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廖群利    发表于2010年05月06日 15:22 阅读(2) 评论(0) 分类: 个人日记 举报


1、(09/3/19)   I'll see how it goes. 看情况吧。3 I4 J  U7 F7 w6 h/ u6 S+ ]
! e( H' W" a' J$ W0 ]/ ~2 g+ M
2、(09/3/20)   I'm sorry. I don't get what you're driving at. 对不起,我不明白你的意思。
3、(09/03/21)   Does this concern me?   这个与我有关系吗?
& D3 i9 Y2 H2 A; @2 y3 t% S+ Y+ d. r$ Q( m3 T" P
4、(09/03/22)   Only thus can we fulfill the task. 只有这样我们才能完成任务。
【Thus】adv.  这样,因为,如此,至此程度。。。
f3 @
5、(09/03/23)   Unemployment rate is pretty high these days. 目前失业率很高。$ K: U7 o8 ]9 a5 G" q7 s0 |9 |: x
$ W6 L# g2 Y  T- j( x
6、(09/03/24)   What do you think? You've been very quiet up to now.
你觉得怎样?你一直不吭声。2 B- j4 _, f; {& L+ R
7、(09/3/25)  You're a knock-out.   你是个美女。
在俚语中,knock-out   有表示美女的意思。* \! E8 x; z/ j8 A/ T8 ^; ]' `. A8 x/ w

8、(09/3/26)   It seems to be clearing up.0 O" w7 \% z7 a( o
天要放晴了。; P: t% K( X1 T* g) o( c

9、(09/3/27)   We are all behind this project.   我们都支持这个项目。3 E  N5 T3 m, Y- t

 10、(09/03/28)   He is all thumbs.  他做事笨手笨脚的。' U4 D" Z5 k0 _
8 D/ J; `- T* f. E! Q" {5 b0 M4 ^
11、(09/03/29)  He vowed that he would never do that again. 他发誓绝不再作那样的事。- `+ y( a6 J/ u3 Y6 x* w
7 vow表示发誓。可在vow后加that引导出发誓的内容,也可用vow to do something。上句可写成:He vowed never to do that again.
 V例:9 g0 K6 d4 B3 z6 d6 M. _+ |+ S4 X
He vowed to do his best to win the game.# [, c1 {, _5 T1 y) x& f0 t5 [

12、(09/03/30) You ought to have done it earlier.   你早就应该做那件事了。
-`5 k6 l% ?
13、(09/03/31)     A man of your talents should find this examination plain sailing.

14、(09/04/01)  What's your nationality, please?

15、(09/04/02)   You put your foot in your mouth.   你说错话了。
U+ l/ a  x. T# a
16、(09/04/03)    I'm pressed for time.     我赶时间。2 G9 ]" R! p, B  Z
) l6 a  E9 d) V) S0 Y
17、(09/04/04)    Thanks for the good news. You've made my day.谢谢,你的好消息让我很高兴。 ; [& X" i# Z) [) ]% p* J& o
- M) {1 h3 B, \
18、(09/04/05)     You're getting on my nerves. 你惹毛我了。

19、(09/04/06)     Have you seen much of China ?   你去过中国的许多地方吗?2 M' O# |" Y6 O, d" m6 l: Z
6 B$ D% h" {& Y  _- m7 M/ Q
20、(09/04/07)   That's a long shot. 那件事成功的希望不大。

21、(09/04/08)      What is to become of me if you go away?要是你走了,我怎么办呢?0 k5 T# s, J) {4 E1 V6 \) \7 a

 22、(09/04/09)      Couldn't you do me a favor and leave me alone?  行行好, 别缠着我,好吗?% W& U% E; d2 L5 O  l& l, [

23、(09/04/10)     Please get all your ducks in a row before you go. 请在离开前吧所有事情都打理好。: @$ n2 d/ D: r  _5 ?4 t  z/ f
* J) @9 L8 d' b4 ?9 \# i2 |* B
24、(09/04/11)      Let me put it another way. 让我换个方式来说。% T4 ~0 Z6 [3 V6 R; N: v% G8 b7 v) s
% e
25、(09/04/12)   Tell me why. I'm all ears.告诉我为什么,我洗耳恭听。# L9 i1 S6 O6 x" B
2 D6 @; W, V& f2 A
26、(09/04/13)    I have little confidence in what he tells us. 我不相信他告诉我们的话。
27、(09/04/14)    He is in conference. 他正在开会。# J1 V6 |7 ]/ H! p9 R
1 [9 m  y' r( o4 t# u
28、(09/04/15)   I really desire to get a pay rise. 我真的很想得到加薪。
2 R2 k/ O4 C) i9 j1 d$ U) m' C( Q2 k( s' c: J+ Y6 G
29、(09/04/16)   I'm pressed for time. 我赶时间。

30、(09/04/17)    The taxi will arrive in a matter of minutes. 出租车一会儿就会到。5 l) ?7 \1 C8 G& m8 j2 Y5 k

31、(09/04/18)   The weather is mild today; neither hot or cold. 今天天气很温和,不冷不热。5 t  Y1 l6 c' T" E. [; {. l

32、(09/04/19)     He hasn't signed the cheque.   他还未在支票上签名。" N4 d  D: V" l" l( i; ^. [
( o6 g. u5 G  U* s; ^. `/ g4 y
33、(09/04/20)     As he is absent, we have to do without him. 由于他缺席了,我们只好自己做了。- N" s5 N) `" u

34、(09/04/21)      Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗?

35、(09/04/22)      Well, i hope our cooperation is joyful.  好,希望我们合作愉快。+ a7 X. W# m# l+ `6 O

36、(09/04/23)       I do not like him as a man. 我不喜欢他这个人。
B4 N0 U2 C2 Z* D% V& \
37、(09/04/24)       I'm going to drag a fag. 我去抽根烟。
38、(09/04/25)       How about your money salary during probation and after that?1 h! @" Z$ `" [  A
                               你的试用期及以后的工资怎么样?$ L  g  {/ G( f6 @9 a  Z( r# s

39、(09/04/26)        Please don't rush me.I'm on my way.   别催我,我这就去。

40、(09/04/27)         He is a lawyer by profession. 他的职业是律师。' ?$ ]! o' r  d
1 i% ?: o" k) S
41、(09/04/28)    You should stand up to her a bit more. 你应该顶他一下。, ~* I! E, T3 _0 _! ?" [

42、(09/04/29)    Remember, when you win, it's your treat. 别忘了,如果你赢了,你请客。3 l! B4 P9 y& \+ E7 r) \
. m# N, t* _$ @: ?/ a
43、(09/04/30)     The grass is greener on the other side.  这山望那山高。
: |: h. k, `7 t* a
44、(09/05/04)   It was done by the three of them, but none of them want to face the music now. " y7 i: C" t. N2 c
这件事是他们三人做的,但他们中的任何人都不想承担后果。   `' r% b0 E% X$ M$ @7 }2 |0 h