My bad! 对不起 - 口语 - 爱思英语学习网 - 24EN.COM

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My bad! 对不起

来源:流行美语  日期:2009-10-23  阅读3142次  作者:  评论0条  划词已启用


LL: My bad! I didn't mean to step on your foot, Li Hua. It's just that there are so many people at the mall today.

LH: My bad? Bad不是坏的意思吗?这儿人确实很多,你不小心踩到我的脚,为什么说my bad? My bad是什么意思呀?

LL: Oh, That's my bad, too. I should have explained what "my bad" means. It is a very informal way of apologizing without actually saying "I'm sorry."

LH: 原来my bad是表示道歉,但是是很不正式的道歉。 什么时候用my bad,什么时候用I'm sorry呢?

LL: Because you are my friend, and stepping on your foot was a pretty minor thing, I said "my bad." I'd say "I'm sorry" for something more serious - or if you were my boss.

LH: 明白了,my bad是对很熟的朋友说的,而且发生的事也不是太严重,就像不小心踩了脚这类小事。要我是你的老板,你就不能说my bad!

LL: Yeah, that's right. Say, would you like to get out of the crowd and stop for a cup of coffee in that shop over there?

LH: 你要去那边那个店里喝咖啡?好呀! 可是My bad我没有带现金。

LL: Don't worry, Li Hua. I've got some cash. You can pay me back later.

LH: 谢谢你。 我在这里占着位子,你去买咖啡吧。我要一杯摩卡拿铁咖啡。

(Sounds of busy restaurant/cash register transaction as Larry gets coffee)

LH: Okay, Li Hua, here is your latte. Oh-My bad! I now remember you wanted a mocha latte. I got the wrong drink.更多信息请访问:

LH: 没关系,不是摩卡拿铁也没关系。 Larry,递我一张餐巾纸,好不好?

LL: Sure, here's a napkin.

LH: Oops, My bad! 对不起, 我把咖啡撒了!

LL: Here let me help you clean that up.

LH: 谢谢你,幸亏你拿了好多餐巾纸,否则还真没法收拾。

LL: Agh! Now it's my bad! I've spilled my coffee, too. (laughs)

LH: (Also laughing) 你的咖啡也撒了。Larry, 我们赶快走吧, 不然不知又会出什么事,那样我们就会没完没了地说my bad。
