
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 09:30:05
-Here.Want to see?
-I'm so glad. I'm so glad.
-It's like it never happened.
-Yeah, but it did. It all happened, Iz. You got cancer,and we got married,and...You died and you lived again...And you... You left, then you came back. And we got through it. I got through it. And I'm on the other side. Iz, I love you so much, and I... till I met you, I-I used to think I just wasn't a good guy. Growing up with my family, I mean, that's what they told me. But now... After all of it, I know that I'm a good man. And I thank you for that, because I know now that I'm good enough not to deserve this...Not to have to feel like this...Not to love you so much that I almost hate you. I deserve someone who will stay. I'm happy you're okay. And I'm happy about your job. And I want you to go... Far and be happy and not come back.

After all of it, I know that I'm a good man. And I thank you for that, because I know now that I'm good enough not to deserve this...Not to have to feel like this...Not to love you so much that I almost hate you. I deserve someone who will stay. I'm happy you're okay. And I'm happy about your job. And I want you to go... Far and be happy and not come back.
现在... 经历了这一切,我很清楚我能做个好男人。我很感激你,但现在我这么好不值得承受这一切...不应该如此黯然神伤...不应该爱你爱得太深。我值得一个能跟我共患难不会轻易离开的爱人。我很高兴你没事了,很高兴你能找到工作。我要你离开... 健康快乐的生活,永远别回来。


-Stop at the next corner, please.
-Yes. I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there and turning. You stay in the car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me. As I leave you.
-All right.
-I don't know how to say goodbye. I can't think of any words.
-Don't try.

Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me. As I leave you.

经典毋需多说,属于那个时代无奈的别离,每一次重温都有让人心酸感动的力量。邂逅太美,就铭记终生。  03.《妙警贼探》知音知己终究陌路型
一个开始自己的冒险前往热情加州,另一个选择留在纽约 临别对白
-A.B. Tattersall? Read his last one in a day and then couldn't sleep...the way the murderer tips off the detective and then gets caught in his own double cross.
-Mm-hmm. He's a master of denouement. I'll lend it to you.
-I will try not to drop it in the bathtub this time.
-Good morning, Gina.
-Good morning, Mozzie. I like your tie thing. You know, orange is my favorite color.
-Really? I had no idea.
-Whole-wheat toast,half a grapefruit, and soft-boiled egg coming right up.
-So,which of our fair city's bounties. Did you explore this weekend?
-I just picked up shifts. You'll have to tell meabout your adventures.

-Today's my last day at the diner,though. I've been saving,and I think it's time for an adventure of my own. I'm gonna go to California.
-"It's goodbye, but we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies."
-He also went to California.I wouldn't do well there. I like my shoes to cover my toes.
-"You're cute,too."

It's goodbye, but we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.

他的密码示好她明白,她在临危之际给他留下的暗示他也明白。这么有默契的灵魂最终还是选择擦肩而过,不是不爱,而是给她自由。毕竟生活有太多冒险等待挖掘。 04.《歌舞青春3》毕业后我们就分手型

金童玉女甜蜜小恋人Troy & Gabby
- So here's the thing. Your Honors Program at Stanford...  
- How did you hear about that?
- A lot of people heard about it. But I wasn't one of them. Why?  
- Because I knew what you would say.  
- Of course you should do the Honors Program. Is that what you were trying to tell me? In the backyard the other day?  
- One of the things.  
- What else?  
- I've been thinking about trying to talk my mom into staying in Albuquerque another year. I'll just take some classes here and go to Stanford when I'm ready.
- You can't just put off something as amazing as Stanford. You got to go. It's the right thing.  
- I always do the right thing. Maybe I want to be a little crazy this time. Everything about my life has always been full speed ahead. I told you, I wish it would all just slow down...to a stop.  
- We're going to graduate. That's going to happen. Nothing is going to slow down.  
- I guess my heart just doesn't know it's in high school.  
- Well...
- Shh.  
- You don't have to say anything else. I'm a lot better at goodbyes than you. I've had a ton of practice.  
- Why are you saying goodbye? We still have prom. We still have to graduate.  
- I meant "good night." 

I'm a lot better at goodbyes than you. I've had a ton of practice.

经典情侣超人和女记者Clark & Lois
- Take care of them, Please.
- Don't forget me.
- Lois...
- It's time. It's over. Everything's over. I shouldn't have let him go.
- Lois, you two will find a way. Dearest Lois, a love that risks nothing is worth nothing.

Don't forget me.

最命中注定的一对情人就要天地两相隔,这大概是最接近七夕牛郎织女的情愫了吧?倒是超人养父说的好:a love that risks nothing is worth nothing. 06.《暮光之城2:新月》你早就该拒绝我不该放任我的追求型

吸血鬼恋人痴男怨女Edward & Bella
- We have to leave Forks.  
- Why?  
- Carlisle's supposed to be 10 years older than he looks, and people are starting to notice.  
- Okay, I've gotta think of something to say to Charlie. When you say "we"...  
- I mean my family and myself.  
- Edward, what happened with Jasper, it's nothing.  
- You're right. It was nothing, nothing but what I always expected and nothing compared to what could have happened. You just don't belong in my world, Bella.  
- I belong with you.  
- No. You don't.  
- I'm coming.  
- Bella, I don't want you to come.  
- You don't want me?  
- No.  
- That changes things a lot.  
- But if it's not too much to ask, can you just promise me something? Don't do anything reckless. For Charlie's sake. And I'll promise something to you in return. This is the last time you'll ever see me. I won't come back, and you can go on with your life without any interference from me. It will be like I never existed, I promise.  
- If this is about my soul, take it. I don't want it without you.  
- It's not about your soul. You're just not good for me.  
- Not good enough for you.  
- I'm just sorry I let this go on for so long.  
- Please... Don't...  
- Goodbye.  

You're just not good for me.

狠心但善意的一句谎言,说得冷漠无情,实则句句用心。如果爱一个人就是要把她置身于危险境地,不如断了情丝远走高飞。不过除了剧中人恐怕大家都知道这不是永别罢了…… 07.《识骨寻踪》送战友踏征程型

暧昧多年破案拍档Booth & Brennan
- Sorry. Couldn't get a pass. I had to sneak off the base to come say good-bye. Listen, Bones, you got to be really careful in that Indonesian jungle, okay?
- Booth, in a week, you're going to a war zone. Please don't be a hero. Please just... don't be you.
- One year from today, we meet at the reflecting pool on the mall. right by the...
- Coffee cart. I know.
- One year from today.

Please don't be a hero. Please just... don't be you.

没有拥抱,更没有亲吻,暧昧搭档间的别离情愫全在一个紧紧握手。感情的话不消多说,留得实实在在好好照顾自己的关照,比什么都说明问题。 08.《保镖》好心一早放开我型

英雄救美保镖与女明星Frank & Rachel
- How's the new guy?
- He's got white hair.
- He's very good.
- But did you have to get me an old man?
- I don't trust you.
- Let's get this over with, okay? Give me a kiss.
- Goodbye, Rachel.
- 'Bye, Frank.

Let's get this over with, okay? Give me a kiss.

别离时看似轻松的小玩笑,千言万语无从说起,因为知道从此如同两条平行线再难有交集,只剩下一首深情缠绵的I'll always love you唱尽情缘未了。