阅读主题 - Chrysanthemum-shaped Eggplant / 菊花茄子 - 贝太厨房 - 菜谱搜索, 家常菜谱, 美食论坛, 营养健康, 居家厨房

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/02 18:33:04

还是和菊花有那么一点像,下次可以再切细一点点 :lol:

250-300克 茄子
适量 玉米淀粉
3克 食盐
3克 姜丝
1粒 蒜末
1+1/2大勺 辣椒酱或番茄酱
80毫升 上汤
1/3小勺 鸡精
1大勺 湿淀粉
250-300 g Eggplant
3 g Salt
3 g Ginger root, shredded
3 g Garlic, minced
1+1/2 tbsp Chili sauce or ketchup
80 ml Stock
1/3 tsp Chicken bouillon
1 tbsp Starchy solution
Oil for deep frying

1. 把茄子去蒂洗净去皮,切4厘米高的墩,然后在墩的横断面剞上十字花刀,撒少量盐略腌,再用淀粉沾匀,拍去多余淀粉备用。
Destem, rinse and peel the eggplant. Cut into 4cm high chunks and cut the surface crosswise. Sprinkle the eggplants with a bit of salt. Thoroughly coat the eggplants with cornstarch, shaking to remove any excess starch.
2. 锅内入油,烧到七八成热,放入茄花炸至金黄,倒出沥油,摆入盘内。
Heat up a frying pan with enough oil until very hot. Low down the prepared eggplants fry until golden. Drain and plate.
3. 锅内留少许底油烧热,放姜蒜末和辣椒酱略炒,然后加入上汤,盐,鸡精烧开。最后用湿淀粉勾琉璃芡,轻轻浇淋在炸好的茄花眼,趁热食用。
Leave a bit of oil in the same pan and heat up. Add in ginger, garlic and chili sauce. Stir briefly and add in stock, salt, chicken bouillon. Bring to boil and thicken with starchy solution. Lightly pour over the fried eggplants and serve hot.