[Laskey99] Section 9.3. Oracle Server Manager

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 15:54:41

9.3. Oracle Server Manager

Oracle Server Manager is a tool includedwith each database for use in database administration. There areactually two versions of Server Manager: the graphical (GUI) versionand the line-mode version. The line-mode version is available onevery platform, while the GUI version is available on all platformsthat support a GUI environment.

Server Manager can be used to administer any database running OracleVersion 7.0 or later. In order to use Server Manager, theOracle-supplied script catsvrmg.sql must be runas SYS on the database being administered. Normally, this script isautomatically executed by catproc.sql.

9.3.1. Graphical Version

The graphical version of Server Manager is divided into threecomponents:

Administration Manager

Provides the DBA with a graphical interface to perform a variety offunctions:

  • Manage storage in the database

  • Manage database security

  • Start and stop database instances

  • Manage database sessions

  • Back up and restore a database

  • Examine database schema objects

  • Manage replication

SQL Worksheet

Similar in function to SQL*Plus; allows you to dynamically enter andexecute SQL and PL/SQL statements, run SQL scripts, and view theresults.

System Monitor

Allows the DBA to access a variety of performance statistics,including:

  • Rollback segments

  • File I/O

  • System I/O

  • Session activity

  • Locks

  • Latches

  • Process

  • Table access

All aspects of the operation of the graphical version of ServerManager are controlled by windows and pull-down menus.

Server Manager adapts itself to the particular platform on which itis running. For example, on a Unix server running Motif, ServerManager runs as a Motif application, while on a Windows platform,Server Manager runs as a Windows application.

9.3.2. Line-Mode Version

The line-mode version of Server Manager is provided on all Oracleplatforms. It may be used on platforms that do not support a GUIenvironment, or when a command-line interface is desired or required.In this mode, commands are entered and executed one at a time. Linemode is especially useful for remote (dial-in) access to thedatabase, as well as for automated operations, such as shell scriptsrun from cron on Unix systems.

Server Manager in line mode has limited functionality when comparedto the GUI version. A limited number of commands may be executed, andSQL or PL/SQL statements may be entered and run. There is nomonitoring capability in line mode.

Statements entered in line mode may extend to multiple lines, andeach line may be terminated by a backslash ( \) character. Thesemicolon ( ;) is used as the execute command.

SQL scripts may be executed in line mode by preceding the name of thescript to be run with the @ symbol. For example, to run a scriptcalled demo.sql, you'd enter the followingline in Server Manager line mode:


9.3.3. The Future of Server Manager

Although Server Manager is shipping with Oracle8, Oracle's planis to discontinue this product. The command-line functionality ofServer Manager will soon be available in SQL*Plus, and the monitoringcomponents are now available through Oracle EnterpriseManager.

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