来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 22:02:48
Tasks for Consolidated Financials
Group structure Overview overall tasks Overview single tasks and steps Tasks for meetings at AD
Group structure
AD Gmbh&Co.KG
AD Verwaltungs Gmbh 0.01% AD NA Ltd             AD Europe Gmbh
AD International Ltd
AD Asia Ltd
Overview overall tasks
preparation of single financia statements according to German GAAP   reconciliation from local GAAP to German GAAP reconciliation from local account structure to Group account stucture
preparation of consilidated financial statmentmens for AD Holding first time consolidation including purchase price allocation consolidated balance sheet and P&L for the period notes financial yerr ending
steering of audit support during audit process
Overview single tasks and steps
reconciliation from local GAAP to German GAAP  analysis of differences between local GAAP and German GAAP for AD Asia interview with finance officers to identify differences -checklist documnetaion of current account treatment and identified differences -"conversion memo" calculation of adjustment amounts preparation of adjustment journal entries
reconciliation of account structure to Group structure preparation of "coversion tool " for eack legal entity mapping of local account structure into Group account structure conversion of P&L  structure AD Asia into Group P&L structure (total expenditure format) recognition of adjustment within conversion tool
first time consolidation and purchase accounting    conversion of local values into German GAAP values analysis of further adjustments due to purchase accounting fair value measurement of all assets and liabilities possible need for expert valuation ( fixed assets, pensions etc) preparation of adjustment journal entries
preparation of consolidated balance sheet and P&L for the period    development of  "consolidation tool" integration of  "conversion tools" into "consolidation tool" elimination of all intra-group position (receivables , payable , sales, cost chargee etc.) elimination of intra-group capital
preparation of notes to the consolidated financials develpoment of notes package collect all notes information from single legal entities -use of notes package cosolidation of note information on Group Level preparation of verbal part of notes preparation of adjusting journal entries
preparation of additional elements of financial statement    development of "cash flow statement " development of " statement of changes in entriy" development of "management reporting " for AD Holding
impairment test regarding book value of investments    financial planning for each single entity calculation of enterprise value for each single entity evaluate whether impairment is nessary
support during audit process discussion and exchange with auditor
Tasks for meetings at AD
discussion of conversion checklist    documentation of current accounting treatment identification of differences to German GAAP preparation of adjustment journa entries
discussion fair value accounting as of  /// inventories fixed assets pension plan derivatives other issures -all positions values as if year end? balance sheet as of /// should comprise of all year end accounting issues.
presentation conversion tool and Group account structure account mapping to Group structure conversiton of P&L structure from " cost of sales" format to " total expenditure " format explanation of conversion tool
intercompany reconciliation    identification of all IC balance sheet position as of ///an /// identification of all IC P&L positiona for the period ///-/// setting up IC reconcililation process
discusion of noters package    presentation of notes package discussion of certain notes information
other issues    development of P&L for stub-period ///-//// discussion of time table allocation tasks