
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 22:49:38
A、不可数名词,初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water ; meat ; rice ; bread ; milk ; tea ; orange(桔汁) ; fruit ; air ; snow ; chalk; work ; paper(纸) ; time(时间); music ; weather ; grass ; news ; food ; fish(鱼肉); coke ; porridge ; cake(可数或不可数). 不可数名词应注意以下几点:
2)表量用约数some /any ; much ; a lot of 或用of短语
eg. There is ____ bread on the table.      [C]
A. a      B. one    C. a piece of  D. many
There is some_______ on the plate.   [B]
A. apple   B. fish    C. milks    D. deer
man—men ; woman—women ;child—children
foot—feet ; tooth—teeth  mouse(鼠)—mice
1)s; sh; ch; x 结尾加 es     读 [iz]
2) ce; se; ze; (d)ge 结尾加 s
eg. boxes [b  ksiz]  blouses [blauziz]
3)f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es---读[vz]
eg. knives [naivz]
4) “辅+y”结尾变y为i加es  清就清[s]
5)一般加s                 浊就浊[z]
eg. books[buks]  pens[penz]  babies[beibiz]
① potato—potatoes ; tomato—tomatoes
② 单复同形: fish ; sheep ; deer ; Chinese ; Japanese
③ 由man , woman在词首构成的复合名词应将两部分都变成复数
man doctor — men doctors
④ reef—reefs
⑤ “某国人”的复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面. eg. German—Germans
⑥ people , police 常用单数形式表示复数概念 The police are looking for the missing boy.
3、名词所有格:名词’s (意思是 “……的”)
Lucy and Lily’s father 露西和莉莉的父亲
Lucy’s and Lily’s fathers露西的父亲和莉莉的父亲.
2)以s结尾的词只加“ ’ ”
eg. 1) the boys’ books  2) James’ father
eg. the leg of the desk
4)双重所有格:a friend of my father’s
a friend of mine ( √ ) a friend of my( × )
练    习
1.book______ 2.bus ______ 3.orange _______
4.baby______ 5.boy______ 6.my ________
7.his_______ 8.knife______ 9.watch________
10.sheep ______ 11. tooth _____ 12. leaf ____
13.German__________ 14.Chinese_________
(  )1.—Are those ______?
---No, they aren’t. They’re _____.
A. sheep ; cows         B. sheep ; cow
C. sheeps ; cow         D. sheeps ; cows
(  )2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____.
A. two orange  B. two bottles of orange
C. two bottles orange D. two bottles of oranges
(  )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know?
A. a very good       B. any
C. a piece of         D. two pieces
(  )4.___ room is on the 5th floor.
A. Lucy and Lily      B. Lucy and Lily’s
C. Lucy’s and Lily     D. Lucy’s and Lily’s
(  )5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.
A. 20 minutes’ walk B. 20 minute’s walk
C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk
(  )6.This is James Allan Green. We can call him ____.
A. Mr. Green       B. Mr. Allan
C. Mr. James       D. James Green
(  )7.Jack and Tom are ____.
A. good friends     B. good friend
C. a good friend    D. good a friend
(  )8.It’s only about ten ____ walk to the nearest post office.
A. minutes B. minute’s C. minutes’ D. minute
(  )9.He often has ____ for breakfast.
A. two breads        B. two piece of breads
C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads
(  )10.Mrs. Green has two ____. They’re very bright.
A. childs  B. child  C. children’s D. children
(  )11.What did the headmaster say about Jim’s ______.
A. two months holiday B. two months’ holiday
C. two-month holiday D. two month’s holidays
(  )12.I won’t go there with you, for I have a lot of ____ to do.
A. works  B. job    C. work    D. working
(  )13.Li Lei is a friend of ___.
A. I sister           B. my sister’s
C. me sister         D. my sister of
(  )14.Have you read ____?
A. today’s           B. today paper
C. the today’s paper   D. today’s paper
(  )15.How many ___ are there in the room?
A. boxes   B. box   C. boxs   D. boxxes
(  )16.Many ____ have been built in our city since 1987.
A. factorys            B. factories
C. factoryes            D. factorys
(  )17.There are lots of ___ in the basket on the table .
A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss
(  )18.The cat caught two ___ last night.
A. mouses  B. mice   C. mouse   D. mices
(  )19.Jack went to have two ___ pulled out yesterday afternoon.
A. tooths  B. tooth   C. teeth  D. toothes
(  )20.In our school there are fifty-five ___.
A. women teachers    B. woman teachers
C. women teacher     D. woman’s teacher
(  )21.The three ___ will be put into prison.
A. thiefs  B. thief   C. thieves D. thiefs’
1. books   2. buses   3. oranges
4. babies   5. boys    6. our
7. their    8. knives    9. watches
10. sheep  11. teeth    12. leaves
13. Germans   14. Chinese
1——5 ABCBD    6—10 AACCD
11—15 CCBDA   16—21 BCBCAC