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Drupal.org is the official website of Drupal, an open source content management platform.
Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal can support a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites.
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Drupal 4.6.4 / 4.5.6 released
News and announcementsDrupal 4.5 or olderDrupal 4.6
Dries - November 30, 2005 - 21:45
Drupal 4.6.4 is available for download. Drupal 4.6.4 is a maintenance release that fixes problems reported using the bug tracking system, as well as 3 security vulnerabilities (two "less critical", one "not critical") that affect all previous versions of Drupal. Since the vulnerabilities are also present in the Drupal 4.5 series, Drupal 4.5.6 is released as well.
Upgrading your existing Drupal sites is strongly recommended.
There are no new features in these installments. For more information about the Drupal 4.6.x release series, please consult theDrupal 4.6.0 release announcement.
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Pack your skis, we‘re going to Vancouver
Boris Mann - December 9, 2005 - 08:13
All Drupal developers should plan to make their way to the west coast of Canada for the event to kick off your year: theOpen Source CMS Summit and DrupalCon. As the event page says, this will be a developer-centric event focused on collaborating together on future directions and everyone‘s favourite topic -- APIs!
There will likely be some time for relaxing as well, with skiing being excellent that time of year on Vancouver‘s coastal mountains or even up at Whistler, for some of the best mountains in the world.
Chad Phillips and Angie Byron are the two main Drupal organizers, with Boris Mann and Roland Tanglao doing the Vancouver local organizing and helping with the summit as a whole. Please join theDrupal conference mailing list and/or check out thewiki to add your own ideas to make this a great gathering of Drupalites. Oh, and of course, flip the switch in your user profile to get listed on theattendees page.
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Bughunt competition
News and announcementsDrupal 4.7
chx - December 8, 2005 - 14:26
With the release of4.7.0 beta1, I will be co-sponsoring a bug hunt competition to be concluded with the release of 4.7.0. The prize will be a combination of 150USD from the Google Summer of Code and an additonal 200USD donated by me.
I will count the opened, non-duplicate issues marked as "CVS" or "4.7..." in theDrupal project issue‘s tracker between now and 4.7.0 are released. First place will be 200USD, second will be 100USD, and third will be 50USD. In reality, anyone using Drupal will be the winner as the more bugs found and fixed before 4.7.0 means a stronger build for every user.
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Drupal 4.7.0 beta1 available
News and announcementsDrupal 4.7
Dries - December 8, 2005 - 13:58
We are pleased to announce that the first Drupal 4.7 beta release is available. It is available for immediate download athttp://drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-4.7.0-beta1.tar.gz.
This beta release marks an important step towards the final Drupal 4.7.0 release, which hopefully will be released in 4-6 weeks. Drupal 4.7.0 will be our most exciting release to date, with some cool new features and many under the hood improvements. Some enhancements include; free tagging, contact form functionality, easier menu management, a better default theme engine (PHPTemplate), improved search functionality, theme-specific block regions, improved PostgreSQL support, themeable forms, a better upgrade script, better revisions handling and much more.
At the same time Drupal 4.7.0 will be a tad smaller (better code re-use, the queue module and comment moderation moved to the contributions repository) and a tad faster. Finally, to liven up your various Web 2.0 dreams, we sprinkled the code with AJAX in an attempt to simplify some administrative tasks. (Yes, it should degrade gracefully.)
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[RFC] GameAPI: Embedding RPGs into Drupal
Module developmentDrupal 4.7
Morbus Iff - December 8, 2005 - 05:49
I am pregnant (woohoo!). In six short months, I will be disappearing from active duty in the Drupal community for a good long time. I‘d like to discuss a desire I‘ve had foryears and years, only reworked for our beloved codebase. In short: an HTML based browser role playing game, though ultimately an API.
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Drupal, The Onion and Google
General discussion
Kobus - December 7, 2005 - 07:19
Due to just some plain sillyness, I did a search for "THE" using Google. Why anyone would search for something like that is quite beyond me, but I try to maintain my sanity with this excuse: I wanted to search for a word in the English language that is guaranteed to get a lot of hits - got 9.5 billion hits for the word.
However, whether or not Kobus is sane is not the reason for this post. Go ahead, do the search yourself. My results indicated thatThe Onion was on the top of the list for a Google search for the word "THE". Some others indicated that they saw The Onion as the third result, which is still impressive. A search just before I started to write this page indicated again that The Onion was first in the list for me (see screenshot in attachment).
Big deal, but, did you notice how the listing for The Onion is even higher up thanThe White House and higher thanThe Economist
Get to the point, you say? Okay.The Onion uses Drupal. Whether this indicates Drupal‘s search engine friendliness or their hard work, or a combination of the two, I don‘t know, but simply knowing that such a popular site is using Drupal is quite heart warming!
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Looking for Drupal@GNOME supporters
General discussion
qgil - December 5, 2005 - 09:09
GUADEC, theGNOME desktop users and developers international conference, is moving to a Drupal based website. We want to invite GNOME friends fluent with Drupal in the development of the site in order to make a better use of this web platform. Not only to help organising a greatGUADEC 2006, also to contribute to the debate about the gnome.org website evolution.
Some of us think that Drupal could be useful to the GNOME project in many aspects. Showing examples and prototypes helps a lot when discussing with colleagues not familiar with this great tool. If you want to help selling Drupal to the GNOME community, theGUADEC test site and thegnome-web-list are good starting points.
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