The Existential Philosophy

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The   Existential  Philosophy
                     By Paul     (P.R.C)
     Making a comprehensive survey of the histories of the nature evolving one and the societies devloping one,it is easy for us to make the conclusion that existence is evolution.
     That is to say,the essential characteristics of the historic mainbody are its existential abilities and consciousness strengthening,its living ways changing and its qualities improving.
   The Man's existing historical value embodies from their knowing crisis to overcoming them.
             The  Key  Words
          existence,   evolution,
          the sense of sight,
         the desire for pleasure-seeking.
   The charm of philosophy lies in the spirit seeking unremittingly for the everlasting and Absolute.
   The Existential Philosophy seeks the understanding
of eternal existence and wants to realize the founding
of the belief.
    I.  The Definition of the Existential Philosophy
     What's the Existential Philosophy?
   1. It sticks to the princeiple that  existence is the most important to all of the living things,whether because of their natural intural instinct or of their consciousness.
If there were no the existence of humanity,there should be no meaning or values.
   2.   It sticks to the principle that the first  is existence,and the second is philosophy,going a step further.
       As other living things,existence is the most important to human being,too.Existence is the first
and fundament.Only on its base can there be a philosophy.That's why it's named the Existential Philosophy.
   3.   It only studies existence.
     What's called existence mainly means the one of historic mainbody.Its present representative is human existence,inclding the one of a society,of a country,of a nation,of a class,of a stratum,of a clique and of a person.
   4. There are clear differences between the Existential Philosophy and other existentialism obviously on the philosophic history.
    The Existential philosophy is the theory specializing in the existence and development about the historical mainbody.
     It originated from inspecting the histories.
Scaning the natural evolving histories,including the universal one,organisms evolutional one and social developing one,we regard the three above as the natural laws of universal development,and regard the materialist dialectics and the Theory of Evolution as its soul.
    We have reached the conclusions that histroy is evolving and the human existence embodies the universal movement and development consciously.
    We think the existential problem is always the subject during the times of evolution .
    It belongs to the basic existential qualities of historic mainbody that the existentical ability and consciousness are strengthening,its living ways are changing,and its living qualities are improving.
    The historic value of human existence embodies the process that Man come to know crises to solve them.
      II.  The Theoretical Basis of the Existential Philosophy
   1.Evolution is the Everlasting Subject of Existence
   Making a comprehensive survey of the organisms evolutional history for billions of years,we can see that the existential way of life embodies the transition from relecting activities with the natural existential instinsts to the action with exiential consciousness.
   As the historic mainbody,humanity embodying the natural evolution and the social deveiopment,one of his important characteristics is that Man's abilities on his production and existence are always in the state of continnuous increase by degress.
   From the objective facts,we can maintain that the trend is the inexorable law that the nature is evolving and social is developing,and that the historic mainbody's existential consciousness and abilities have always been increasing continnuously,from that only by entering its parasitism can the smallest virus manifest its biological phenomena ,for example ,reproduction   to that humanity can master a lot of modern scientific technologies now,such as nuclear energy --hydrogen fusion,spaceflight,biological engineering and information engineering, and that humanity has already had the powerful abilities that they can remake nature,master everything on the earth including its fate.
    The natural law----Survival of the Fittest brings to light that the existence of species itself is evolving.The facts that humanity remakes nature and masters the world embody the human historic mainpart effect fully.
    That is why the Existential Philosophy believes in existence everlasting.
     We deny the theories that God has created Man and other things and that Man has come from space .
     We criticize the viewpoints that time and space are limited and that the universe will die out.
     We think that agnosticism and the theory that history is samsara distort history and despise the historic mainbody.
     We insist on the viewpoints that the basic existential form of historic mainbody manifests that time has the feature of one-way irreversibility and space has the feature of multilayer  expansibility.
     Humanity is the mainbody embodying the natural and historic evolution and the most advanced production on the earth.
     Looking back on the history and reality,we can be proud of saying:  History created humanity, and MAN HAS BEEN CREATING HISTORY,TOO.
   2.   Man's Natural Essence and Social One
     We think one of the most basical standards distinguishing between organisms and inorganic matter is whether it has the active reaction to light.
For example,the ray radiation can cause the genetic  factor to change its charactteristics.
     We think that one of the bases delimiting the orginal difference between Man and animals is whether he has the skill using fire and making it.  Though the facts proved that some animals intellect can be  close to a child's level,no animals can use fire up to now.
      From that photosynthesis is the important condition in the course of the protophyte growing to that the sense of sight plays a leading role in the action of the higher animals with existenttial conciousness,we can find that the sense of sight made up of eyes,brains and visible light has been the prop of man's existence.
     If Man had no the sense of sight,he would have no natural and scientifical knowledge or tranditional knowing way. According to the statistics,over nine-tenths of information which man has belong to the sense of sight.So we can say that the sense of sight is one of the man's natural essential properties.
     From that bonfire brought ape-man bright and warm ,it makes man from the animals existential action into the social living way,we can find that the desire for pleasure-seeking has been one of the inner driving forces on man's living action,though man has mastered the opening and using atomic energy to get stronger light and heat in order to creat more ideal existential and living conditions.
     If there were no desire for pleasure-seeking,man's social action would lose its aim and power,and there wouldn't be social civilization progress and prosperous.
So we can say that the desire for pleasure-seeking is one of man's social essential properties.
     Summing up above,Man's natural essential property is its sense of sight,  and its social essential property is its desure for pleasure-seeking,They have taken shape naturally in human's physical,physiologic and psychological activities.
     The Existential Philosophy thinks that every problems that Man have met in the field of Man's knowing and practising are all the reflection of Man's natural and social properties.That is to say,Man's existential essense is the source of bringing about the problems.
     During the age of natural evolution,Man regarded as the historic evolutional mainbody is the orginic existential systen with the characteristics knowing ability and practising action.So to a natural and social person under his normal conditions,one of the objective bases for judging his existential value is the sound in his sense of sight and satisfied with his desure for pleasure-seeking.
     Testing the normal human feelings and rights,we can measure a person by realizing the levels of his sound of the sense of sight and satistied with his desure for pleasure-seeking.Man's existential value in the nature and society can embody in the actions of Man's sense of  sight and desure for pleasure-seeking.
      It's necessary to emphasize that  Man's essential propertieshis( sense of sight and desure for pleasure-seeking) are orginic and the unity that they can't be separated.They are basic different from the other living things, on their evolving qualities.
        III. The Daybreak of Man's Essential Properties Evolving
      To Man who has the moving forms of physical physiological and psychological and who is the existenti systen of combining nature with society,the leading and driving uses of the sense of sight in its process of cognition and the desire for pleasure-seeking in its practical action show the rising of Man's natural existential quality and the rich of the content of social life.
       It's because of the habitual understanding way called "Seeing is beliewing."that leads us to draw the conclusion that the "universe will die out " ,when we are watching the macrocosm;and watching the microcosm, we draw the conclusion that 波粒佯谬.
       Some thinkers thought about the the use of the sense of sight,but they havn't probed deeply into the subjective and objective relations among eyes,brains and light,including their nature,human nature,and historicity.This has brought about that people haven't correctly understood the Man's essential properties.
       It's because of the traditional behavoural ideas ,so called " a person dies for wealth, a bird dies for food"that causes the struggle for the real gains and losses in society and the robbing and spending without restraint for natural resources. It's in the struggle that the people who have criticized and combatted the social unfair and unreasonable phenomenon for the revelutionary and sacrificed themselves have realized their existential value.
     With the social development, the facts that the contradictories between a person and a person,Man and nature have become the human existential crises ,and the prophecy that the classical thory of knowledge prophesies human beings will die out happen to hold the same view. This makes it fully clear that the sense of sight and the desure for plessure-seeking are exposing their historic limitations.
      The Existential Philosophy thinks that the sources of the crisis on faith from the knowing field and the crisis on existence from the practical field come from the blind pots and mistaken areas of the human historic essential properties.The crises prophesy that the original historical properties must inexorably die out.The history has stated it clear that Man embodies his existential value from knowing crses to solving them.
       As the historic mainbody himself,Man's historic evolvment has been showing his sense of sight being scientific and technological station,and his desure for pleasure-seeking intellectualized.
       The more and more serious mordern crises have made us see that Man's existential essential properties are changing.
       In fact,when the Industrial Revelution took place, some signs on alienation have appeared.Man have turned the invisible information into the visible one ;
and of the alienation of  Man's action from the consume seeking for pleasure to the expanded reproduction.  
       The mordern information revelution has made not only master and use the polymedium besides the visible light to build the knowledge form,but also study the skills how to go round eyes----the physiological organ used for recognizing and knowing,and how tobring out an effect of the sense of sight from a cerebum directly.
      Doesn't it make it clear that the contruction of the original knowing mediem is coming?
        Today people have already mastered and used atomic energy besides common energy resoures,and have achieved the social common knowledge and taken the action in unison on saving energy and using scrap material and taking the tacties of developing continuonsly.  
         Doesn't it make it clear that the natural instincts with eating,drinking,being merry and idling way their time in pleasure-seeking and luxury and extravagance of the original conscious is changing?
         The Existential Philosophy thinks after the natural evolving of millions of years,Man has continuously raised his knowledge and practical abilities,during not more than ten thousands of years of the history of social development.
          Now people are changing the way of multiply of the living things naturally,creating a new kind of life,opening new sources of energy,using new materials and trying to make a new chemical element.And they have created the productive system with man-made wisdon and ability and the Internet,and they are exploring the space,and so on.All of these achievements are providing Man with the material base,for Man's existential way changing and his existential quality rising and for Man striding into
a new historic era.
                      The     End
                                              June   29    , 2009