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36 strokes buttoned all computer problems!!!

1. To solve the boot problem unplugged
Phenomenon: some friends after the machine used to disconnect the power supply board, but the problems are often a is a power supply board, the computer will automatically boot up, Power button useless. Solution: Some motherboards BIOS settings "PowerManagementSetup", there is an option "PwronAfterPW-Fail", its default setting is "ON", it is set to "OFF", next time do not automatically start when power the. Without this option, you can put in the ACPI power management functions to open again after closing, if the original is closed, open it can be. Most motherboards have an option in the BIOS: in POWERMANAGEMENTSETUP (power management settings) you can choose to re-call after the accident when the power state of the machine is turned off automatically start or to maintain or to maintain power as before. Please set to automatically turn Off.   In addition, poor quality power supply or motherboard can also cause similar problems. ATX motherboard boot need to detect a capacitance level signals. If you can not guarantee when power on a well-connected, it will produce a moment of shock current, may be mistaken for a boot to the power signal, leading to false start.
  2. To solve multi-system installation
Multi-system installation in the first set the system BIOS boot sequence to "CD-ROM first start", then the Win98 CD into the drive, restart your computer for installation. In the "Select Windows98 installation directory" window, select "other directory", and designated as "E: \ WINDOWS", then complete the installation by conventional methods. Restoration of multi-boot menu when you install Win98, restart your computer, is not found in the familiar multi-system boot menu does not appear, resulting in Win2000 and WinXP can not start, and this do? Do not worry, here we go step by step restoration of multi-system boot menu. ① First, set in the BIOS boot sequence to "CD-ROM first start", then Win2000 CD into the drive, enter the installation screen, then have three options to choose from, press "R" into the repair item. ② "Windows2000 repair options" available in two options, again according to "R" key to select "use the emergency repair process repair Windows2000", a "repair manual" and "quick fix" two choice items, choose the "repair manual . " ③ Next, enter "select repair task" window, click the "[X] Verify Windows2000 system files" option, then click "Continue (perform selected tasks)", began repairing the boot sector. ④ At this time, Windows2000 will ask you to install the hotfix if an emergency repair disk. Because we do not need to repair a floppy disk, so press "L" button to install the program automatically looks for reasons not start Windows2000. Windows2000 find the need to restore the hotfix Windows2000, press the Enter key to recovery. At this time, a hotfix will automatically check the disk, boot sector, then set the start menu, so that not only get back can not start Win2000, but also automatically added to Win98 boot menu. ⑤ Although the start menu with Win2000 and Win98, but WinXP still is not restored, do not worry! Enter Windows2000, WindowsXP installation CD into the drive, and then enter the CD i386 directory, you can find ntldr and Ntdetect.com two files, copy them to C: \, this time on the restoration of a multi-system menu, WinXP can entered. But you will find multiple system boot menu into English, actually, and this time we can go to C: root directory to open a Boot.ini file, edit it as long as the contents inside the can.
3. Solve System Shutdown reboot failure variable

System Shutdown reboot failure of a change, properly set BIOS if your computer connected to the network or attached USB device, then the BIOS settings not likely to lead not to shut down. In general, the old board prone to this failure, which cut off in the BIOS Wake on LAN and USB wake-up option. Second, set the power management shutdown is closely related with power management, power management option is sometimes set incorrectly will cause the shutdown problem. Click the "Start → Settings → Control Panel → Power Options" in the pop-up window, as needed, or abolish the "Advanced Power Support" (if you used when failure occurs is enabled "Advanced power support", try cancel it, otherwise it enabled), Windows98 in this way can often solve most of the power management shutdown due to malfunction. If you do not select the "Advanced" menu "in pressing the computer power button (E): turn off the power," it can be selected. Third, sometimes used to disable fast shutdown shutdown Windows quick shutdown would lead to such failure. In Windows98 can be resolved by the following methods: in the "Start → Run", type Msconfig, open "System Configuration Utility" in the "Advanced" option select "Disable Fast Shutdown", then reboot the computer can be.
  4. To solve the unusual drive read the disk
CD-ROM drive can read the disks abnormal Q: My computer is WindowsXP operating system installed, installed after a problem is not a continuous reading of CD-ROM, insert the first CD of all the normal, open the drive into the second CD, found inside The content was actually the first CD-ROM contents, restart the machine, the second disc also properly read, this is why? A: Right-click on the "My Computer", select "Manage", select "Removable Storage → Storage → Library", click the drive letter where, in the name of the project mid-point of right-select "Properties" in the "delay Removable "is under a" recovery can not load the media, "it's time to 0, should be able to solve this problem. If the problem is not resolved, then open the Registry Editor, locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ (4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318) key, the following UpperFilters and LowerFilters deleted, restart the machine can .
  5. Resolve not empty the Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin not emptied Q: My system is WindowsXP, I removed from the F disk called "dvdregionfree3031" file, the system problems, showing the contents of the Recycle Bin can not be empty, but every time you open Recovery station, it always first search for it again, and then empty the Recycle Bin to delete to display a confirmation dialog box, select "Yes" after emptying the Recycle Bin Shi You open again to the above situation, tell me how to do? A: Start with the command line to the safety mode, and then for each partition under the Recycled directory implementation Attrib-srh command to remove special attributes, and then use the Del command to delete each partition under the Recycled directory. After restart the operation to enter normal mode, the problem usually is resolved.
  6. To resolve switch machine to stop responding
Li Jun, the operating system stops responding Hainan readers letters: I am using Win98 and WinXP dual OS. Most of the time with WinXP, WinXP shutdown or restart, the better when it always stopped at the "Saving System Settings" Department, the hard drive light not flashing, the system is not responding! What is the reason for this? A: Start and shut down the computer system will always prompt: "Saving System Settings", mainly because the system running, load the file too much, cause the system to run too many files in a short time but can not stop, we can use "Ctrl + Alt + Del" key to bring up "Windows Task Manager", click the "process" can view the currently running file. To solve such problems, in the "Start → Run," type "Msconfig" command, in the pop-up "System Configuration Utility" dialog box, click the "Start" label items, here are some of the procedures start with the system, some not commonly used in this program will be in front of the hook can be removed. In addition, too much debris on the hard disk will cause the system to shutdown or restart time is too long or even crash caused the phenomenon, so we have to regularly scan your hard disk fragmentation. If you set off or write-off when audio files, sound files, if the damage would lead to such problems, we can go to "Control Panel → Sounds and Audio Settings" will sound removed. If the problem is not resolved, we can right-click "My Computer", select "Management" and "Services and Applications" item select "Services" project, on the right side of the window to disable unnecessary services, Note must be read out before the text shows the current service.
  7. To resolve the Start menu is slow to respond
Too slow to respond to the Start menu Q: Every time I click the Windows start menu, the pop-up menu is very slow the next group, but before clicking the Start menu Shique soon, I would like to ask how we can adjust the Start menu pop-up speed? A: Start menu pop-up speed can be controlled, we can modify it in Control Panel: Open the Registry Editor, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ desktop branch, and then create a DWORD value in this, and name it as "Menushowdelay", you can set the key value key value between 0 to 0,100,000, this value is the value of the menu extension of time, in units of MS, you can enter into force after the restart the computer.
  8. To solve the task bar icons larger
Taskbar icons larger the Q: Recently, I do not know what action the implementation of the task bar and desktop icons to become the same size, though does not affect use, but looks very unsightly. How can it be restored to their original does it? A: Run regedit.exe to open the Registry Editor, locate the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Desktop \ WindowMetrics, in the right window to find the string value: "ShellIconSize", change its value can change the icon size. Generally "32" this value. Note that modifying the registry before you back up the registry beforehand.
9. Resolve to solve right-locked

Right-locked solution: I do not know why the computer is locked up right, not take. How can we solve? A: It may be that someone tampered with your registry, lock the right click menu. Open the Registry Editor, select the following sub key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer" In the right pane, look for a file named "NoViewContexMenu" the key to the data to 00000000. Or you can simply delete the key.
  10. To resolve double-click can not open the folder
Double-click can not open the folder Q: My computer is a problem, in the resource browser or my computer can not open the file inside the folder, double-click the mouse to open the folder but not into the search interface, may I ask why? A: You can modify the registry to restore into the registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell, to find deleted. Another way is to point "folder" and "Advanced" option in the "new" in "operation" in input "OpenNew", followed by the "Application used to perform action" to input "Explorer% 1 "on the line. If you remove the find, was not configured. If the new OpenNew, it needed to "Opennew" default.
  11.Explorer role
Explorer.exe process in the system's role in all Windows family of operating systems, run-time will start a process called Explorer.exe. This process is mainly responsible for the icon on the desktop display system and task bar, it is in different systems have different magical effect. Windows9x application in Windows9x, this process is necessary to run the system. If using "End Task" approach to end the Explorer.exe process, the system will refresh the desktop, and update the registry. Therefore, we can also use this method to quickly update the registry. As follows: Press Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination, an "End Task" dialog. In the dialog box, select the "Explorer" option, then click "End Task" button will appear "closed Windows" dialog box. Click "No" button, the system in a moment another dialog box will appear, telling you the program is not responding, asked if the end of the task. Click "End Task" button, then update the registry and return Windows9x system environment. This is cumbersome compared to restart the process to be much more convenient? Windows2000/XP of WindowsNT in Windows2000/XP and other core systems, Explorer.exe process is not required when the system is running, so you can use Task Manager to end it, does not affect the normal operation of the system. Open you need to run the program, such as Notepad. Then right-click the Taskbar and select "Task Manager", select the "process" tab, select Explorer.exe process in the window, click "End Process" button, then in addition to the desktop wallpaper (Active Desktop ActiveDesktop except the wallpaper), all icons and taskbar disappear. At this point you can still operate all the software as usual. If you want to run other software, but this time no one objects over the desktop, how do? Do not worry, the following can be smart to open two other software: The first method: Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination, appears "Windows Security" dialog box, click "Task Manager" button (or directly by Next Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination), in the Task Manager window, select the "Applications" tab, click "new task" in the pop-up "to create a new task" dialog box, enter what you want to open software path and name. You can also running software, select "File → Open" in the "Open" dialog box, click the "File Type" drop-down list, select "All Files" and then browse to where you want to open the software, right hit it on the shortcut menu, select "Open" command, you can start the software you need. Note that at this time not by clicking the "Open" button to open the software, this method is suitable for most software, Office Series, except. Through the end of the Explorer.exe process, can also reduce the system has been used about 4520KB of memory will speed up system speed, as the resource constraints of the user to free up valuable space. Tip: Restart the Explorer.exe process, some software in the taskbar system tray icon will be a small message, but the software is still in normal operation which. If you feel a little inconvenient, you can once again open the software to display a small icon.
12.folder.htt issues and other documents

folder.htt and other documents of the issue Q12.2: Recently my computer all the files in the folder are two files that appeared esktop.ini, folder.htt, how are not deleted. Some people say that is a virus, the entire system and formatted the other partition just fine. However, the usefulness of all the things I can not be formatted, how do I ask? A: Your computer may be infected with the virus VBS.KJ script. The virus uses VBScript language on the Internet to spread via e-mail can also be infected through the document; infected machines are large consumption of system resources, slow down; use Windows System "Resource Manager" for parasites and infections. In each inspection to the folder desktop.ini and folder.htt generated files (hidden attribute). Also, the virus will modify the registry number of key. Difficult to manually remove the proposed use of antivirus software antivirus, so to avoid formatting your hard drive, protecting your data. Kingsoft Anti-Virus Emergency Response Center "New Happy Hour" Zhuanshagongju results were quite good, and free download, download link
ftp://www.iduba.net/download/othertools/scanvbskj.exeSize is only 56KB
13.found.000 folder problem
found.000 folder question Q: Sometimes my computer in the C drive or D drive root directory has a folder named found.000, there are a number of suffixes, called CHK files. In the c: \ windows under a lot of strange files beginning with fff, and size was 0 bytes. What are these files? Can I remove them? A: found.000 folder inside some of the CHK files are named suffix you use the "Disk Defragmenter" defragment the hard disk arising from the "recovery of lost clusters files." In the c: \ windows under a lot of the beginning of the file to fff is Mdm.exe (MachineDebugManager) generated in this process. Mdm.exe main task is for the application software debugging (Debug), in the troubleshooting process may produce some temporary files that the operating system shut down automatically when not clear, these documents and the strange beginning fff found.000 folder inside some of the CHK file name suffixes are not used LJ files, you can remove any adverse impact on system. But as long as the system has Mdm.exe there, then to a strange file on fff at the beginning of another possible. You can let the system by the following methods to stop running Mdm.exe to completely remove strange files beginning with fff: First press "Ctrl + Alt + Del" key combination, in the pop-up "Close Programs" window, select "Mdm", according to "End Task" button to stop Mdm.exe running in the background, then the Mdm.exe (in C: \ Windows \ System directory) renamed Mdm.bak. Run the msconfig program, start page, remove "MachineDebugManager" choice. This will allow Mdm.exe from the start, and then click "OK" button to end the msconfig program, and restart your computer. Also, if you use IE5.X, recommended to disable the script call (click on "Tools → Internet Options → Advanced → Disable script called"), thus avoid beginning with fff file a return of the strange.
  14.IE to maximize the display
Allow IE to maximize the show Q: I use the operating system is Windows2000, Internet for some time, suddenly found that IE can not maximize the display, the reinstall IE on it, can not resolve this problem, tell me how to do? A: In the "Run", type regedit to open Registry Editor, select the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ InternetExplorer \ Main \", in the right window, delete the "Window_Placement" button in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ InternetExplorer \ Desktop \ OldWork-Areas "on the right window, delete the" OldWorkAreaRects "button. Close the Registry Editor, restart the computer twice to maximize IE window (that is, "to maximize → reduction → maximize") again to restart IE on it.
15.Mfm1992 documentation

Mfm1992 documentation Q: My desktop, there was a window called Mfm1992 design icon, the path is C: \ Windows \ Desktop, take up 45,056 bytes, what files does it? A: "Mfm1992" is a Chinese input method "smart ABC" of the log file. Your computer appears "Mfm1992" file is because you use a "smart ABC" input method for Chinese entry way, which should be considered "smart ABC" input method of a Bug, the file can be deleted at any time without affecting system do not worry.
16.Regsvr32 description of usage and error messages

Regsvr32 usage and error messages explanation for those who are free to registered object linking and embedding (OLE) controls such as dynamic link library (DLL) files or ActiveX Controls (OCX) files that you can use the Regsvr32 tool (Regsvr32.exe) to be their registration and cancellation. Regsvr32.exe usage RegSvr32.exe has the following command line options: Regsvr32 [/ n] [/ i [: cmdline]] dllname / u-Unregisterserver
/ I-CallDllInstallpassingitanoptional [cmdline]; whenusedwith / ucallsdlluninstall / n-donotcallDllRegisterServer; thisoptionmustbeusedwith / i When you use Regsvr32.exe, it will try to add the component and call its DLLSelfRegister function. If this attempt is successful, Regsvr32.exe displays a dialog indicating success. If this attempt fails, Regsvr32.exe returns an error message, which may include a Win32 error code. To view a list of Win32 error codes, see the following MicrosoftWeb site:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/librar...n32_error_codes.aspFor example, to manually register Sample.ocxActiveX control, in the MS-DOS prompt, type the following command: c: \ regsvr32.exesample.ocxRegsvr32.exe error message RegSvr32 following list describes the error messages and possible causes. Unrecognizedflag: / invalid_flag typed an invalid combination of flags or switches (see the article in the "Regsvr32.exe Usage" section). NoDLLnamespecified. Is not included. Dll file name (see the article in the "Regsvr32.exe Usage" section). Dllnamewasloaded, buttheDllRegisterServerorDllUnregisterServerentrypointwasnotfound.Dllname not. Dll or. Ocx file. For example, type regsvr32wjview.exe will generate the error message. Dllnameisnotanexecutablefileandnoregistrationhelperisregisteredforthisfiletype.Dllname is not an executable file (. Exe,. Dll or. Ocx). For example, type regsvr32autoexec.bat will generate the error message. Dllnamewasloaded, buttheDllRegisterServerorDllUnregisterServerentrypointwasnotfound.Dllname may not export, or memory may be corrupted Dllname version. Please consider using Pview to detect the file and delete it. Dllnameisnotself-registerableoracorruptedversionisinmemory. For example, type regsvr32icwdial.dll will return the following error message, because Icwdial.dll file can not register themselves. If you suspect there is damage Dllname memory version, please try restarting your computer, or re-extract the original version of the file. If you are running WindowsNT, may need to use MicrosoftWindowsNTServer4.0 Resource Kit in the Kill or Pview tool. For additional information, click to view the following Microsoft Knowledge Base: 197155 How to Kill an Orphaned Process OleInitializefailed (orOleUninitializefailed). Regsvr32 must initialize the COM library before they can call COM library functions and required the withdrawal of the closure library initialization. If you initialize COM library initialization attempt failed or withdrawn, would have such an error message. For example, Ole32.dll file may be corrupted, or the wrong version. LoadLibrary ("Dllname") failed.GetlastErrorreturns0x00000485 in Winerror.h in, 0x00000485 = 1157 (ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND), said, "can not find the application required to run a library." For example, type regsvr32missing.dll, if Missing.dll file not found, it will return the error message. LoadLibrary ("Dllname") failed.GetLastErrorreturns0x00000002 in Winerror.h in, 0x00000002 = 2 (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND), said "the system can not find the file specified." In other words, the system can not find the DLL. For example, if the type regsvr32icwdial.dll, at a time when the lack of Tapi32.dll (dependency), will return the error message. LoadLibrary ("dskmaint.dll") failed.GetLastErrorreturns0x000001f in Winerror.h in, 0x000001f = 31 (ERROR_GEN_FAILURE), said, "attached to the system's device is not working." If you try to register Win16.dll file, this phenomenon occurs. For example, type regsvr32dskmaint.dll will return the error message. DllRegisterServer (orDllUnregisterServer) inDllnamefailed. Return code is: string Winerror.h in the search string. Regsvr32.exe and dependency RegSvr32.exe depends on the Kernel32.dll, User32.dll and Ole32.dll file (in WindowsNT, it is also dependent on the Msvcrt.dll and Advapi32.dll files). Regsvr32.exe will load you try to register or unregister the file and all its dependencies. Without the required documents or they have been damaged, the process may fail. You can use Depends.exe to determine if you try to register or unregister the file dependencies. In MicrosoftWindows98 Resource Kit and MicrosoftWindowsNT4.0 Resource Kit Support Tools are provided Depends.exe. 247024ToolsIncludedwiththeMicrosoftWindows98ResourceKit
  17.Regsvr32 use
Regsvr32 used to use activex know that, activex is not registered can not be identified and used by the system, the general installation process will automatically use the activex control to register it, but if you get a control to manually register how do? If you modify the registry would be too cumbersome, and in the system folder windows have a regsvr32.exe program that comes with windows is the registration and anti-registration tool activex. Its use as: "regsvr32 [/ s] [/ n] [/ i (: cmdline)] dllname". Dllname for the activex control which file name, it is recommended before installation copied to the system folder. Parameters have the following meaning: / u - Unregister the control / s - whether registration was successful or not, are not displayed boxes / c - Console output / i - bypass the control of the option to install (and register different ) / n - do not register the control, this option must be with the / i option is used together
  18.Regsvr32 command to repair the system failure
Regsvr32 command to repair the system failure Regsvr32 command is a Windows system utility that is used to register the control or uninstall the control system, use this command, the system can recover the lost function. Regsvr32 command to run the command line, the command format: Regsvr32Filename, Filename is the control file name, without the control parameter u is registered with parameter u is the unloaded control. l. restore image preview: WindowsXP image preview function, the corresponding control file for thurnbvw.dll. If the function is damaged, you can click "Start" one "run" in the "Open" box, input: "Regsvr32Thurnbvw.dll", click "OK" to execute the command, then it will get the prompt: "DllRegisterServerinThumbvw. dllsucceeded. ", indicating successful control register. Restart the computer, WindowsXP image preview feature will be restored. 2. To restore ZIP function: WindowsXP system provides ZIP function, although the function is not powerful, but do not require third-party software can open the ZIP file, and ZIP compressed file can be used as a folder, it is a relatively convenient and practical function. If the function is damaged, the implementation in the Run box "Regsvr32ZIPfldr.dll" command, then restart the computer can be restored. 3. To restore IE hyperlinks open a new window functions: In IE, there are two kinds of hyperlink, a jump in the current page link, another link in a new window that pops up on the first link can also hold down the Shift key in a new window. Many people have encountered can not open links in new window trouble thing, the problem is due to loss of control caused by registration information. Solution is: In the Run box to execute the three commands: "Regsvr32Actxprxy.dll", "Regsvr32Shdocvw.dll", "Regsvr32Oleaut32.dll". 1 After the success of the three control registration, restart the computer, IE will back to normal. 4. Restore FSO functions: There are a lot of people use their computers built forums, websites, forums, websites or dynamic procedures can be conducted online document management, administrators can manipulate the file through the page, but was often reflected in their forums, websites can not be Online management of files, this is because the server does not open or FSO function fails, the solution is: run box in the server implementation "Regsvr32Sorrun.dll", the final restart the server can open / restore function of FSO. 5. Recovery line upgrade function: the Windows "Start" menu at the top, there is a "WindowsUpdate" item, the system can be fast online update to play up. But sometimes they find online to upgrade to resolve this failure, as long as the Run box implementation of the "Regsvr32Wupdinfo.dll", reboot the computer can solve.
What is the procedure RUNDLL32.EXE What is Rundll32.exe? The name translates meaning, "the implementation of 32-bit DLL file." Its role is implementation of the DLL file in the internal function, so that the process which will only lead to Rundll32.exe, instead of a back door process DLL, so, we realized in the process of hiding. If you see the system has more than Rundll32.exe, do not panic, this proves that started with Rundll32.exe number of DLL files. Of course, the implementation of the DLL file Rundll32.exe what we can automatically load from the system where to find. Now, let me introduce Rundll32.exe this file, which means on top have said function command line way is to call the dynamic link library. There is also a Rundll.exe file system, he means "the implementation of 16-bit DLL file", click here to pay attention. Take a look at the use of function prototypes Rundll32.exe: VoidCALLBACKFunctionName (HWNDhwnd, HINSTANCEhinst, LPTSTRlpCmdLine, IntnCmdShow); the command line to use as: Rundll32.exeDLLname, Functionname [Arguments] DLLname for the need for the implementation of the DLL file name; Functionname for the front of the DLL files need to perform the specific extraction functions; [Arguments] to lead to the function of specific parameters. Brief Discussion of the role of Rundll32.exe (I'm newbie) common friend Windows9x necessarily Rundll32.exe and Rundll.exe two files it will not be unfamiliar, but because the original functions of these two programs in the Microsoft internal use only so really know how to use them must have more than a friend. So good, if you do not know, then let me tell you. First of all, please make a small experiment (Please keep it for your advance is the result of the implementation of the program, or ...): Click the "Start - Programs-Ms-Dos mode", enter the Dos window, then type rundll32.exeuser.exe , restartwindows, and then press the Enter key, then you will see that the machine is restarted! How, is not it interesting? Of course, Rundll features more than just restart your machine. In fact, Rundll who, by definition, the implementation of Dll also, its function is to command line way to call a dynamic link library Windows, Rundll32.exe and Rundll.exe difference is that the former is called 32-bit link libraries, and The latter is used in 16-bit link libraries, and their command format is: RUNDLL.EXE,, here to note three points: 1.Dll file name can not contain spaces, such as the file is located in c: \ ProgramFiles \ directory, You should change this path c: \ Progra ~ 1 \; 2.Dll file name with a comma between Dll entry point not less, otherwise the program will error and will not give any information! 3. This is the most important point: Rundll not be used to call with return value parameter of Dll, such as Win32API the GetUserName (), GetTextFace () and so on. In VisualBasic, provide a command to execute external programs Shell, format is: Shell "command line" and if they can make good use of Shell Rundll32.exe command, make your own VB programs otherwise difficult or impossible to achieve results: still restart, for example, traditional methods need you in the VB project first to build a module, then write the WinAPI's statement, the last to call in the program. Now only one: Shell "rundll32.exeuser.exe, restartwindows" or you have! Is it more convenient? In fact, Rundll32.exe in Windows Control Panel and call a variety of system options has a unique advantage. Now, I will collect my Internet related Rundll instructions listed below (very useful and can save you a lot of calls WindowsAPI time!!), For your reference in programming: command line: rundll32.exeshell32. dll, Control_RunDLL features: Display control panel command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLaccess.cpl,, 1 functions: Display "Control Panel - Accessibility - Keyboard" option window command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLaccess. cpl,, 2 functions: Display "Control Panel - Accessibility - Sound" option window command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLaccess.cpl,, 3 function: show "Control Panel - Accessibility - display" option Windows command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLaccess.cpl,, 4 function: Display "Control Panel - Accessibility - mouse" option window command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLaccess.cpl,, 5 functions: Display "Control Panel - Accessibility - traditional" Windows command line option: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLsysdm.cpl @ 1 function: implementation of the "Control Panel - Add New Hardware" Wizard. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLLAddPrinter function: implementation of the "Control Panel - Add new printer" wizard. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLappwiz.cpl,, 1 functions: Display "Control Panel - Add / Remove programs - Install / Uninstall" panel. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLappwiz.cpl,, 2 functions: Display "Control Panel - Add / Remove programs - install Windows" panel. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLappwiz.cpl,, 3 function: show "Control Panel - Add / Remove Programs - Startup Disk" panel. Command line: rundll32.exesyncui.dll, Briefcase_Create function: on the desktop to create a new "My Briefcase." Command line: rundll32.exediskcopy.dll, DiskCopyRunDll functions: Copy floppy disk window shows the command line: rundll32.exeapwiz.cpl, NewLinkHere% 1 features: Display "Create Shortcut" dialog box, shortcut created by the location of the% 1 parameters. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLtimedate.cpl,, 0 Features: Display "Date and time" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLtimedate.cpl,, 1 function: display "time zone" option window. Command line: rundll32.exernaui.dll, RnaDial [a dial-up connection the name of the] functions: Display a dial-up dial-up connection window. If you have dial-up connection, it shows the current connection status window. Command line: rundll32.exernaui.dll, RnaWizard function: Display "New dial-up connection" wizard window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLdesk.cpl,, 0 functions: "Display Properties - Background" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLdesk.cpl,, 1 functions: "Display Properties - firefly screen protection" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLdesk.cpl,, 2 functions: "Display Properties - Appearance" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLdesk.cpl,, 3 function: show a "Display Properties - Properties" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLLFontsFolder Features: Display Windows "Fonts" folder. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 3 functions: the same is to show Windows "Fonts" folder. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, SHformatDrive function: display the dialog box to format a floppy disk. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLjoy.cpl,, 0 Features: Display "control panel - game controllers - General" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLjoy.cpl,, 1 functions: display "control panel - game controllers - Advanced" option window. Command line: rundll32.exemshtml.dll, PrintHTML (HTML document) function: print HTML document. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmlcfg32.cpl function: display MicrosoftExchange General Options window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 0 features: Display "Control Panel - Mouse" option. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 1 features: Display "Control Panel - Keyboard Properties - speed" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 1,, 1 functions: Display "Control Panel - Keyboard Properties - Language" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 2 functions: Display Windows "Printers" folder. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 3 features: Display Windows "Fonts" folder. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 4 features: Display "Control Panel - Input Method Properties - Input Method" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmodem.cpl,, add functions: the "add new modem" wizard. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmmsys.cpl,, 0 Features: Display "Control Panel - Multimedia Properties - Audio" property page. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmmsys.cpl,, 1 functions: Display "Control Panel - Multimedia Properties - Video" property page. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmmsys.cpl,, 2 functions: display "control panel - multimedia property-MIDI" property page. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmmsys.cpl,, 3 functions: display "control panel - multimedia property-CD Music" property page. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmmsys.cpl,, 4 function: display "control panel - multimedia property - equipment" property page. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmmsys.cpl @ 1 features: Display "Control Panel - Sound" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLnetcpl.cpl Features: Display "Control Panel - Network" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLodb non-party 32.cpl function: display ODBC32 data management options window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, OpenAs_RunDLL (drive: \ path \ filename) function: display the specified file (drive: \ path \ filename) in the "Open With" dialog box. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLpassword.cpl Features: Display "Control Panel - Password" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLpowercfg.cpl Features: Display "Control Panel - Power Management Properties" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLLPrintersFolder features: Display Windows "Printers" folder. (With rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLmain.cpl @ 2) command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLintl.cpl,, 0 Features: Display "Control Panel - Regional Settings Properties - Regional Settings" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLintl.cpl,, 1 functions: Display "Control Panel - Regional Settings Properties - number" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLintl.cpl,, 2 functions: Display "Control Panel - Regional Settings Properties - money" options window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLintl.cpl,, 3 function: show "Control Panel - Regional Settings Properties - Time" option window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLintl.cpl,, 4 function: Display "Control Panel - Regional Settings Properties - date" option window. Command line: rundll32.exedesk.cpl, InstallScreenSaver [firefly screen to protect the file name] function: to protect the file specified on-screen set the Windows screensaver, and display properties window firefly screen protection. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLsysdm.cpl,, 0 Features: Display "Control Panel - System Properties - the traditional" property window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLsysdm.cpl,, 1 functions: Display "Control Panel - System Properties - Device Manager" Properties window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLsysdm.cpl,, 2 functions: Display "Control Panel - System Properties - Hardware Configuration files" property window. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLsysdm.cpl,, 3 function: show "Control Panel - System Properties - Performance of" property window. Command line: rundll32.exeuser.exe, restartwindows function: forced to close all programs and restart the machine. Command line: rundll32.exeuser.exe, exitwindows function: forced to close all programs and shut down. Command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLtelephon.cpl function: display "Dialing Properties" option to Windows command line: rundll32.exeshell32.dll, Control_RunDLLthemes.cpl function: display "desktop theme" option panel, of course, not just VisualBasic, as Delphi.VisualC + + and other programming languages can also call the method to use an external command Rundll of these features, not the specific method described in detail here. Flexible use of Rundll, must make your programming easy to achieve a multiplier effect!
  20.SFC use
SFC to use SFC (SystemFilesChecker, System File Checker). Log WindowsXP, the WindowsXP installation CD into the drive, in the "Command Prompt" window, type "SFC / SCANNOW" Enter command, "System File Checker" Start automatically scan the system files, and does not require any of your intervention. But need to remind everyone that, despite the Windows2000/XP under the "SFC" than under Windows98 "SFC" much smarter, but to run it properly, have to pay attention to the following two questions: 1. In the run "SFC" before must be WindowsXP installation CD into the drive, or in the scanning process will prompt you to insert the installation CD. Even if you insert the installation CD-ROM, the system will still have an error message. 2. Windows2000/XP use "System File Checker", you must add the correct parameters to run properly. We can in the "Command Prompt" window, type "SFC" command to see these parameters. 3. As Windows2000/XP under the "SFC" command is fully automated, we can not directly know what system file repair. However, we can indirectly through the following methods of repair system files: The order to open "Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Event Viewer → System", according to the time prompt, select from the list and run "SFC" when the incident, right-click the event and you can view its properties.
Elaboration on the Course 21.Windows2000/XP start
Elaboration on the Course Windows2000/XP Windows2000/XP start is a good operating system, it is powerful, safe and stable, popular among computer users. However, in using the process, we obviously feel it start to extend much longer than Windows98, Windows98 more than the test of human patience. Well, people no longer tolerate this but can not bear to time, the system what has been done which, do not worry, content I slowly Road to on, we take a look at it exactly why this turtle-speed. INTEL-based computers, Windows2000/XP the boot process can be divided into five steps: pre-start, start, loading the kernel, initialize the kernel and user login. Expand the following description are: 1. Pre-start the computer power to self-test first by the BIOS (basic input output system that is) completed the basic hardware configuration, and then read the hard disk MBR (master boot record) to check the hard disk partition table to determine the boot partition and the operating system boot partition boot sector into memory in the Executive, here is the implementation of NTLDR (the operating system loader) file. * Windows2000/XP support for multiple boot. It will first install the other operating systems already exist for the BOOTSECT.DOS boot sector save file (located in the root directory of the active partition), and modify the system boot sector, so that the system starts to load NTLDR file, so as to achieve multiple Start purposes. The Windows98 not have this feature, so if you first install and then install Windows98 will be good Windows2000/XP destroyed Windows2000/XP the boot record, leading 2000/XP can not be started. 2. Start 1. First of all, to the beginning of, NTLDR will processor from real mode to 32-bit protected mode. 2. Read the BOOT.INI file. The file is located in the root directory of the active partition, its role is to make the system boot process in the selection menu appears, select the desired by the user starts the operating system. If you choose to start Windows2000/XP, NTLDR will continue to guide the following process; If you choose a non-Windows2000/XP system, NTLDR will read the system boot into the boot sector copy of the BOTSECT.DOS corresponding system. * One [BOOTLOADER] that the operating system loader, specify system options menu by default wait time and the default boot operating system. Can be manually modified or amended in the control panel, to be sure, the proposed changes in the control panel. And select Control Panel -> System -> Advanced ->
Startup and Recovery, you can change the relevant settings. (In WindowsXP in there is another method, which run msconfig (System Configuration Utility). [OPERATINGSYSTEMS] section specifies the operating system list, enclosed by double quotation marks is a list of some of the content shown, can be freely modified, so that more personal. * of the form MULTI (0) DISK (0) RDISK (0) PARTITION (1) format, known as the ARC path statement, it's the format: MULTI () - specify the disk controller (if the SCSI controller, then here should be replaced SCSI ()); DISK () - specify the SCSI device number (for MULTI where value is always 0); RDISK () - specify the IDE device ID (for SCSI, here is ignored); PARTITION () - specify the partition number. In addition to the partition number starting from 1, the remaining numbers are from 0. Parameters / FASTDETECT disables serial mouse detection is the system default. There are a few common parameters: MAXMEM - Specify Windows2000/XP available memory; BASEVIDEO - using the standard VGA display driver; NOGUIBOOT - startup screen does not display graphics; SOS - load the device driver to display its name. * operating system selection menu The Chinese characters in the active partition from the root directory BOOTFONT.BIN document. 3. NTDETECT.COM file system load. by it to test the machine hardware, such as parallel ports, display adapters, etc., and collected Hardware list back to NTLDR for later registration in the registry save. 4. If Windows2000/XP have multiple hardware profiles, select menu will appear, wait for the user to determine the hardware configuration file to use, otherwise skip this step , enable the default configuration. * hardware configuration file is stored computer-specific hardware configuration of the system files. you can create different hardware profiles to meet the application of computers in different occasions. can in turn choose Control Panel -> System ->
Hardware -> Hardware configuration file to change. 3. Loading the kernel boot process starts loading the kernel Windows2000/XP NTOSKRNL.EXE. This file is located under the installation folder Windows2000/XP SYSTEM32 folder. Subsequently, the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) is loaded the boot process to complete this step. * Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL): hide the details of a specific platform hardware interface for the operating system provides a virtual hardware platform, it has the hardware independence, can be transplanted in a variety of platforms. 4. Initialized kernel kernel to initialize, NTLDR will control transmit Windows2000/XP kernel, which began to load and initialize the device driver, and start the WIN32 subsystem and WINDOWS2000/XP services. 5. User Login login process began. By the WIN32 subsystem start WINLOGON.EXE, by its start LOCALSECURITYAUTHORITY (LSASS.EXE) displays the login dialog box. User login, WINDOWS2000/XP will continue to configure the network equipment and user environment. Finally, along with Microsoft's familiar voice and personalized desktops, WINDOWS2000/XP finally completed the long startup process. Oh, is not asleep, wake up, the system starts successfully, you now out of town!
  22.Win2000 Setting Skills
Win2000 skill set involved in a number of settings to the registry, be careful and pay attention to the backup! Subjects Windows2000Professional. Memory performance optimization: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ MemoryManagement set ClearPageFileAtShutdown = 1. If memory ≥ 128M, for the following optimization: DisablePagingExecutive key set to 1: Run the file system is forced to remain in memory rather than moved to virtual memory. LargeSystemCache key set to 1: Windows2000 use the system cache (with Windows9x in Vcache), the disk input / output performance has a huge increase. System Performance Optimization: 1.CPU 2 Cache L2: CPU secondary cache, is an integral part of the CPU. However, Windows2000 does not detect the secondary cache to take manually. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ MemoryManagement \ SecondLevelDataCache, the value (in KB) for the adjustment of the CPU used in the actual size of the secondary cache. Note: You can use hex or decimal, fill in the size of the decimal value should be selected. 2. Windows2000 modify the default disk cache I / O page file more conservative. For different memory, different disk cache is a better approach. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ MemoryManagement \ IoPageLockLimit, in accordance with the memory modify their hexadecimal values: 64M → 1000; 128M → 4000; 256M → 10000; 512M or more → 40000. 3.IRQ computer interrupt request Each of the major components are located IRQ interrupt number. Request by modifying the priority of each IRQ optimal. Optimization object here is the system / CMOS real-time clock, through the board to improve performance. 1) identified the need to achieve higher performance components. 2) find the component being used IRQ interrupt number. The System Properties → Hardware → Device Manager → Right-click → Properties → resources component of unknown origin, you can see equipment being used IRQ interrupt numbers. Record interrupt number. 3) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ PriorityControl in the new double-byte DWORD value IRQ # Priority (# is the specific interrupt number), the value set to 1.4) to restart. Optimization system proposed CMOS Real Time Clock (IRQ8), to improve the performance of an entire motherboard. To undo optimization settings, simply delete the registry key value set. 4. Not load DLL file browser after use, there is often part of the DLL files reside in memory for some time, some memory will be useless DLL files occupy. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer New character values: AlwaysUnloadDLL, is set to 1. To remove this optimization, the key is set to 0 (or delete key). Note: The optimization of the effect after Windows restarts. 5. Remove the extra DLL files Windows2000 of the System and System32 directory with a large number of dll files are system or application software to share. Uninstalling the software will often install additional dllLJ files take up hard drive space, lower operating speed. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ SharedDLLs in the software stored path information shared dll, dll file for each key value that it has been shared by several applications. If the value is 0, then the explanation is not shared by any software, you can delete, and then delete the corresponding dll file. 6. Streamline the registry (caution!) To streamline the registry is to rebuild the registry: 1) Windows2000 use Regedit to export the registry under (Note: make sure to export all the registry instead of a branch), be saved as c : \ x.reg. 2) The DOS7.0 restart, loading procedures Smartdrv.exe disk cache to speed up processing. 3) run the DOS version of the REGEDIT: C: \ Windows \ regedit / cx.reg (parameter / C that the specified file from the back to re-generate the entire registry), reconstruction of the registry files than decreased about 25-30%, reaching streamlining purposes. 7. Wait time optimization HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control in: WaitToKillServiceTimeout Set: 1000 or less. HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Desktop and HKEY_USERS \ ControlPanel \ Desktop in: (1) WaitToKillAppTimeout to 1000, which shut down a program only to wait for 1 second; (2) HungAppTimeout value to: 200, error, wait for 0.5 seconds when; 3) AutoEndTasks value to 1, that automatically shut down to stop the corresponding program. 8. Windows2000 allows users to quickly locate the mouse on the mouse to set the sampling rate, so the mouse can be more precise movement and positioning. Mouse sample rate set to 100Hz, the input buffer length is set to 300Hz. If the system becomes unstable in the settings, change the sampling rate can be set to 80Hz or below. 9. Windows2000 quickly display the default menu display the menu is "fade" effect, this effect, the revised menu display speed is not obvious. The "animated menus and tooltips" effect "to" rolling effect ". HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Desktop in the MenuShowDelay item, this one has the range is 0 to 100000 (in milliseconds), to change the default value 0, or 400.10. Remove the extra keyboard layouts, input methods, and regional settings HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ KeyboardLayouts in the corresponding "control panel" in the "Keyboard layout / IME", can directly remove the unused language, keyboard layout and input another way of putting unused items; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Nls \ Locale in the "Regional Settings" to preserve the value of the key value is not empty, delete all others. 11. delete the system without HELP fonts and Documents (caution!) to \ WINNT \ Fonts entire catalog packed compressed into a file. Remove all unused fonts, retaining only Arial, Marlett, MicosoftScansSerifRegular, MingLiU & PmingLiU, Modern, MSOutlook, MSSerif8, 10,12, Script, SimSun & NsimSun, Tahoma, TimesNewRoman, Times New Roman, Font, Times New Roman, bold font several. need to extract the corresponding other fonts fonts to Fonts directory. 12. in the "run" add "in the run in separate memory space "Options HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer, the new DWORD type MemCheckBoxInRunDlg, is set to 1. Note: By default, all 16-bit programs in a single shared VDM (virtual DOS machine) process as a thread runs. this case, these programs share allocation Ji VDM process memory space, so Bu Neng while running. Suozuoshezhi Jiu Shi 允许 users a dedicated (not shared) VDM process to run 16-bit programs. Fu Xuan box only user input is enabled when 16-bit programs. Start optimization: 1. abolish the system detects the serial port open the Boot.ini file, the following modifications: [operatingsystems] multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (2 ) \ WINDOWS = "MicrosoftWindows2000Professional" / fastdetect / NoSerialMice start line of the serial port does not detect, reduce startup time. 2. Quick Start multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (2) \ WINNT = "MicrosoftWindows2000Professional" / fastdetect read: multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (2) \ WINNT = "MicrosoftWindows2000Professional" / nodetectHKey_Local_Machine \ System \ ControlSet001 \ Control in, SystemStartOptions key to nodetect3. disable unused services running → Services. msc → Windows2000 detailed list of services. Windows2000 service settings 4. to speed up boot and reduce the recovery time is reduced Windows2000 operating system to display a list of startup time. If not, the network system administrator, you can remove "will write the system event log" and "send administrative alerts" two options, and "Write Debugging Information" set to "None." 5. delete unwanted components (1) remove the file folder options hidden, read-only, etc. property; (2) \ WINNT \ inf folder, use Notepad to open sysoc.ini file, replace ", hide" is empty, save the exit. Control Panel → Add / Remove Programs → Add / Remove Windows Components, under the need to modify the . 6. shielding CD playback starts automatically, open the CD auto-play feature will delay the startup speed. Run → gpedit.msc → Administrative Templates, settings are automatically play CD. 7. quick login computer system network ID → System Properties → Network Identification → under the "Network Identification Wizard" operation. settings NOTE: Select "This computer is for home, not commercial part of the network" and "Windows always assumes the following user has logged on to this machine". HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ WinNT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon in, (1) AutoAdminLogon value to "1" (2) DefaultDomainName value to the log of the domain name to the computer or the machine name (3) DefaultUserName value to automatically log the user name (4) DefaultPassword value to the password . (Note: these are string values.) If you want to automatically log on or cancellation of the need for other username, hold down the Shift key at startup. 8. accelerate the Explorer startup speed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ RemoteComputer \ NameSpace in: Delete (D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF) (scheduled tasks) 9.Windows2000 boot disk production: (1) Windows2000 boot disk: d: \ bootdisk \ makeboota: (2) Windows2000 boot disk: ntldr, ntdlect.com, boot.ini, IO.sys (3) Windows2000 Emergency Repair Disk (ERD): ntbackup.exe
  23.Windows2000 method using pure DOS
In Windows2000 the method using pure DOS has a very clever way for Windows2000 installation can enter the pure DOS: use before installing Windows2000 Windows98 boot disk, and by SYSC: command to the C drive transmission system, and then by routine methods install Windows2000, immediately after successful installation start menu in the default menu will be more MicrosoftWindows2000 a MicrosoftWindows project, select this option starts Windows, but because we did not install Windows98, it will appear that we need The DOS window, and is absolutely authentic real mode.
  EXE file under 24.windows revealed inside story
EXE file under windows revealed inside story of when we installed Windows after the file in the end of which is the implementation of what the task? Which tasks for a particular document to be enforced? Also, from the "Start" - "Programs" - then click on "I want to perform the task", this copy number really a bit cumbersome. If that task is often performed which file located? Put it on the desktop to create a shortcut, would it not save time and effort and convenient! This requires the executable file on Windows, plainly. (Note: If the executable file is not described in the following Windows installation directory, probably because you do not, can the "Control Panel" - "Add / Remove Programs" - "Windows Setup", selected to be installed components. This assumption Windows98 installed in "C: \ windows" under. C: \ Windows executable files under the auxiliary status indicators accstat.exewindows arp.exetcp / ip address translation protocol command calc.exe Calculator application cdplayer. execd player accessories cleanmgr.exe Disk Cleanup program clipbrd.exe clipboard view application command.comms-dos mode control.exe Control Panel application cvt1.exefat32 converter defrag.exe Disk Defragmenter Disk space management applications drvspace.exe Phone Dialer application dialer.exe directcc.exe direct cable connection explorer.exe Explorer extrac32.exewindowscab file decompression application fontview.exe font viewer filexfer.exemicrosoft finger.exe for file transfer applications received from Standard finger service running on any system, user information freecell.exe FreeCell game grpconv.exe Program Group Converter hostname.exe return to tcp / ip dns configuration window title of the first window, the computer name defined in the system ipconfig.exe Tour tcp / ip configuration application kodakprv.exe image preview application mplayer.exe media player mshearts.exe Hearts game nbtstat.exe show tcp / ip on the netbios (netbt) state net.exe a very wide network configuration, display network information order, a detailed help netstat.exe used to check all tcp, ip, and udp connections statistical situation netdde.exewindows network dde (Dynamic Data Exchange) netwatch.exe Network Monitor notepad.exe Notepad application packager.exe object packaging application pbrush.exe Paintbrush application ping.exe detect network and determine whether there is a remote host network is a normal test tool progman.exewindows3.x the Program Manager qfecheck.exe updating information tools registry editor regedit.exe route.exe device used to manage local tcp / ip routing table shows the application rsrcmtk.exe Resources rundll32.exe dll as an application will run scandskw.exe disk scanning applications smartdrv.exesmartdrive (dos disk buffer) application sigverif . exemicrosoft signature application sndrec32.exe recorder volume control sol.exe Annex sndvol32.exe card games sysmon.exe System Monitor taskman.exe task execution task bar application taskmon.exe monitor application telnet.exe virtual terminal program tftp. exe small file transfer protocol, allows to deliver files to tftp server tracert.exe determine the user's system and target systems to adjust the path tuneup.exewindows Version Conflict Manager Wizard vcmui.exe wangimg.exe image applications welcome.exe Welcome widows utility winfile.exewindows3.x in the File Manager winhelp.exe16 bit windows help program winhlp32.exe32 bit windows to help install initialization procedure wininit.exewindows application winipcfg.exetcp / ip configuration utility winmine.exe mine Games winpopup.exewindows utility pop-up message display windows version write.exe winver.exe tablet ordered Annex winrep.exewindows reporting tools winalign.exe application wupdmgr.exewindows local file update tool
  25.Windows common command set
Windows Common Command Set
winver --------- check the windows version
wmimgmt.msc---- open the windows management architecture (wmi)
wupdmgr -------- windows update
w -------- windows scripting host script
write ---------- tablet
winmsd --------- System Information
wiaacmgr ------- Scanner and Camera Wizard
winchat -------- xp own LAN chat
mem.exe-------- Display memory usage
msconfig ----------- Start
msconfig.exe-- System Configuration Utility
mplayer2 ------- Summary
mspaint -------- drawing board
mstsc ---------- Remote Desktop Connection
mplayer2 ------- media player
magnify -------- Magnifier utility
mmc ------------ Open the Control Panel
mobsync -------- synchronization command
dxdiag --------- check directx information
drwtsn32 ------ System of a doctor
devmgmt.msc-- Device Manager
dfrg.msc------- Disk Defragmenter
diskmgmt.msc-- the Disk Management utility
dcomcnfg ------- Open the System Component Services
ddeshare ------- set to open dde share
dvdplay -------- dvd player
nslookup ------- ip address detector
netstopmessenger ----- Stop Messenger Service
netstartmessenger ---- Start messenger service
Open Notepad notepad --------
nslookup ------- network management tools to guide
ntbackup ------- system backup and restore
narrator ------- screen "about people"
ntmsmgr.msc---- Removable Storage Manager
ntmsoprq.msc-- Removable Storage Manager operation requests
netstat-an ---- (tc) command checks Interface
syncapp -------- create a briefcase
sysedit -------- System Configuration Editor
sigverif ------- File Signature Verification procedures
sndrec32 ------- recorder
shrpubw -------- create shared folders
secpol.msc----- Local Security Policy
syskey --------- system encryption, encryption can not be solved soon, the dual password protection windowsxp system
services.msc-- local service settings
sndvol32 ------- Volume Control program
sfc.exe-------- System File Checker
sfc / scannow --- windows file protection (scanning error and recovery)
tsshutdn ------- 60 seconds step shutdown command
About tourstart ------ xp (installed xp after the roaming procedure)
taskmgr -------- Task Manager (2000/xp/2003)
eventvwr ------- Event Viewer
eudcedit ------- Characters and procedures
explorer ------- Open the Explorer
Object Packager packager -------
perfmon.msc---- computer performance monitoring procedures
progman -------- Program Manager
regedit.exe---- Registry
rsop.msc------- Group Policy Resultant Set of
regedt32 ------- Registry Editor
rononce-p ---- 15 秒 off
regsvr32 / u *. dll ---- stop running dll files
regsvr32/uzipfldr.dll------ cancel zip support
cmd.exe-------- cmd command prompt
chkdsk.exe----- chkdsk disk check
certmgr.msc---- Certificate Management Utility
calc ----------- Start Calculator
Start Character Map charmap --------
cliconfg ------- sqlserver client network utility
clipbrd -------- Clipboard Viewer
conf ----------- start netmeeting
compmgmt.msc-- Computer Management
cleanmgr ------- LJ order
ciadv.msc------ indexing service program
Open Screen Keyboard osk ------------
odbcad32 ------- odbc Data Source Manager
oobe/msoobe/a---- check whether the activation xp
lusrmgr.msc---- Local Users and Groups
logoff --------- cancellation of orders
iexpress ------- Trojans bundled tools, the system comes
fsmgmt.msc----- Shared Folder Manager
utilman -------- Utility Manager
gpedit.msc----- Group Policy
26. Cleverly installed a variety of Windows operating system
Install a variety of Windows operating system cleverly acquired for the new computer, the completion of the hard drive partition, format manipulation, on the need for Windows 系统 the installation. Here to tell us about the various versions of Windows installation method. Install a new installation of Windows98 Windows98 system, you can use Windows98 computer system boot disk, then Windows98 installation CD into the drive, the DOS prompt, enter the host CD drive, and then enter the Windows98 installation directory, run the Setup command to start the installation Windows98. When you start the installation, the installation program will automatically call the Scandisk program on the computer system to detect and test to install the program after entering Windows98. When you receive the "Software License Agreement" dialog box, click to select "accept the agreement" option and click "Next" button, then will ask you to enter the "product key" that is, we often Windows98 installation serial number, after clicking the "Next" button to install. Windows98 Setup to enter the "information collection computer" interface, and the system checks to ensure there is sufficient disk space to install Windows98. Upon completion, you can follow the prompts, click "Next" button, choose "Typical installation" mode, enter the user name and unit name, enter the user area selection window, select the region is to determine the operating system, the main time and date, can select "China", and then click "Next" button. During the installation, the installer will ask whether the user create a boot disk, if you do not own Windows98 boot disk, then recommended to choose "OK" button to create, or click "Cancel" button. In the next process, for whom we do not have to worry about, the installation program will copy data to the hard drive and complete the final installation process. After the end of file, be prompted to restart the computer, reboot, you can install the program directly to Windows98, and Sheng Yu left the installation time, after patiently waiting, you will find, Windows98 has been installed on your system. Tip: We tend to install Windows98, it is usually under the command line, enter the Setup command to install, then run Scandisk, Scan disk, make a boot disk, install the release notes and other course, if the plan to install Windows faster, you can When using the Setup command, using some parameters, so as to achieve rapid installation of Windows98 purposes. Setup parameters include the following parameters: / t: tmp: temporary files directory specified storage / id: Skip disk space check / ie: do not make a boot disk / ih: do not check the registry / im: skip memory check / is: do not perform disk scan / iv: installed version does not appear that we would like to quickly install Windows98, you can enter the command: setup / id / ie / ih / im / is / iv, so the installer will copy the files directly into the process, thus saving a lot of installation time. Installation WindowsMeWindowsMe upgrade installation can be divided into two types of installation and full installation, WindowsMe from Windows95, Windows98 and Windows98SE directly on the upgrade installation, but not in the upgrade from Windows3.x. WindowsMe provides three installation methods, one using the startup disk to start the computer, and enter the Setup program installation directory implementation, be noted that, in the implementation of the installation process, you need to first run and loaded the disk cache programs Smartdrv.exe. The second method is to use WindowsMe CD starts automatically install the program. The third way is, in the current run WindowsMe operating system setup, such as in the Windows98 system, run the installer directly. Either installation, its operation are basically the same, and in front of a similar description of the Windows98 installation. If your computer is clocked lower than 150MHz, it will appear "on the computer can not install Windows, because the processors below 150MHz, click 'OK' to exit the installation program" prompt, then do not worry, you can enter the command: setup / nm to begin installation. In addition, WindowsMe setup, there are some parameters (with Windows98). Installation of Windows2000 and WindowsXPWindows2000 system installation can be directly under DOS and Windows9x system installed in the CD-ROM drive installed into the after-hours Windows2000, Windows2000 installation procedure will run automatically. Select a new installation, enter the product serial number will be required, then you can begin copying the installation files and restart the computer. After restarting the interface, press the Enter key, you can start the installation Windows2000, and enter the installation directory selection window, and choose to install the drive letter. In the next window, will be asked to select the file system format to play Windows2000 order to allow efficient system performance, the proposed select "partition into NTFS", press Enter key to complete the wizard prompts to complete the Windows2000 system installed. WindowsXP installation consists of three, namely, upgrade installation, two systems coexist to install and clean install. Its installation method and installation method similar Windwos2000 here do not briefed. If you are in DOS mode to install Windows2000/XP system, first of all need to run Smartdrv.exe command, in order to install the program can be installed quickly, otherwise the waiting time will be very long. First, we use the computer into DOS mode Windows98 boot disk, then do Smartdrv.exe (if there are no floppy disk in the file, you can from the Windows98 installation directory of the Command to get directory) can be loaded. Then run the installation CD Windows2000/XP i386 directory Winnt.exe file, remember: this is not the implementation of the Setup.exe, but Winnt.exe. After the operation relatively simple. Install multiple operating systems on your computer to install Windows98 and Windows2000 systems, you can first install the Windows98, Windows98 system and then run the Windows2000 installation procedure, so that you can start the computer interface, multi-boot menu appears, move up and down cursor keys and press Enter after you can choose to enter the corresponding system has. If you intend to WindowsMe and Windows2000 systems coexist, the simplest method is to install WindowsMe, then Windows98 boot disk or boot from the CD, install Windows2000, installation, choose "clean install" method. If you intend to Windows98, Windows2000 and WindowsXP coexistence, you can first install the Windows98, Windows98 and then install the Windows2000 system, and finally installed in Windows2000 WindowsXP system, the installation is complete you can form a multi-boot menu.
27.WindowsXP on file encryption

On file in WindowsXP WindowsXP indeed encrypt the files directly on the (folder) for encryption, but it requires a premise: to encrypt the file (folder) where the hard disk partition is NFTS format. If your partition is not NFTS format, converted to operate, then the following methods of encryption. Select the required encrypted file (folder), right-click the mouse button, the next pop-up shortcut menu, choose "Properties" option in "General" tab, click "Advanced" button to open the "Advanced Properties" dialog box, select one of the "Encrypt contents to secure data" option, you can determine the exit. Particular need to be reminded of is: If the above method to the file (folder) for the encryption, after re-install the system before, it is best to decrypt it (decryption and encryption methods similar) operation, or reinstall the system, may cause file ( folder) will not work.
  28.WindowsXP run DOS programs
DOS programs run in WindowsXP Q: Recently I upgrade to WindowsXP, but some of my old layout software needs to run under DOS, and WindowsXP, there is little pure DOS, and ask how to run DOS programs should do? A: You can use start command to run. In WindowsXP the command prompt, type: start / seperate to run the program, you can run DOS programs accordingly. Separate the role of the parameter in a separate memory space launch 16-bit program, which is shared with the parameters in the shared memory space launch 16-bit program. When the DOS program running we can also press "Alt + Enter" key in full screen and switch between windows.
  29. To solve the system sounds are not normal
Solve the system sounds abnormal Q: Why is my computer playing online games such as (Fengkuangtanke, Xuanyuanjian) will not sound the middle and sometimes the sound they will come back, sometimes never, never quit the game or computer voice, but then after restart the sound be. My computer is installed Windows98, EPOX 845PE motherboard, integrated AC'97 sound card. A: Please install the latest version of the sound card driver and DirectX. As the integrated sound card is to use the CPU to process sound, when the CPU running high load, it may not be able to respond, resulting in no sound.
  30. To solve the problem display Huaping
Huaping problem solving monitor the phenomenon: the 1st World War is CS, the colorful display suddenly appeared "Huaping", and the sustained period of time the keyboard is locked, only a Reset. This phenomenon first appears, on the frequent, sometimes directly crashes altogether. Address: "Huaping" phenomenon is manifested by display, but usually not the culprit leading to Huaping display. There are two main reasons: 1. Graphics loose, off unplug the card after the reinsertion usually solve the problem. 2. The system overheating, including CPU temperature is too high and the graphics chip overheating. The corresponding position in the chassis to install cooling fans, or on a well-ventilated place chassis.
31.XP remove boot login screen

(XP login screen to remove the boot!) Before entering the WindowsXP desktop, each with a brain will see a login screen, requires us to enter a user name and password, you can increase the security of the system, but also for people to share one computer provides a convenient, but if it is a home computer, only you use, so that each time the password, it is certainly not a bit less convenient. We can be achieved by modifying the registry XP automatic login. Step 1: Run "regedit", to open the "Registry Administrator"; run the Registry Editor, expand [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon] branch, and then in the right window, double-click the "DefaultUserName" , then enter your username. If no default user name, can the Registry Editor menu bar click "Edit → New → String Value (s) → DefaultUserName" to add the item, pay attention to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. Step 2: Also in the branch, the right side of the Registry Editor window, double-click the "DefaultPassword", if not found "DefaultPassword" one, according to the above steps to create a new string value. Step 3: Then in the right window, double-click "AutoAdminLogon", the value is set to "1." If not found "AutoAdminLogon", according to the steps above to create a new. Now close the Registry Editor and restart your computer, you will find that annoying after the login dialog box disappeared.
  32.WinXP meaning boot menu
WinXP boot menu, press F8 at startup meaning key or when the computer does not start, they will enter the startup of the Advanced Options menu WindowsXP, where you can select the start and outside addition to the normal pattern of 8 different start WindowsXP. (1) Safe Mode: Safe Mode boot WindowsXP selected, the system uses only the most basic files and drivers start. Failure to enter Safe Mode is an important step in diagnosis. Safe Mode starts if the problem can not be determined, or do not start in Safe Mode, then you may need to use the Emergency Repair Disk ERD functional repair system has. (2) network security mode: Safe mode and is similar, but adds support for network connections. WindowsXP in the LAN environment to solve the startup failure, this option is very useful. (3) command prompt safe mode: safe mode also and is similar to using only basic files and drivers start WindowsXP. But the login screen appears at the command prompt, rather than the Windows Desktop. (4) Enable Boot Logging: Start WindowsXP, the system also will be loaded all the drivers and the service record to the file. File named ntbtlog.txt, located Windir directory. The log on system startup to determine the exact causes of the problem is useful. (5) Enable VGA mode: use the basic VGA driver start WindowsXP. When installed, WindowsXP does not start to make a new graphics driver, or due to improper refresh rate set to failure, this model is useful. When the start WindowsXP in safe mode, only use the most basic graphics drivers. (6) Last Known Good Configuration: Select "Use the 'Last Known Good Configuration' start WindowsXP" add to address, such as the new driver does not match with the hardware approach to such problems. Start this way, WindowsXP restore only the information under the registry key HklmSystemCurrentControlSet. Any other registry key changes remain unchanged. (7) directory services restore mode: does not apply to WindowsXPProfessional. This is for WindowsXPServer operating system, and only used to restore a domain controller Sysvol directory and ActiveDirectory directory services. (8) Debug mode: Start WindowsXP, while sending debug information through a serial cable to another computer. If you are or have been using Remote Installation Services to install on your computer, WindowsXP, you can see and use Remote Installation Services to restore additional options related to the system.
33.WinXP slimming, weight loss Daquan

XP slimming, weight loss Daquan one or more clean the system tray (you can guarantee a certain program on your computer speed) 1, enter: Control Panel - System - Advanced - Environment Variables 2, click the user variables TEMP - Edit - to that long list of content into D: \ TEMP (depending on your needs, can be replaced by other disk, but not the system is located on the line) 3, ibid, the TMP similar to D: \ TEMP. Because these things is to make your system tray rapid expansion of the main risk, the property is hidden, some friends still can not find it:) 4, in the "System Variables" TEMP and TMP will also change the above. 5, right-click the desktop "My Documents" - properties - set the destination folder "target folder location" to change it to D: \ MyDocuments or D: \ My Documents (which by the love you) and optional mobile. This is important, in fact, when our computers crash, generally there is nothing in the system tray important things, useful in MyDocuments in, so give it to Echo, you no longer need to worry about, and, a considerable number of friends in DOS mode also does not back up the contents of MyDocuments (because the folder name is very long, if you use the Chinese, it is more trouble) 6, right-click InternetExplorer - Properties - General - -Internet temporary files - set - move the folder - select D: \ TemporaryInternetFiles \ (If not, be the first to create, of course, can be D: \ TEMP or something, you say) - OK 7, the system - - Advanced - Performance - Settings - Advanced - Virtual Memory - Change - select D or other non-system partition - Custom Size - Enter size M - set; choose C or system where the partition - no Paging File - Set - OK, so put the hard disk virtual memory also go on the other. Well, this world (system tray) are pure:) (transfer by Note: The virtual memory, temp, tmp I have turned, but in some software installed when there is something wrong then changed back, if the reform proposals must Remember the original path.) Second, to XP to lose weight (hard enough if you can not reduce, because if want to use one of these functions, you will not approach 1. delete system files backup sfc.exe/purgecache2 . remove the drive back up the windows \ drivercache \ i386 directory Driver.cab file (73mb) 3. cancel the System Restore (but remember to keep the system disk System Restore yo, if you do not want to use, on the whole to a close, anyway I preserved:) 4. Remove Help file (minus 40 mb) 5. delete \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ dllcache under the file (minus 200-300mb), which is a backup copy of dll files as long as you have the installation file, can do so. 6. will be installed in the system tray tools, application software installed on other drives, especially of caution: Your FOXMAIL, QQ have stuff like this must not be installed in the system tray, once the system is over, You also OVER the:) (This is also good for reinstalling the system). 7. Delete \ windows \ ime under the unused input! (Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese input method, 84.5MB) 8. If you think you have the ability to deal with a number of unexpected events, then install xp on it with ntfs, save hard disk itself. Do not install a true man, otherwise, waiting for CRY it: P 3, delete the annoying msn, windowsmessenger to the C: \ windows \ inf \ open sysoc.inf find msmsgs = msgrocm.dll, OcEntry, msmsgs.inf, hide, 7, delete hide, become msmsgs = msgrocm.dll, OcEntry, msmsgs.inf,, 7, save. To the Control Panel - Add Remove Programs, there is option to delete. 4, so that doctors could not do the work in China Dr.Watson off sick this doctor looked at the computer only tells you what symptoms may be (which I think the symptoms described in the letter he did not know what that means), but will not tell you've got What disease is most important is do not give you medical treatment (problem solving), this doctor told him what to use, not as I let him off it:) In the "Start" ->
"Run", type "drwtsn32" command, or "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "System Tools" -> "System Information" ->
"Tools" ->
"DrWatson", transferred out of the system in the Chinese medical Dr.Watson, retaining only "dump all thread contexts" option (if error, otherwise, the hard disk will read a long time, and take up a lot of space. If this has happened before, look for user.dmp files deleted to save hundreds of MB of space). , Uninstall unwanted dynamic link 5, to delete Explorer often left unused in the memory dynamically linked, in order to eliminate this phenomenon, you can open the Registry Editor, set the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionxplorerAlwaysUnloadDLL = DWORD: 1 to set to 0, this feature is disabled. Restart the computer. 6, small hard drive users blessed with writer friends can do gho version of XP. First understand when xp installed a new 1.5G just about the default hibernation and virtual memory files have been accounted for 310m, these two relations that can be reduced to 1.2G; to c: \ windows \ dllcab which of the two compression (not only from the role of each disc release system) package 80m deleted, and reduced to 1.1G; have to 30m of Japanese and Japanese dictionaries delete the (I hate XXXXX), the c: \ windows \ fon in non- necessary to delete a font (50m or so), reduced to 1G; to c: \ windows \ system32 \ dllcab which all deleted, and that is a copy of 320m can be assured dll deleted, thus reduced to 680m; there are other forgotten 250m (a bit excessive, Microsoft will be very unhappy to know), find themselves interested in friends, I heard the following minimum can be reduced to 400m. Be careful not to delete the wrong, this is for reference only, the result at your own. 7, so that the software WINXP completely thin out! ! You can uninstall any bundled components. Including IE. OUTLOOK, even MovieMaker, MSN and so on. Is this: XPlite Download address many, here are two:
http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/2 ...
000liteProfessional is a very powerful WindowsXP and Windows2000 operating system module customization tool, the program will run after the first cancellation of Windows system file protection, and then automatically scans and to obtain the current operating system software configuration and then allows you to uninstall any originally removed the operating system can not uninstall the module, such as the operating system automatically installs the original function of the mobile guide, scheduled tasks function, WindowsSCriptHost module, the core fonts modules, Help and Support Center module, voice module, ODBC database driver module, the search assistant module, Windows tutorials, drive caching module, as well as fax module, chat room module, web conferencing and telephone dial-up module and much more! procedures were set contains nine categories dozens of functions, through this program, you can customize a own unique WindowsXP or 2000, can also be optimized, and the core module to include only the most simple operating system, so that the total weight-loss WindowsXP and 2000. Recommend the use of the backup before! ! ! (Turn those useless) 8, a switch by another delete, delete all the original contents of the document; 2, delete the original desktop background; 3, delete the original screensaver program (with only one); 4, delete all of the original game; V. remove shared documents. The above, I was in safe mode with the administrator to delete, and some still have the registry key, you can search found deleted. (Do not delete the wrong) 9, delete the other unwanted files recommended supercleaner 10, NTFS partition file compression on NTFS partition file WindowsXP provides file compression properties, which can effectively save disk space. In the NTFS partition, choose to compress the file or folder, right-click on the shortcut menu, select "Properties" command, and then "Properties" dialog "General" tab, click the "Advanced" button In the new dialog box "Compress or Encrypt attributes" column check the box "Compress contents to save disk space" check box, in the "OK" you will find the file after the disk space occupied by the greatly reduced.
  34.WinXP the boot file
xp's boot.ini file contents [bootloader] timeout = 3default = multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS [operatingsystems] multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1 ) \ WINDOWS = "MicrosoftWindowsXPProfession"
  35.WindowsXP system built-in AT command
Experience WindowsXP system built-in AT command AT command is WindowsXP built-in commands, it can also be comparable to Windows in the "scheduled tasks", but also in the scheme, tasks management, work processing services, AT commands have a more Powerful features more supernatural powers. AT command can specify the time and date, for a specific computer to run commands and procedures. We can "Start → Run", type AT command, the following will take a look at some examples of AT commands. 1, timing shutdown command: at21: 00ShutDown-S-T30 running the command, to the 21:00 point, the computer will show a "System Shutdown" dialog box, and the default 30-second delay off automatically. 2, time remind the command: at12: 00NetSend10.10.36.122 time with friends getting into, and quickly ready to go now! Which NetSend is the Windows internal procedures, to send messages to other users on the network computer. is the IP address of the local computer. This feature in Windows, also known as "messenger service." 3, automatically run a batch file if the company's data Heng important to require a specified date / time to back up, then run: command: at1: 00AM/Every: SaturdayMy_BackUp.bat Thus, in every Saturday (Saturday) morning 1:00 point, the computer starts My_BackUp.bat regular batch file. My_BackUp.bat you will have to prepare a batch file, which contains data on the system can complete a number of backup command. 4, canceled plans to have arranged the command: at5/Delete Sometimes, you have already scheduled program may be temporary changes in a timely manner so that you can use this command to delete the program (5 planned orders assigned to the identification number), of course, , delete the program, you can re-arrange.
  36.WinXP/2000 system automatically shuts down
WinXP/2000 operating system automatically shut down the realization of WindowsXP (Windows2000 can) their own time off to have features, let's look at how to automatically shutdown WindowsXP. WindowsXP shutdown is controlled by the Shutdown.exe procedure, located in Windows \ System32 folder. If you want to achieve the same effect is also Windows2000, can Shutdown.exe copied to the system directory. For example your computer to shut down at 22:00, you can choose "Start → Run", type "at22: 00Shutdown-s", so 22 points to the computer appears "System Shutdown" dialog box, the default of 30 seconds Countdown and prompts you to save your work. If you want to shutdown the way the countdown, you can enter "Shutdown.exe-s-t3600", here to shut down automatically after 60 minutes, said, "3600" for 60 minutes. Set up automatic shutdown, if you want to cancel, you can enter in the running "shutdown-a". Also enter "shutdown-i", you can turn on the automatic shutdown dialog box, set the automatic shutdown. Shutdown.exe of parameters, each with a specific use, implementation of each one will have different effects, such as "-s" 就 that shut down the local computer, "-a" cancel shutdown operation that are listed below with more Shenshu We can use Shutdown.exe in demand. Usage: shutdown [-i |-l |-s |-r |-a] [-f] [-m \ \ computername] [-txx] [-c "comment"] [-dup: xx: yy] no Parameter Display this message (with? same)-i display GUI interface, must be the first option-l off (can not be used together with the option-m)-s Shutdown the computer-r Shutdown and restart the computer-a Abort a system shutdown-m \ \ computername Remote computer to shutdown / restart / abort-txx to set off out to xx seconds-c "comment" Shutdown comment (maximum 127 characters)-f Forces running applications to close without warning-d [p]: xx: yy Close reason code u is the user code p is a planned shutdown code xx is a major reason code (positive integer less than 256) yy is a secondary reason code (less than 6