unit1 Madame Curie - 高三英语教案 -

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unit1 Madame Curie
[ 录入者:admin | 时间:2007-03-30 18:15:43 | 作者: | 浏览:93次 ]
教学设计Unit 1 Lesson 1
Unit 1 Lesson 1
Step 1 Check the pronunciation of the new words in Unit 1
Ask one or two students to read aloud the new words one by one, correct their pronunciation and then ask all the students to read aloud after the teacher (twice for each word).
Step 2 Dialogue
Tell the students "Now , we are going to listen to a dialogue about a medical conference. Here are two questions for you to think about while you are listening. I‘ll play the tape twice and you are supposed to give the answers and the key words that support your answers."
Tell the students the two questions and write them on the blackboard if necessary.
Questions: 1. Is it a good conference this year? (No.)
2. What is it like? (Very disappointing; not as good as last year‘s.)
I. Listening (twice)
Play the tape for the students to listen to. Try asking them to answer the two questions at the end of the first time. If most of them can answer the questions properly, you can let the students repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence at the second time.
II. Answering questions
III. Go through the dialogue
Ask the students to underline the expressions of certainty and uncertainty, write them on the blackboard or display them on the screen. Ask,
"What do you think the function of these expressions? And when shall we use them?"
"Is there any difference?"
The students will definitely say "Yes". Encourage them to tell which expressions show certainty and which show uncertainty. Then ask,
"Can you give some more such similar expressions to express certainty and uncertainty?"
Put down what the students say or remind them to remember some and put them down on the blackboard. The students should copy the in their textbooks.
a.the expressions of certainty:
I‘m sure…
The expressions of uncertainty:
I‘m not sure
I doubt if…
b. How did you find the talk this morning?
How did you like ? / What did you think of ? / What was the talk like…?
IV. Practice (group work)
Let the students practice the dialogue in groups of two or four while the teacher walks among the students in case there are some questions and problems to answer and settle.
Step3 Practice (Part 2 &3 on Page 1)
These two exercises are easy enough for the students to finish in a short time. The teacher should remind and encourage them to make as many proper sentences as possible. e.g.
1 (I‘m sure) +a/b/c/d/e/f/g
Step 4 Workbook (Ex.3, Page 73)
1. Ex,2, P73
2. Learn the dialogue in Lesson 1 by heart.
(For some students whose English is really poor, maybe reading fluently is enough.)
教学设计Unit 1 Lesson 2
Unit 1 Lesson 2
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the exercises on Page 73
2. Check the recitation/reading aloud of the dialogue.
Step 2. Reading
I. Reading comprehension
(Give Ss 10 minutes or so to read the text quickly and then do the reading comprehension exercises.)
Unit 1 Lesson 2
1.The text is mainly about Madame Curie‘s _____.
A. life, hard work and achievements B. college life in Paris
C. talent (天才) for physics D. cooperation (合作) with her husband
2. The greatest contribution (贡献) Madame Curie made to the word is the discovery of ____.
A. uranium B. radium C. polonium D. silicon
3. Marie became interested in physics ____.
A. before she went to university B. after she graduated from university
C. before she graduated from university D. after she went to university
4. From this text you can infer that life was ____ for Marie when she studied in Paris.
A. hard and meaningful B. easy and colorful
C. hard and tiresome D. Easy and interesting
5. Marie began her research work after she ____.
A. graduated from university B. got another degree in mathematics
C. got married D. gave birth to her first child
6. The radioactive nature of uranium was first discovered by ____.
A. Marie B. Mr. Curie C. another scientist D. Mr. And Mr. Curie
7. Which mineral is the most radioactive?
A. Polonium B. Uranium C. Radium D. Silicon
8. When did Mr. and Mrs. Curie begin to do research work together?
A. After they got married. B. After Mrs. Curie got her degree in mathematics.
C. After Mrs. Curie found polonium D. After Mr. Curie got a job.
9. What is the meaning of the word "share" in the text?
A. Have free time. B. Have something in common. C. Study. D. Research.
10. The second paragraph shows Marie‘s ____.
A. determination to succeed B. belief in her own ability
C. devotion to her research work D. understanding of the importance of science
(Key:1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B)
While checking the answers to the ten questions, pay attention to those that are questioned.
For some, maybe you have to explain or analyze the meaning of the questions clearly and exactly, and for others, maybe you have to tell the students the meanings of the new vocabulary. Besides, some answers can be clear when the teacher and the students are reading the text carefully, so it is also OK to leave some questions aside for a while as long as you remember to mention them in the text.
II. Go through the text.
1. Say to the students,
"I‘m going to play the tape of the text and you should read in a low voice after the tape. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. While you are reading, please think of this question "In what order is the text written?" And underline the useful phrases and expressions you find in the text."
If the students‘ English level is high enough, they can finish the tasks without difficulty. Then the teacher can go through the language of the text quickly.
If the students‘ English is not so good, it is necessary for the teacher to spend some time on the structure of the text in order to train and culture the students‘ of reading skills in grasping the main idea of a reading material. The teacher can ask the students to summary the main idea of each paragraph or pick out the key words in each paragraph and help the students to connect the internal relationship between each paragraph so as to find out the main idea of the whole text.
A. Language points:
a. succeed in doing /sth.
e.g. I am sure they will succed in passing the examination
b. in honor/honour of 为纪念……
e.g. They called the boy Sam in honour of his father who died before his birth.
c. On the laboratory bench was a glass container form which came a tiny soft light.
d. devote … to… (devote oneself to) 专心致志于……(do sth. In a very single-minded way)to 是介词,后接名词或-ing 形式。
e.g.1.He devoted part of his time to the study of history.
2. They devoted themselves to the work of children‘s health care.
e. give off 散发,放出 (to send out sth. especially a liquid, gas or smell)
e.g. 1. If plastic and rubber are burned, they give off poisonous gases.
2. The water gives off an unpleasant smell. You cannot drink it any more.
3.Let‘s go out and see the flowers. They‘re giving off a sweet fragrance.
f.give out 发出声音,光,热;分发; 发布;用尽(vi)
e.g. 1.The radiator is giving out a lot of heat, and my wet clothes are surely to become dry soon.
2. The teacher gave out the examination papers.
3. The news of his death was given out in a radio broadcast.
4. Her patient finally gave out and he lost his temper at last.
5. One of the plane‘s engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
f. work hard at 为了……而努力工作;致力于……
e.g.1. He is working hard at a maths problem.
2. You can make rapid progress in your English if you work hard at it.
B. Underline useful expressions and phrases while going through the text, for example:
be admitted to, be determined to do…, from then on, go by, share sth. with sb.
Step3 Workbook (Ex.3, Page 74)
1. Ex.4, Page 74 (分类找出,至少5个)
2. Read aloud the text and learn by heart paragraphs2 & 3.
教学设计Unit 1 Lesson 3
Unit 1 Lesson 3 (略)
set off :出发(vi);引起,引爆/引发(vt)
e.g.1. We‘d better set off at 8 tomorrow morning.
2. A slight touch will set the bomb off.
3. Tom‘s speech set off a wave of anger.
set out 与set off 用法相似时,意为"出发,动身",另外,set out to do, set about doing 意为"着手去做。。。。。"
Unit 1 Lesson 3
! Radium may not do serious damage to ____.
A. people‘s health B. animal‘s life C. plants D. metal things
2. Which can be used to cure (治愈) human beings‘ disease?
A. Polonium B. Radium C. Uranium D. Silicon
3. The verb phrase "set off " in the text means to cause the bomb to ____.
A. start B. burst C. balance D. make
4. In which countries were two Radium Institutes set up?
A. Poland and America B. France and America
C. France and England D. Poland and France
5. Which characteristic(性格) belonged to Mrs. Curie?
A. Devotion B. Impatience C. Carelessness D. Selfishness
(Key1.D 2.B 3.B 4.d 5.A)
A Debate
The teacher says, " We all know that Marie Curie was a great woman scientist. Her are two opinions about her success. One is that she succeeded because she married Pierre Curie, a university professor at that time, and he and his fame actually helped her become famous. In fact, Marie Curie was not so outstanding as nowadays we think she was. Another idea is that Marie Curie‘s success is based on her hard work , brightness and the belief in herself. I‘ll divide all of you students into two groups and each of you can only be for one opinion and against the other. You have to show your evidence for the opinion that you support. When you show your idea and try to defeat those who are on the other side publicly, that is called "a debate". I‘ll give you some time after class to prepare for the debate. You can try your best to look for information about the Curies and you are supposed to put down what you think in your writing book. Then we‘ll hold a live debate and some students will be chosen to give their representation."
The teacher gives the students some time and necessary help in their looking for information and writing. Then an oral debate between two groups of four students each. After that, a rewriting of the debate.