
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 01:53:34





关键词:人性化 医疗器械 设计

The design of medical devices based on "user-friendly design"

Abstract: Humanity is not the mystery of God which can not be touched, and also can not be got easily. It is being on with characteristics of the times and also a collection of various design ideas. We always talk about it and ought to study it---this important issue carefully.
Keywords: humanity   medical device   design


0 引言

1988年日本索尼公司举办的“SONY—DESIGN—VISION”设计大赛中,一位名叫Brain Elliot的青年设计师设计的作品——“Anlmon电视机”获得了大奖。在这个作品中,设计师彻底改变了传统电视机的功能、造型原则和使用方法,把“Animon”设计成为一个可行走的听话的“电视机器人”,使用者的遥控使它可招之即来,挥之即去,并能按人的意图调节屏幕角度,变换图像,使人们充分享受到了“使用趣味”和“使用快感”。人们在这样的设计面前,真要感叹自身的伟大了。因为在这种对设计物的使用过程中,人性得到了随心所欲的释放和满足。 Brain Elliot的获奖得益于他对人性的深层次的关注和探究,得益于他对“为人而设计”思想的深刻理会。

0 Introduction
In "SONY-DESIGN-VISION" design competition held by Japan's Sony Corporation in 1988, a youth named Brain Elliot won the grand prize with his work - "Anlmon TV". In this work, the designer changes the traditional TV functions, modeling principles and using methods completely and designs the "Animon" to become an obedient walking "TV Robot". It can be in the user’ s control to come to the user when being called, to adjust the screen's point of view and transform the image  according to the intention of men, so that people can fully enjoy the "fun of use" and " pleasure of use." People in the face of such a design, is really to be a great sigh of its own. By using the design, human nature has been fully released and satisfied. Brain Elliot’s design benefits from his deep-seated concerns and explore of human nature according to his deep thinking of designing for human.


1 人性化设计的基本概念



1 The basic concepts of humanized design
Design with the requirements of human nature, "humanity"

Modern design is the combination of science and art, technology and human nature. Thanks to the science and technology, the design has a solid structure and good function and with the arts and humanity, the design is full of beauty, fun and vitality, so that it’ s harmonious between people and design . Emphasizing on one aspect and ignoring the other part will let the design go to the extreme and run counter to it’ s original meaning.

1.2 设计人性化的内在意义



1.2 The inner meaning of humanized design
An ancient Chinese philosopher, advocated the "harmony in human and nature", and "neither of the object and oneself in memory ".   The design by man always reflects the people's aesthetic consciousness, ethics, history and culture, mental and emotional factors in a certain period of time. It is matter of "person" and creation of "humanization". And there are emotional, spiritual and cultural factors   which are necessary to be   expressed in a certain material form. As a vector of human life, the design is bound to human spirit and expressional function. They are the human’s materialized spirit and the materialized human. Both of them together constitute the design and are necessary to each other. This is the inner meaning of humanity.

1.3 设计人性化反映了“为人而设计”的本质特征

设计是人的设计,即满足人生理和心理的需要、物质和精神的需要。设计的主体是人,设计的使用者和设计者也是人,因此人是设计的中心和尺度。这种尺度既包括生理尺度,又包括心理尺度,而心理尺度的满足是通过设计人性化得以实现的。从这个意义上来说,设计人性化和人性化设计的出现,完全是设计本质要求使然,决非完全是设计师追逐风格的结果。因为离开了对人心理要求的反映和满足,设计便偏离了正轨。因此设计的人性化已成为评判设计优劣的不变准则。李砚祖先生认为:“什么是好的设计? 处于技术水平、市场需要、美学趣味等等条件不断变化的今天,很难有永恒评判的标准。但有一点则是不变的,那就是设计中对人的全力关注,把人的价值放在首位。”李先生的观点正反映在了设计界对人性化的关注和重视。

1.3 The essential feature of the design is a reflection of human nature

Design is for men, which is for people to meet their physical and psychological, material and spiritual needs. The main design is the design for the user and the designer is. Therefore, man is the center of the design and scale. This measure includes both the physiological scale and physical scale. To meet their psychological scale, it’s necessary to humanize the design. In this sense, the design of human nature and human nature of the appearance of design is entirely due to the essential requirements of the design. And it is not entirely the result of chasing style. If the requirement can not be satisfied, the design will be deviated from the track. Therefore the design of human nature has become a judge of the design criteria. Yanzu Li think that it’s difficult to decide whether it’s a good design or not today. But one thing is unchanged. That is the design of person's full attention to human values in the first place. Mr. Lee's view is reflected in the attention for the humanized design.

1.4 设计人性化是人类追求得一种崇高境界


1.4 The humanized design is a wonderful pursuit of men

With more knowledge, it’s regular for human’s understanding to improve from "of necessity" to "freedom". And the more the human know about themselves the better the design will become. The idealistic, artistic way of creation and life pursued by human society is on the way from pursuing materials to both materials and spirit, also make spirit as the main pursuit. The higher level the design is in, the more spiritual factors there are and more harmonious cooperation between materials and spirit, ration and humanized design. In a sense, the process of improving the design is the process of people’s understanding, thinking and emotion. Design is reflection of human emotion, mental and moral culture. It can be predicted that the design of user-friendly design will be the inevitable trend of the future and final destination, the work of designers that is: people from the extrusion and slavery are emancipated and the living environment and goods are more suitable to people. Besides, psychological part become more heather and human emotion more richer to reach harmony and the realm of "Things and oneself forget each other”.

2 人机工程上是人性化设计的技术实现手段


2 man-machine engineering design is user-friendly means of technology
The so-called user-friendly products, to a certain extent that is included in the man-machine engineering products, as long as it is used by persons, products should be considered the man-machine engineering. Design and ergonomics is combined certainly. We can describe them as follows:  the psychological part as the center, physiological radius as the establishment of object (product)to build  a harmonious relationship for people to  maximize their potential and  balance  their use of people’ s function to increase productivity.  In the design and manufacturing, the "human factor" should be considered as an important condition. If products are divided into two parts that are professional supplies and general supplies, the supplies of professional engineering in the man-machine will be considered more. And general products must take the psychological level into account and need more  in line with the aesthetics and design trends, that is, products should be based on the needs of human.


Human design is guided by the philosophy - humanistic concern, and the realization of humane care need to use existing tools and technology. Ergonomics is to address "human - machine - environment" in which it can be seen the relationship between science and technology. So its content is user-friendly technology.



The distinguishing feature of ergonomics is that it’s not only focusing on whether individual elements fine or not, but also focusing on people, machine and environment, and regard them as one system on the base of studying their characteristics. In the ergonomics, the system refers to the" human - machine - environment" system. In this system, human, machine and environment interact and depend on each other determining the overall system performance. The design’ s theory is that scientific would like to find the best parameters by using the organic links between the system.


A good product design can be covered by the form and human factors and appearance of the product can also have the opportunity to play a machine works. Besides the goods for   general consumers, specifically design for the special group of people need more consideration about the ergonomics. For example, a set of porcelain is specifically designed to cater for the disabled to do dishes and nobody can see that directly .Therefore, designers take full account of the basis of ergonomics, in particular, to deal with the bump in hand, so that patients have in his hand the balance to a state of mind. We can see, can touch, but it’s not so conspicuous.


Medical equipments as beds, chairs and other medical products, are designed for the operation to comply with ergonomics and in the aspect of material, it should also be sought to humanization, to improve the products’ affinity and" EQ".

3 信息时代医疗器械改革

3.1 设计理念的转变


3 the reform of medical equipment in the information age
Design theory’s changes
In the digital age, the material and technical characteristics are enhanced. In the information society, with the emergence of networks and virtual communities, on one hand  the relationship between people become more closely and on the other hand, it strengthens private lives by individuals as a means to survival. People seem to become more indifference to others. People at work or spare time need a place to be cared suitable for personal feelings and functions in line with the needs of the living space. At the same time the spirit and spiritual solace be satisfied.

正是这种需求的变化,市场的新潮,设计的主要方向也开始了战略性的转移:由传统的工业产品转变为以计算技术为代表的高新技术产品和服务。与此同时,人们生活水平的提高,个性化需求的出现、审美情趣的变化,使设计理念也发生了很大的改变。针对过去路易斯.沙利文提出的现代主义设计口号“形式追随功能” (Form Follows Function)逐渐被淡化,而慢慢走向了著名“青蛙设计公司”(Frog Design)提出的“形式服从情感”(Form Follows Emotion)设计理念,数字化时代、信息设计、人性化设计、非物质性社会的设计等已成为新的设计理念和领域,而这些新的设计理念和领域也必须与时俱进,可持续发展。

With these changes related to demands in fashion, the main strategic direction of the design shift from the traditional industrial products to products with high-tech and good services. At the same time, people's improving living standards, personal demands, and changing aesthetic taste make design concepts change. Louis Sullivan raised the slogan "form follows function" which is gradually forgotten. And the famous "frog design" raised the "form follows emotion" concept. The digital age, information design, user-friendly design, non-material design community has become a new design concept and field. And these new ideas and areas of designing must be advancing with the times and be sustainable development.


Market is being on with product and the development of product is being on with design. Only by relying on carefully design, products can be in consumer and market’ s demands and the economy, science and technology and art can be combined, so  intelligence, charm and the competitiveness are . Therefore, the design culture, personalization, and b the brand in the world tide of economic development is no longer a personal matter.

3.2 我国医疗产品今后的设计方向


3.2 China's medical products’ design direction of future
In the information age, the design of medical products comparing with themselves in the past, is different in the aspect of the incorporation of the scientific and technological means. Digital, electronic, information, technology, and network-based production can meet people’s various needs especially material needs.  Second, in 1920s or 1930s, the institution "functionalism" by the Bauhaus influence a lot in industrial product design, therefore, the design of medical products for a long period of time has "rationalism" as the mainstream of thought following the classic principles "Form Follows function " in order to follow the use of a single function as the only measure, in full accordance with the distinction between functional modules. At that time although it has played an active role, but the" technology first" tendency leads people's feelings and the environment to be away of each other. In this kind of products, human psychological needs are not considered. It only base on the form of one-to-one design in the structure and form. of products. Processing technology has limitations. Traditional products are just like things with no modification. And no one interpret medical products in the point of view of humanized products to neglect the function of culture. It can’t exist in the contemporary era.


At the same time, the "design" of the product engages in conduct as a "decoration". And it is the mainstream of industrial design. This distorted awareness and behavior is making a considerable number of enterprises suffering serious short-term losses (such as product backlog) and long-term losses (such as loss of market). Therefore, the products in market may be high-performance, but not high-quality, popular products.



4 医疗设备设计过程中涉及的特殊问题


4 The special problems involved in the design process of medical equipment    

Let us take a closer look at the special problems involved in the design process of medical equipment. Usually, when we   design common household products, the buyer is the user. However, in terms of medical equipment, it’s bought by hospital s managers but operated by the doctors and nurses .Of course, ultimately it’ s patients who receive treatment. This means that we need to meet the needs of three groups of customers, not just an individual or a family, and these three groups of users must be concerned differently. As a designer, various factors should be taken into account.

4.1 医院环境


4.1 hospital environment
First of all, hospital's own environment refers to material environment. Obviously, any product of the hospital must be sterile, easy to be clean, and not easy destroyed by any corrosive fluid. In many hospitals, there are  high demand for space, because the volume of medical equipment is usually very large. So the doors and windows of the hospital must be taken into account such as the size of the floor area.