
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/29 21:53:50
Neo wakes up from a deep sleep, feeling better. He is
wearing a black tank top and shorts.
He begins to examine himself. There is a futuristic IV
plugged into the jack in his forearm. He pulls it out,
staring at the grafted outlet.
He feels his bald head. His fingers find and explore the
large outlet in the base of his skull.
Just as he starts to come unglued, Morpheus opens the
Morpheus, what's happened to me?
What is this place?
More important than what is when?
You believe the year is 1997 when in fact it is much closer to 2197.
I can't say for certain what year it is because we honestly do not
The wind is knocked from Neo's chest.
That's not possible.
I promised you the truth, Neo, and the truth is that the world you
were living in was a lie.
I'll show you.INT. HOVERCRAFT
Like a sleepwalker, Neo follows Morpheus through the ship.
This is my ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. It's a hovercraft. Small like a
submarine. It's dark. It's cramped and cold. But it's home.
They climb a ladder up to the main deck.INT. MAIN DECK
Everyone is there.
This is the main deck. You know most of my crew.
Trinity smiles and nods.
The ones you don't know. That's Mouse and Switch. The two big
guys are Tank and Dozer.
The names and faces wash meaninglessly over Neo.
And this, this is the Core. This is where we broadcast our pirate
signal and hack into the Matrix.
It is a swamp of bizarre electronic equipment. Vines of
coaxial hang and snake to and from huge monolithic
battery slabs, a black portable satellite dish and banks
of little systems and computer monitors.
At the center of the web, there are six ectoskeleton
chairs made of a poly-alloy frame and suspension harness.
Near the circle of chairs is the control console and
operator's station where the network is monitored.
Help him, Trinity.
Neo allows himself to be helped into one of the chairs.
Do you remember when I asked you about an apparatus that could turn a virtual reality into reality?
Neo nods.
It's right here.
He touches Neo's head.
And it's accessed here.
Neo feels Morpheus guiding a coaxial line into the jack
at the back of his neck. The cable has the same kind of
cerebellum chip we saw inside the plant.
This will feel a little weird.
There are several disturbing NOISES as he works the
needle in.
We MOVE IN as Neo's shoulders bunch and his face tightens
into a grimace until a loud CLICK fires and his ears pop
like when you equalize them underwater.
He relaxes, opening his eyes as we pull back to a feeling
of weightlessness inside another place --INT. CONSTRUCT
Neo is standing in an empty, blank-white space.
This is the Construct.
Startled, Neo whips around and finds Morpheus now in the
room with him.
It is our loading program. We can load anything from clothes, to
weapons, to training simulations. Anything we need.
Morpheus walks past Neo and when Neo turns he sees the
two leather chairs from the hotel set up in front of a
large-screen television.
Sit down.
Neo stands at the back of the chair as Morpheus sits.
Right now, we're inside a computer program?
Wild, isn't it?
Neo's hands run over the cracked leather.
This isn't real?
What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about
your senses, what you feel, taste, smell, or see, then all you're
talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
He picks up a remote control and clicks ON the
TELEVISION. We drift through the Windy City circa 1996.
This is the Chicago you know. Chicago as it was at the end of
the twentieth century. This Chicago exists only as part of a
neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix.
We GLIDE AT the television as he changes the channel.
You have been living inside Baulliaurd's vision, inside the
map, not the territory. This is Chicago as it exists today.
The sky is an endless sea of black and green bile. The
earth, scorched and split like burnt flesh, spreads out
beneath us as we ENTER the television.
'The desert of the real.'
In the distance, we see the ruins of a future Chicago
protruding from the wasteland like the blackened ribs of
a long-dead corpse.
We are, right now, miles below the earth's surface. The only place
humans can survive outside the Matrix is underground.
Still MOVING, we TURN and find Neo and Morpheus; the
chairs now sitting in the middle of the black desert.
Dizzy, Neo holds onto the chair.
What happened?
It started early in the twenty- first century, with the birth of
artificial intelligence, a singular consciousness that
spawned an entire race of machines.
In his sunglasses, we see storm clouds gather.
At first all they wanted was to be treated as equals, entitled to the
same human inalienable rights. Whatever they were given, it was not enough.
In the circular window of the glasses, EXPLOSIONS light
up a bloody battle field.
We don't know who struck first. Us or them. But sometime at the
end of the twenty-first century the battle was joined.
We MOVE INTO his glasses and the war surrounds us.
The war raged for generations and turned the face of our planet from green and blue to black and red.
At last we see the Sentinels; killing machines that are
at once terrifying and beautiful. They have an organic
architecture like a microbiotic organism, that is
perpetually in motion.
The Sentinel cracks the body armor of a soldier,
splitting open the soft, stearing meat inside.
It scorched and burned the sky. Without the sun, the machines
sought out a new energy source to survive.
The Sentinel locks up, as heat lightning of black ink
bursts against the sky, spreading into a permanent cloud
of stain.
They discovered a new form of fusion. All that was required to
initiate the reaction was a small electric charge. Throughout human
history we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it
seems, is not without a sense of irony.
We return to the power plant that Neo escaped from where
we see human beings looking almost blissful in their
gelatin cocoons.
The human body generates more bio- electricity than a 120-volt
battery and over 25,000 B.T.U.'s of body heat.
Outside, spreading all around the power plant, beneath a
breathing greenhouse, are the growing fields.
We are, as an energy source, easily renewable and completely
recyclable, the dead liquified and fed intravenously to the living.
Huge farm-like reapers are harvesting the crop.
All they needed to control this new battery was something to
occupy our mind.
We see inside a clear tubular husk. Floating in viscous
fluid, there is a human fetus; its soft skull already
growing around the brain-jack.
And so they built a prison out of our past, wired it to our brains
and turned us into slaves.
We PULL BACK to find the image is now on the television
and we are again inside the white space of the Construct.
No! I don't believe it! It's not possible!
I didn't say that it would be easy, Neo. I just said that it
would be the truth.
The room without walls begins to spin.
Stop! Let me out! I want out!
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