Best Square Root Method (Precision VS Speed) - CodeProject

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 03:25:38
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I enjoy Game Programmingwith Directx and I noticed that the most called method through out mostof my games is the standard sqrt method in the Math.hand this made me search for faster functions than the standard sqrt.And after some searching I found lots of functions that were much muchfaster but it's always a compromise between speed and precision. Themain purpose of this article is to help people choose the bestsquare-root method that suits their program.  


Inthis article I compare 12 different methods for computing the squareroot with the standard sqrt function as a reference,and for each method I show it's precision and speed compared to the sqrtmethod. 

What this article is not about      

  1. Explaining how each method works. 
  2. New ways to compute the square root.    

Using the code   

The code is simple, it basicallycontains:  

1. main.cpp   

Calls all themethods and for each one of them it computes the speedand precision relative to the sqrt function.  


This Header contains theimplementation of the functions, and the reference of where I got themfrom. 

First I calculate the Speed and Precision of the sqrtmethod which will be my reference. 

For computing the Speed Imeasure the time it takes to call the sqrt function (M-1)times and I assign this value to RefSpeed which will be myrefrence.  

And for computing the Precision I add the currentresult to the previous result in RefTotalPrecision everytime I call the method.RefTotalPrecision willbe my refrence. 

For measuring runtime duration(Speed) of themethods I use the CDuration class found on this Link, and iuse dur as an instance of that class. 

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for(int j=0;j

Andfor the other Methods I do the same calculations, but in the endi reference them to the sqrt.   

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for(int j=0;j


  1. I Assume that the error in Precision whether larger or smaller than the reference is equal that's why i use "abs".  
  2. The Speed is refrenced as the actual percentage, while the Precision is referenced a decrease percentage. 

You can Modify the value of M as you like,i initially assign it with 10000.  

You can Modify AVGas well, the higher it is the more accurate the results. 

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#define M 10000#define AVG 10   

Pointsof Interest    

Precision wise the sqrt standard method is the best,But the other functions can be much faster even 5 times faster, i wouldpersonally choose Method N# 2 as it has high precision and high speedbut I'll leave it for you to choose :) 

I took 5 samples andaveraged them and here is the output:  



NOTE:The performance of these Methods depends highly on your processor andmay change from a computer to another. 




Algorithm:BabylonianMethod  + some manipulations on IEEE 32 bit floating pointrepresentation 

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float sqrt1(const float x){union{int i;float x;} u;u.x = x;u.i = (1<<29) + (u.i >> 1) - (1<<22);// Two Babylonian Steps (simplified from:)  // u.x = 0.5f * (u.x + x/u.x);  // u.x = 0.5f * (u.x + x/u.x);  u.x =       u.x + x/u.x;u.x = 0.25f*u.x + x/u.x;return u.x;}  



Algorithm: The MagicNumber (Quake 3)   

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#define SQRT_MAGIC_F 0x5f3759dffloat  sqrt2(const float x){const float xhalf = 0.5f*x;union // get bits for floating value  {float x;int i;} u;u.x = x;u.i = SQRT_MAGIC_F - (u.i >> 1);  // gives initial guess y0  return x*u.x*(1.5f - xhalf*u.x*u.x);// Newton step, repeating increases accuracy}   



Algorithm: Logbase 2 approximation and Newton's Method   

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float sqrt3(const float x){union{int i;float x;} u;u.x = x;u.i = (1<<29) + (u.i >> 1) - (1<<22);return u.x;} 


Reference: I Got it a long time a go from aforum and i forgot, please contact me if you know it's reference       

Algorithm: BakhsaliApproximation 

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float sqrt4(const float m){int i=0;while( (i*i) <= m )i++;i--;float d = m - i*i;float p=d/(2*i);float a=i+p;return a-(p*p)/(2*a);}  



Algorithm: BabylonianMethod 

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   float sqrt5(const float m){float i=0;float x1,x2;while( (i*i) <= m )i+=0.1f;x1=i;for(int j=0;j<10;j++){x2=m;x2/=x1;x2+=x1;x2/=2;x1=x2;}return x2;}   



Algorithm:  Dependanton IEEE representation and only works for 32 bits 

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double sqrt6 (double y){double x, z, tempf;unsigned long *tfptr = ((unsigned long *)&tempf) + 1;tempf = y;*tfptr = (0xbfcdd90a - *tfptr)>>1;x =  tempf;z =  y*0.5;x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z);    //The more you make replicates of this statment the higher the //accuracy, here only 2 replicates are used  x = (1.5*x) - (x*x)*(x*z);return x*y;}  



Algorithm: Dependanton IEEE representation and only works for 32 bits     

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float sqrt7(float x){unsigned int i = *(unsigned int*) &x;// adjust bias   i  += 127 << 23;// approximation of square root   i >>= 1;return *(float*) &i;}   



Algorithm: Babylonian Method  

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double sqrt9( const double fg){double n = fg / 2.0;double lstX = 0.0;while(n != lstX){lstX = n;n = (n + fg/n) / 2.0;}return n;}  



Algorithm: BabylonianMethod       

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 double Abs(double Nbr){if( Nbr >= 0 )return Nbr;elsereturn -Nbr;}double sqrt10(double Nbr){double Number = Nbr / 2;const double Tolerance = 1.0e-7;do{Number = (Number + Nbr / Number) / 2;}while( Abs(Number * Number - Nbr) > Tolerance);return Number;}   



Algorithm: Newton's Approximation Method      

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double sqrt11(const double number)e{const double ACCURACY=0.001;double lower, upper, guess;if (number < 1){lower = number;upper = 1;}else{lower = 1;upper = number;}while ((upper-lower) > ACCURACY){guess = (lower + upper)/2;if(guess*guess > number)upper =guess;elselower = guess;}return (lower + upper)/2;}  



Algorithm: Newton'sApproximation Method    

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 double sqrt12( unsigned long N ){double n, p, low, high;if( 2 > N )return( N );low  = 0;high = N;while( high > low + 1 ){n = (high + low) / 2;p = n * n;if( N < p )high = n;else if( N > p )low = n;elsebreak;}return( N == p ? n : low );}  



Algorithm: Babylonian Method    

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double sqrt13( int n ){// double a = (eventually the main method will plug values into a)double a = (double) n;double x = 1;// For loop to get the square root value of the entered number.for( int i = 0; i < n; i++){x = 0.5 * ( x+a / x );}return x;}