为鸭子领路---鸭子一家历险记(21 pics)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/03 11:17:11

Adventurous Duck

Quiet working time of employees of the National Museum of American Indian was interrupted by a mother-duck, “traveling” in the streets with her 13 ducklings. The employees didn’t remain indifferent. When the mother came to the National Air and Space Museum, a guard gathered her kids in a bucket and carried them to the nearby pond, and the mother walked near him quacking angrily.

以下两则鸭子故事体现了美国人民的人文精神,正所谓平凡之中见本质。 --- by mtjs  故事一:平静的美国印第安国家博物馆员工车道被鸭子妈妈和她的13个孩子的旅行活动打破,博物馆的员工们在鸭子妈妈和孩子们走向美国国家大气和空间博物馆时并没有置之不理,警卫们把鸭子宝宝弄到了一个桶里带着他们到了附近的池塘,鸭子妈妈走在他旁边,呷呷地叫着表示抗议。

Another similar story about a duck and her babies, this time in New Yourk.
"A mother mallard, who built her nest on a traffic island in the middle of the busy thoroughfare, panicked and abandoned her 11 ducklings when well-meaning New Yorkers tried to help her web-footed little legion reach safety." [nypost]

"They put some of the babies in a basket in the hopes they would call their mother." [nypost]他们把小鸭子弄到了篮子里希望他们能够呼唤住鸭子妈妈。

Here's her ducklings saved by rangers.小鸭子们被突击队员放在这里。

"The mother is reunited with her babies in Central Park." [nypost]鸭子妈妈和孩子们跑进了纽约中央公园。

"The rangers slowly guided the family through the park, and they all jumped into The Lake near The Boathouse." [nypost]突击队员慢慢的引导着这一家子穿过公园进入附近的船屋湖。
