period One:          SectionA 1a-----1c

Period Two:          SectionA 2a-----2d

Period Three         SectionA 3a------4

Period Four          SectionB 1a------2c

Period Five          SectionB 3a-------Self-check


Period 1 (Section A 1a~1c)

?Topic                   My favorite subject is science.

?Structure              What is your favorite subject?

?Task                    Talk about your favorite subject.

?Culture                 Know something about the subjects in the school.

?Vocabulary              subject, math, science, history, P.E.

?Grammar               What’s your favorite subject?

Teaching procedures:


Step 1 Warming up

?Have to learn a chant. (This is the first period of new unit. To arouse Ss interest to enliven the class atmosphere.)

Let’s chant

What’s your favorite fruit?

What’s your favorite fruit?

Grapes are my favorite fruit.

Grapes are my favorite fruit.

Oranges are my favorite fruit.

Lemons are my favorite fruit.

Apples are my favorite fruit.

Step 2 Presentation

?Show Ss several pictures of their favorite colors, sports, foods, singers…

Colors: black, white, green, red, blue, yellow, purple, brown, pink…

Sports: basketball, volleyball, soccer, baseball, Ping-Pong, tennis…

Food: banana, apple, orange, tomato, hamburger, chicken, pear, strawberry…

Singers: popular stars

(Not only review the words of colors, sports and food but also practice the main sentence       patterns in this unit “What’s your favorite…?”)

?Show Ss all kinds of subjects or cover pictures of some subjects and say: My favorite subject is English. Ask Ss “What’s your favorite subject?” and get Ss to answer: My favorite subject is English /math/ Chinese/ science/music.

?Learn other subjects by presenting the pictures and flashcards. Let Ss describe what Ss are doing in the pictures.

(doing exercises----P.E./ drawing pictures----art/ making experiments----chemistry—science)

(science---physics, chemistry, biology, sociology—history, politic, geography)

Step 3 Activities

?Match the words with the pictures. (SectionA 1a)

?Listen and number the things in the pictures when you hear them. (SectionA 1b)

?Pair work:

 Talk about the pictures in the textbooks and make their own conversation.

?Game: Quick Mind

Look at the alphabet chart. What do the numbers spell?

A = 1        F = 6         K = 11         P = 16          U = 21        Z = 26

B = 2        G = 7         L = 12         Q = 17          V = 22

C = 3        H = 8         M = 13        R = 18          W = 23

D = 4        I = 9           N = 14        S = 19          X = 24

E = 5        J = 10         O = 15        T = 20           Y = 25

1, 18, 20 =  __________                 13, 1, 20, 8 = _________

19, 3, 9, 5, 14, 3, 5 = __________  13, 21, 19, 9, 3 = __________

19, 21, 2, 10, 5, 3, 20 = ____________             16, 5 = __________

    ?Class work:  Can you guess?

Q: Is your favourite subject…?

Homework:  Make a survey

    What’s your partner’s favorite subject/city/food/sport?



Period 2 (Section A 2a~2d)

?Topic                   My favorite subject is science.

?Structure              What is your favorite subject?

                      Why do you like P.E.?

?Task                    Talk about your favorite subject.

?Culture                 Know something about the subjects in the school.

?Vocabulary             subject, math, science, history, P.E., fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing, because

?Grammar               What’s your favorite subject?

                         Why do you like math?

Teaching procedures:


Step 1 Revision

?Check homework

?Ask and answer in sequence. (My favorite … is … What’s your favorite…?)

Step 2 Lead-in

?Show Ss some pictures of describing adjectives. Help Ss describe their feelings after seeing these pictures.

(math questions------difficult

 listening to the music------relaxing

 reading English books------boring

 roller coaster ------ exciting

playing computer games------interesting/fun)

?Invite several Ss to make performation about these words.

Step 3 Presentation

?Guess: What’s my favorite subject?

Show Ss a math book, and ask Ss “Why do I like math?”. (Answer) Because it’s very interesting.

?Get Ss to practice conversations and communicate with each other:

 What’s your favorite subject?

 My favorite subject is…

 Why do you like …?

 Because it’s …

Step 4 Experiences

?Play the tape of Activity 2a and get Ss to listen and adjust the conversation to finish the teaching task of Activity 2a.

?Play the tape of Activity 2b and get Ss to listen and complete the conversation and match the subjects with the describing adjectives to finish the teaching task of Activity 2b.

Step 5 Practice

?Get Ss to match the subjects with the describing adjectives in their opinion, finish the teaching task of Activity 2c.

?Get Ss to do pair work and finish the teaching task of oral intercourse of Activity 2d.

Step 6 Discuss

    Ask group members their favorite subjects and why.

Survey (Homework)

How well do you know your parents and your good friends?



Period 3 (Section A 3a~4)

?Topic                   What…?    Who…?

?Structure              What is his/her favorite subject?

Who is your P.E. teacher?

?Task                    One minute’s lecture

?Culture                 Know something about your friends/parents.

?Vocabulary              teacher, …

?Grammar               What’s his/her favorite subject?

                         Why does he/she like math?

Teaching procedures:


Step 1 Revision

?Check homework

Step 2 Lead-in

    ?Read the short passage about my favorites.

My Favorites

My favorite color is orange.

My favorite sport is swimming.

My favorite number is 8.

My favorite food is meat. And my favorite fruit is apple.

Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball player.

My favorite singer is Rong Zuer.


    ?Tell me your favorites

What’s your favorite color/sports/ number/ food/fruit?

Step 3 Presentation

    ?Show Ss several pictures about sportsmen, sportswomen and some famous singers. Say Yao ming is my favorite basketball player. Ask Ss “Who is your favorite soccer ball player/ basketball player/ ping-pong player/ singer?

?Pair work: ask and answer

Who is your/ his/ her favorite…?

Step 4 Practice

?Get Ss to read the conversation and choose the right words to complete it from the box according to the cue and learn the target sentences Who is your science teacher? and so on, finish the teaching task of Activity 3a.

?Game: Memory challenge

What’s his/her favorite subject?        His /Her favorite subject is…

Step 4 Activity

    ?Suppose your class have a new foreign teacher, Mr Green, he wants to know about your and your friend’s favorite subjects and teachers. Can you talk with him? Try your best!

A: Hello! Mr Green.

B: Hello! ……….

A: This is my friend……And this is our new teacher, Mr Green.

B: Nice to meet you.

C: Nice to meet you, too.

B: Excuse me! May I ask you a question?

A: Certainly.




Step 5 Make a survey


Favorite subject















Period 4 (Section B 1a~2c)

?Topic                   When do you have math?

I have math on Monday and Friday.

?Structure              Who is your art teacher?

What’s your mother’s favorite subject?

When do you have math?

?Task                    how to make order

?Culture                 the order of the days in a week

?Vocabulary              Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, biology

?Grammar               the possessive case of nouns

Teaching procedures:


Step 1 Revision

?Check homework

?Review the following sentence patterns. What’s your favorite…? Why do you like…? Who is your… teacher?

Step 2 Warming up


English, English, it’s interesting.

Math, math, it’s relaxing.

Music, music, it’s fun.

Chinese, Chinese, it’s boring.

P.E. P.E. it’s exciting.

Science, science, it’s difficult.

Step 3 Presentation

?Show a calendar marked days of the week and get Ss to learn days of the week.

 Today is Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday. We have math at 7: 45 on Monday. We have English at 9: 50 on Tuesday… What day is it today?

Get Ss to answer: It’s Monday/…

?Get Ss to number days of the week and dates in order to finish the teaching task of Activity 1a.

Step 4 Activity

Task 1: Make one-week’s curriculum schedule

 By using the words in the chart in Activity 1b and talk about the subjects they are having.

   When do you have…? I have …on….

Task2:Oral practice

My favorite day is Monday.

Because I have English on Monday.

Her favorite day is Monday.

Because she has English on Monday.

Step 5 Experience

?Play the tape of Activity 2a and get Ss to listen and write down the words about subjects, finish the teaching task of Activity 2a.

?Play the tape of Activity 2a again and get Ss to listen and fill in the chart according to the tape, finish the teaching task of Activity 2b.


Favorite subject










Monday and





this afternoon

Task 3: Oral practice

Eg: Ming’s favorite subject is history.  Because it’s funShe has history on Friday.

Homework:  Design the studying life one day and make a report in next class.



Period 5 (Section B 3a~Self-check)

?Topic                   letter

?Task                    how to write a letter

?Culture                 the form of a letter

?Vocabulary              busy, strict, tired

?Grammar               the possessive case of nouns

Teaching procedures:


Step 1 Revision

?Check homework to have a report

Step 2 Warming up


What’s your favorite subject?

English, English, it’s interesting.

What’s your favorite subject?

Math, math, it’s relaxing.

What’s your favorite subject?

Music, music, it’s fun.

What’s your favorite subject?

Chinese, Chinese, it’s boring.

What’s your favorite subject?

P.E. P.E. it’s exciting.

Step3 Reading (supplement)

Mary’s favorite day

It’s Friday today. I’m not very busy. At 8 o’clock in the morning I have English. The English teacher teaches me a nice song, it’s very relaxing. Next at 9:00 I have art. It is very interesting. At 10:00 I have math, the math teacher gives me a lot of homework. I don’t like math. It’s boring. So I don’t do it. At 11:00 I have P.E, I like it very much. That’s my favorite subject! In the afternoon, I have two classes, science and music. They are my favorite too. Tomorrow is Saturday, we are free. We are very happy.

?To make Mary’s curriculum schedule





















Choose the best answer A,B,C or D to these questions about the passage.

  1. Why doesn’t she do math homework?

      A. Because it’s very easy.

      B. Because he doesn’t like math.

      C. Because it’s his favourite.

      D. Because it’s interesting.

  1. Why do I like English ?

      A. Because it’s relaxing(轻松).

      B. Because it is very difficult(困难).

      C. Because he never reads it.

      D. Because he likes English.

Step 4 Practice

?Practice reading of 3a, underline the things that Lin Mei likes and circle the things that she dislikes.

?According to the passage of 3a, complete Lin Mei’s schedule of her work and rest plan.

?Get Ss to practice writing and write down their favorite one—day arrangement of work and rest by using the target language.

Step 5 Reports

    ?Ask Ss first to make a survey about their favorite days and reasons, and then report to the class with the target knowledge.

Homework: Finish off the exercise