Allow Dropbox to authenticate with an NTLM proxy server

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/29 21:39:18

Allow Dropbox to authenticate with an NTLM proxy server



The latest version of dropbox appears to work with an NTLM proxy server


This has only been tested with ISA server 2004 with * whitelisted.

Download Cntlm

Install Cntlm

Unzip the contents of the download and run setup.bat

Configure Cntlm

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Cntlm

Open cntlm.ini in notepad

Change the following:

Username Your_Username

Domain Your_Domain

Password Your_Password

Proxy Your_Proxy's_IP:Port (probably 8080)

Place a # infront of the second proxy.

Save cntlm.ini

Go to services and start the Cntlm service

Set Auth and get password hash

Open up CMD and navigate to the Cntlm folder

CD C:\Program Files\Cntlm

Type cntlm -M

If that does not work try cntlm -M

You should see an output like this:

[ Profile 0 ]

Auth NTLMv2

PassNTLMv2 72F78A2B364583291090E919B5CE9E04

Auth NTLMv2 <-- Replace the whole #Auth line in cntlm.ini with this

PassNTLMv2 72F78A2B364583291090E919B5CE9E04 <-- Replace the whole password line in cntlm.ini with this

Save cntlm.ini

Restart the cntlm service.

Configure Dropbox

Open dropbox preferences

Choose network tab

Select Manually enter proxy settings

Server Port 3128

Hit OK.


Instructions seem to work up to the part that says "Run cntlm with the -M flag to find your settings". cntlm does not have a -M flag. Also, ccntlm.ini does not have an Auth line!

Cntlm does have an -M flag, make sure you use -M not -m.

cntlm.ini does have an auth line look for the line #Auth LM If the cntlm service starts but stops immediately, try rebooting the computer.  TipsAndTricks/AllowDropboxtoauthenticatewithanNTLMproxyserver (2009-12-23 22:32:29由MattM2编辑)