
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 14:10:19


John Hanrahan的视频和他的创作故事(转)
看到这个小短片,开始时笑得不可遏制,结尾却让我讶异。接下来便是好奇,这个制作人,片尾署名John Hanrahan 的这个人,怎么创作出来这么鬼斧神工的作品(词不达意,太惊讶了)?于是上google搜他,发现了这篇访谈。译出来,与大家共享。

Why did you make this film?
I practice yoga. I found that many places in the West solely focus on the physical portion of
yoga,the asanas.  The asanas are only a small part of yoga. Many people don't realize that
their primary function is to prepare the body for meditation.  My film is a commentary on
those who choose to only focus on the physical aspect.  I want to remind them that there is
a lot more to it!

Why did you call the film “Yogin”?
Yogin is another term for yogi, a practitioner of yoga.  I liked Yogin because it sounds
plural in the English language and it also sounds like Shogun and Ronin, associating more
of a warrior aspect to the yogi.
Yogin 是另外一个瑜伽人的称呼,瑜伽的修真者。我喜欢Yogin因为这在英语中更像复数。它也像Shogun

How long did it take you?
From the very first time I said, “Hey, it would be cool to have two yoga masters face-off,”
until I had a finished piece was about 2 years.  That doesn’t mean I spent 2 years on it.
I was in an MFA program at the time, so I had other classes, and I did little work over the
breaks.  If I had worked on it full time, it would have been 8-10 months.

What programs did you use?

I animated in Autodesk Maya, and then composited in Adobe After Effects.  I like the fact that
Maya is the Sanskrit word for “illusion” and can be interpreted as a phenomenal dream of
duality.  Eastern philosophies view Earth as a cosmic dream in which we are all actors in a
play.  It seems fitting that my film has been created within Maya.

What is that statue and does it have any significance?
Of course!  Everything in the film has significance.  That is a statue of the Hindu god, Shiva
the destroyer.  In this particular form, Nataraja, Shiva is dancing upon the ignorance of man.
The master, Guruji, is the “actor” playing the part of the will of Shiva.
What other symbols are there?
The temple has eight sides, representing Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga: Yama, Niyama, Asana,
Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
The pattern on the floor is a Sri Yantra.  It is said that meditation on that pattern in the
minds eye can carry one to enlightenment.
地板的样式是Sri Yantra图形[1]。它的意思是意识当中的图形冥想,眼睛引导人的启蒙。
The mountains and temple are purple – the color of the 7th and highest Chakra, Sahasrara.
It is the union with the higher self, all is one and one is all.  Note that Guruji almost
always has the statue of Shiva, or a big purple mountain behind him.

The battle scene seems to start off with difficult poses.  It seems like you could
have created more range, starting off with simpler yoga poses moving to the more
difficult ones.
The drama on Earth is one big cosmic dance.  The egotistical Yogin challenges Guruji to a battle.  Guruji accepts the challenge but then quickly morphs the battle into a dance.  Towards the end of the battle scene the characters
are playing more then they are competing.  A yoga-battle is silly and absurd!    
这个剧本其实就是一个大的宇宙之舞。一个傲慢自大的瑜伽者挑战 Guruji。Guruji接受了挑战,但很快把

It doesn’t really seem to be in the spirit of yoga.  A true yogi would never compete.
No kidding!  That is the whole point of the film.  The ego loves a competition.  When we are
attached to the will of the ego, there can be an unpleasant and often painful outcome.

I don’t get it, why did Yogin spontaneously combust?
When Guruji feels like Yogin has stepped aside from his incredibly powerful ego, he moves their
interaction to the next level, levitation via pranayama. Pranayama is often viewed as breath
control; however that is only partially true.  Pranayama is the control of life-force.  I look at
it this way:  We can take a corpse, stuff it with food, give it water, replace the damaged
organs and tissues, electrocute it or do any other number of things to a lifeless body - it is
not going to come back to life.  There has to be some other element.  That element is an
intelligent engery or life force, also known as prana or chi.
视为控制呼吸;然而这只是它的部分真义。普拉娜是生命力量的控制。我这样理解: 我们可以拿一具尸体,喂
Unfortunately for Yogin (or fortunately if you look at the larger picture of reincarnation), his
ego is so strong that it inhibits the flow of his life-force.  As he concentrates his prana with
the “breath of fire” the ego traps the energy until Yogin’s body cannot physically hold it
any longer and he spontaneously combusts.
We all know that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.  So what happens to
that energy when we die?  Yogin has just been taught a monumental lesson.  He literally burned
away is ego.  When his life-force returns to another body, his ego will have a considerable less
amount of control over his actions.

[1](司里陽崔(印度冥想圖)Sri Yantra印度的古老瑜珈認為「司里陽崔」是所有知名的有力