
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 05:56:33

The CogBin

Get an even faster start on your project using these pre-existingparts!


  • Applications
  • Widgets
  • Template Engine Plugins
  • Quickstart Templates
  • Extension Components
  • Identity Providers
  • ToscaWidgets
  • tg-admin Commands
  • Toolbox Plugins


Project Name Summary Version CBlog CBlog is a simple weblog application based on the TurboGears_ framework.基于tg的简单blog 0.1a EggBasket A simple, lightweight Python Package Index (aka Cheeseshop) clone.一个简单的python程序仓库克隆。 0.6.1b Fast Track A web application for tracking the status of projects in an organization.项目进展状态跟踪 0.5 FelloWiki Yet another wiki engine 0.01a1.dev-r36 MPD-WebAMP MPD WebAMP is an asynchronous web client for the Music Player Daemon异步存取的网络音乐播放器(文件夹方式浏览音乐文件,播放列表,播放控制,歌词,标签搜索,播放位置,皮肤系统等) 1.1 SpammCan A simple pastbin built on TurboGears and Pygments. 0.2b Tasty rich, general purpose tagging engine built as a REST service一个标签和效果服务项目(可借鉴标签数据库定义和快速读取部分,不需要标签云部分) 1.3 bots Bots open source Edi software 1.2.0 chardb A simple editor, calculator & database for RPG characters这个是游戏修改辅助 0.0.1a cogplanet A planet server written with TurboGears把众多合作者的rss合并成一个网页,用于表示开发者动态。(可借鉴RSS读取和最终处理方式) 0.8 engal Simple photo gallery简单的相册 0.3.1 gibe Blog using TurboGears with popular replacement components可换用各种流行部件的博客系统 0.12.4 nakedplanning A simple tool to help plan Agile projects in a Kanban style. 0.0.1a1.incremental pymeter A WEB load-test creation, editing and execution application应用的效率测试 0.1 tgquotes A Simple, Embeddable random quote mini-application一个小型随机测验应用,类似于google adsense的一些小测验。
1.0 turboblog Blogging platform for TurboGears博客平台 1.0.2 zoner A DNS zone management web application.简化的域名区域管理(基于tg1) 1.4.


Project Name Summary Version AccordionWidget An accordion widget for TG framework 0.1 ConfigAdministrator UNKNOWN 0.1a1.dev-r2011 DOMinclude TurboGears widget that wraps the DOMinclude library for DOM-based popups. 1.0.1 DisplayShelf The Flex Display Shelf 1.0 DivDialogs A few dialogs (modal or not) to improve the UI usability of TurboGear apps 0.1a1.dev-r610 FileFields File and Image upload fields for forms. 0.1a7.dev-r2292 InPlace Wrapper for the InPlace javascript library 0.1a0.dev-r1518 Lightbox Lightbox photo display widget 2.1 MochiInterpreter This widget is an implementation of the interpreter example from MochiKit code. It is provided as a facility to develop TurboGears applications that needs JavaScript. It is based on code provided at http://trac.turbogears.org/turbogears/ticket/255 1.3.1 MultiComplete Multiple word completion within a single text field TG widget.多次自动完成 1.0 PlotKit PlotKit packaged as TurboGears widgets. 0.9.1w3 RssWidget Turbogears RSS Widget使用了Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser的rss部件(用于阅读RSS的) 0.2.1 beta Scriptaculous Scriptaculous packaged as TurboGears widgets. 1.8.2 Select-Shuttle The SelectShuttle widget provides a mechanism for selecting multiple values from a list of values by allowing the user to move items between two lists. On modern browsers you can also double click an item to move it from one list to the other. After the first "move", all entries will be sorted automatically accordingly to its "description" on both lists. Take a look at the code for SelectShuttleDesc for an example of how to use this widget in your code.列表:多选,移动,排列表格 1.3.3 TGBooleanFormWidget A yes/no or confirm/cancel input widget for TurboGears projects. 0.1 TGCaptcha A TurboGears CAPTCHA widget for forms.验证码部件 0.11 TGCombine Turbogears Javascript/CSS Combine and Pack处理浏览器缓存,检查文件新旧,打包js,维护带注释的源码和不带注释的产品源码 1.0.4 TGExpandingFormWidget This module provides a dynamically expandable form widget for TurboGears. 0.1.3 TGExtJS ExtJS packaged as collection of TurboGears widgets. 0.2.3b TGFKLookup A collection of widgets to do Foreign Key related lookups 0.1a0.dev-r1772 TGFirebugLite A TurboGears widgets wrapper for the Firebug Lite JavaScript Library. 1.0b TGFusionCharts FusionCharts widget for TurboGears用flash装饰的图表 0.1 TGIXEDIT Ixedit RC TGLightWindow LightWindow JS packaged as TurboGears widget 2.0 TGOpenIDLogin OpenID login controller for TurboGears 0.1 TGPaginate Pagination utilities for TurboGears分页js效果 0.1a0.dev-r2681 TGPriFlash A TurboGears flash implementation that supports multiple priority levels.多优先度的flash系统消息 0.1.2 TGScheduler Turbogears Scheduler 1.5 TGSociable A port of the sociable Wordpress plugin发一个链接给各种社会性书签服务(链接收藏服务) 0.1.0 TGYUI The Yahoo! YUI packaged as collection of TurboGears widgets. 2.5.0 TurboFancyFlash TurboGears extension providing enhanced flash message display functions.增强的信息功能,能根据状态改变效果:比如过时/点击自动消失(有些功能还需要改造) 0.1a TurboFeeds TurboGears controller and widgets for feed handling.控制器和部件,用于处理feed(是tg1组件扩展,好像tg2没有feedcontroller???需要自己导入一个好用的) 0.2b TurboFlot A TurboGears widget for Flot, a jQuery plotting library 0.1.2 TurboTinyMCE TinyMCE widget for TurboGears 1.0.6 UPCTools A online checking UPC field and a lookup tool 0.1a1 addremoveoptions Turbogears widget that creates a selectbox in whic you can add and remove options创建一个选择框,里面可以增减选项。(类似于gmail的标签列表?) 1.0 checkboxtable A table of checkboxes类似checkboxlist,但这个可以多个选择 0.80 checkselect CheckSelect TurboGears Widget多选 1.2 dynwidgets TurboGears widget to automatically replicate a list of other widgets (or a FieldSet or ...), including 'add' and 'remove' buttons一个其他部件的列表,带有添加和删除按钮 1.1 jquery Jquery javascript library for TurboGears 1.2.3 jsDOMenu A wrapper for jsDOMenu 0.1a0.dev-r1765 sgawidgets ModalPopup Widgets collection 1.0a spinner TurboGears Spinner Widget 1.0 submodal Cross Browser DHTML Modal Dialogs For Web Apps半透明遮罩层(尤其适合用于注册,登录,弹出窗口等) 1.5 tgMochiKit MochiKit packaged as TurboGears widgets. 1.4.2 tg_interface jquery library for TurboGears 1.2-0.01 tgcurvycorners A TurboGears Widget to help use curvycorners 0.1.1 xcbl Extensible CheckBoxList widget for TurboGears选择列表时,“其他”可输入文字的部件 0.2

Template Engine Plugins视图引擎插件

Project Name Summary Version Breve An s-expression style template engine. 1.3.0 GHRML GHRML - Haml for Genshi 0.11 Genshi A toolkit for generation of output for the web 0.5.1 Jinja A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python. 1.2 TurboCheetah TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates 1.0 TurboDjango Django template for TurboGears, need Django to work 0.95w2 TurboJinja Jinja(Django & Smarty-like) template for TurboGears 0.9.1 TurboJson Python template plugin that supports JSON支持json的python模板插件 1.2.1 TurboKid Python template plugin that supports Kid templates 1.0.5 genshicolumntemplate Adds a 3 column layout to the genshi quickstart template for Turbogears. 0.2

Quickstart Templates

Project Name Summary Version gsquickstart TurboGears Genshi quickstart template快速genshi模板 1.0 registration A set of TurboGears templates to provide user registration functions.注册模板(tg默认没有注册功能,所以需要这个) 0.50

Extension Components扩展组件

Project Name Summary Version TGWebServices Multiprotocol Web Services for TurboGears 2用于tg2的多协议网络服务器 2.0.0a2 TurboFancyFlash TurboGears extension providing enhanced flash message display functions.增强的信息功能,能根据状态改变效果:比如过时/点击自动消失(有些功能还需要改造) 0.1a TurboLucene TurboLucene is a TurboGears extension that allows applications to easily use the PyLucene full-text search engine.用于全文搜索引擎lucene 0.2.2

Identity Providers

Project Name Summary Version tginvoice Freelance Invoice Tracking System 0.1dev-r54


Project Name Summary Version tw.dojo Dojo 1.3.2 widget for ToscaWidgets tw.dynforms A collection of widgets for creating dynamic forms. Features include growing tables, hiding fields, ajax lookups and more.众多部件组成的动态表单,包括可增长表格,隐藏域,ajax效果等 0.9.1 tw.extjs ToscaWidgets wrapper around ExtJS 1.0.2 (http://extjs.com) javascript library 0.8.2 tw.jquery ToscaWidgets wrapping for jquery 0.9.8 tw.lymon Lymon Widgets 0.1a0dev-20080711 tw.mochikit MochiKit 1.4 (dev) widget for ToscaWidgets 0.8 tw.mootools ToscaWidgets wrapper for Mootools Javascript Toolkit tw.openlayers ToscaWidget for OpenLayers Javascript Library 0.8.4 tw.prototype Wrapper for the Prototype Javascript Library for ToscaWidgets 0.8 tw.rating Star Rater plugin星投票插件(星级评价) 0.8 tw.recaptcha Handy ReCaptcha Toscawidget验证码 0.8 tw.rum A ViewFactory for Rum which uses tw.forms 0.3dev-20090717 tw.starrating jQuery Star Rating Plugin for ToscaWidgets(给tw用的jquery的星级评价插件,和tw.rating有何不同呢?) 1.0.2 tw.swfobject ToscaWidget wrapper for swfobject 0.1a0dev-20090428 tw.tabber Tabber ToscaWidget using BarelyFitz's tabber标签式界面(有多种形式:包括简单的,带ajax效果的,存cookie的。) 0.8 tw.timeline Timeline Widget application时间线(以时间为中心,用于表示事物变化,比如apple公司每年推出的新品) 0.9.8a1 tw.timeplot Timeplot Widget application时间图(用于趋势分析,根据时间变化的统计图显示,比如股价月度变动) 0.9.8a4 tw.tinymce TinyMCE WYSIWYG rich text editor for ToscaWidgets 0.8 tw.yui Toscawidgets Wrapper for YUI雅虎推出的用户界面工具,webqq就是基于这个搞的 0.9.8 tw2.forms UNKNOWN这个是虚拟的,用于把众多域放在一起,变成一个表单 2.0a2 twAjaxSessionData Ajax tools to set/get session data 0.1a0dev-r1571 twAjaxTools Ajax Tools and Widgets for ToscaWidgets用于tw的ajax工具和部件 0.1a1dev-r2279 twExt ToscaWidgets wrapper around ExtJS 1.0.2 (http://extjs.com) javascript library 1.0.2a twMaps Web map widgets网络google地图部件 0.1a0.dev-r720 twMochiKit MochiKit 1.4 (dev) widget for ToscaWidgets用于tw的mochikit部件 0.1a1 twPrototype Wrapper for the Prototype Javascript Library for ToscaWidgets用于tw的prototype js库 1.5dev-r792 twTinyMCE TinyMCE WYSIWYG rich text editor for ToscaWidgets用于tw的tinymce编辑器 0.1a0

tg-admin Commands管理tg的命令(tg1)(tg2是paster,下面的可能没用)

Project Name Summary Version tg2exe Make TurboGears project to the Stand Alone Windows Application把tg项目变成windows的独立程序 0.2 tgcrud Genrate CRUD interface in TurboGears 1.0.2 tgmigrate sqlalchemy migrate command数据库结构在线更新工具(TG2有类似的,但不再叫这个名字) 0.2

Toolbox Plugins工具箱插件

Project Name Summary Version TemplateBrowser TurboGears Toolbox Template Browser工具箱模板查看器 1.0Alpha

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When you quickstart a TurboGears project, the setup.pyfile already contains the metadata you need. It's justcommented out. Choose the right keywords for thekind of project you're releasing, and you're all set.The table below has the keywords you should use as well:

Kind of thing you're registering Keyword Applications turbogears.app Widgets turbogears.widgets Template Engine Plugins python.templating.engines Quickstart Templates turbogears.quickstart.template Extension Components turbogears.extension Identity Providers turbogears.identity.provider tg-admin Commands turbogears.command ToscaWidgets toscawidgets.widgets Toolbox Plugins turbogears.toolboxcommand