
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 04:01:50
啊,体育, 天神的欢娱,生命的动力。 你以神的旨意降临在灰蒙蒙的林间空地, 受难者激动不已。 你像是容光焕发的使者, 向人们微笑致意。 你像高山之巅出现的晨曦。 照亮了昏暗的大地。
  啊,体育,你就是美丽! 你塑造的人体,变得高尚还是卑鄙, 要看它是被可耻的欲望引向堕落; 还是由健康的力量悉心培育。 没有匀称协调,便谈不上什么美丽。 你的作用无与伦比, 可使人体运动富有节律; 动作变得优美, 柔中含有刚毅。
  啊,体育,你就是正义! 你体现了社会生活中追求不到的公平合理。 任何人不可超过时限一分一秒, 逾越规则一分一厘。 取得成功的关键, 只能是体力与精神融为一体。
  啊,体育,你就是勇气! 肌肉用力的全部含义是为成功而搏击。 若不为此,敏捷、坚强有何用? 肌肉发达有何益? 我们所说的勇气, 不是冒险家押上全部赌注的蛮干, 而是经过慎重的深思熟虑。
  啊,体育,你就是荣誉! 荣誉的赢得要公正无私, 反之便毫无意义。 有人耍弄见不得人的诡计, 以此达到欺骗同伴的目的。但他内心深处却受着耻辱的折磨。 有朝一日被人识破,便会落得名声扫地。
  啊,体育,你就是乐趣! 想起你,内心充满欢喜, 血液循环加剧,思路更加开阔, 条理更加清晰。 你可使忧伤的人散心解闷, 你可使快乐的人生活更加甜蜜。
  啊,体育,你就是培育人类的沃地!你通过最直接的途径,增强民族体质,矫正畸形躯体, 防病患于未然,让后代长得茁壮有力, 继往开来,夺取桂冠的胜利。
  啊,体育,你就是进步!为人类自身的发展,身体和精神的改变要同时抓起, 你规定良好的生活习惯, 要求人们对过度行为引起警惕。 你告诫人们遵守规则, 发挥人类最大的能力.而又无损健康的肌体。
  啊,体育,你就是和平! 你在各民族间建立愉快的联系。你在有节制、有组织、有技艺的体力较量中产生, 使全世界的青年学会相互尊重和学习, 使不同民族特质成为高尚而和平竞赛的动力!




  Art and SportArt and SportArt and Sport
  O Sport, pleasure of the Gods, essence of life, you appeared suddenly in the midst of the grey clearing which writhes with the drudgery of modern existence, like the radiant messenger of a past age, when mankind still smiled. And the glimmer of dawn lit up the mountain tops and flecks of light dotted the ground in the gloomy forests.
  O Sport, you are Beauty! You are the architect of that edifice which is the human body and which can become abject or sublime according to whether it is defiled by vile passions or improved through healthy exertion. There can be no beauty without balance and proportion, and you are the peerless master of both, for you create harmony, you give movements rhythm, you make strength graceful and you endow suppleness with power.
  O Sport, you are Justice! The perfect equity for which men strive in vain in their social institutions is your constant companion. No one can jump a centimetre higher than the height he can jump, nor run a minute longer than the length he can run. The limits of his success are determined solely by his own physical and moral strength.
  O Sport, you are Audacity! The meaning of all muscular effort can be summed up in the word ‘dare’. What good are muscles, what is the point of feeling strong and agile, and why work to improve one’s agility and strength, unless it is in order to dare? But the daring you inspire has nothing in common with the adventurer’s recklessness in staking everything on chance. Yours is a prudent, well-considered audacity.
  O Sport, you are Honour!The laurels you bestow have no value unless they have been won in absolute fairness and with perfect impartiality. He who, with some shameful trick, manages to deceive his fellow competitors feels guilt to his very core and lives in fear of the ignominious epithet which shall forever be attached to his name should his trickery be discovered.
  O Sport, you are Joy! At your behest, flesh dances and eyes smile; blood races abundantly through the arteries. Thoughts stretch out on a brighter, clearer horizon. To the sorrowful you can even bring salutary diversion from their distress, whilst the happy you enable fully to savour their joie de vivre.
  O Sport, you are Fecundity! You strive directly and nobly towards perfection of the race, destroying unhealthy seed and correcting the flaws which threaten its essential purity. And you fill the athlete with a desire to see his sons grow up agile and strong around him to take his place in the arena and, in their turn, carry off the most glorious trophies.
  O Sport, you are Progress! To serve you, a man must improve himself both physically and spiritually. You force him to abide by a greater discipline; you demand that he avoid all excess. You teach him wise rules which allow him to exert himself with the maximum of intensity without compromising his good health.
  O Sport, you are Peace! You promote happy relations between peoples, bringing them together in their shared devotion to a strength which is controlled, organized and self-disciplined. From you, the young worldwide learn self-respect, and thus the diversity of national qualities becomes the source of a generous and friendly rivalry.
  *Awarded a prize in the sports literature competition in the V Olympiad Stockholm 1912.
  ** Pierre de Coubertin pseudonym.